Day 3

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BEFORE- ok so i have a good feeling about today, i made some adjustments to my script and i did a little more research on different methods you can use to get into your DR. i think tonight i'm going to try the alice and the wonderland method, the way you do this one is you imagine you're sitting under a tree, and someone from your DR, I'm choosing Draco Malfoy, comes to you and says to follow them. you imagine that they lead you to a rabbit hole and you both jump in. you keep falling until you hit the ground, then the person will give you a key. after that, you drink the potion on the table until you shrink and you use the key to unlock the smallest door which leads to your DR. when you open the door, there should be a bright light and as you walk through the door you say your affirmations to affirm your shift. then after that, you should be in your DR. so first I'm going to meditate for at least 20 minutes, then I'm gonna get into a comfortable position, but not comfortable enough that it will make me feel asleep, and then start the method. wish me luck!!
MORNING AFTER- Okay so I fell asleep while I was meditating, and a lot of stuff happened in my dreams that I had that were similar to what my script was, but I couldn't control what I was doing and it didn't feel real. so, I don't know if I am close to shifting, like if it's a sign I'm close to shifting, but I feel like I am really close.

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