day 4

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okay, I'm going to make this real short and simple because I'm starting to get tired and that's a good start to shifting. so I'm going to meditate for a few minutes and try not to fall asleep this time, then I'm going to try the Alice in Wonderland method or this song method to try and shift. The song method, it's basically where you play one coming song and imagine someone from your DR dancing with you to that song, and when it ends you imagine they say to you "okay, it's time to go," Can you both walk to the exiting door to leave and when you're opening the door and going through, you repeat your affirmations in your head and just like the Alice in Wonderland method, you should see a bright white light and after that, you feel like you've shifted. so I'm going to go now, I hope I shift because I feel really calm and positive today so I feel like it's going to happen or I'm going to be close.
MORNING AFTER- okay so I didn't switch last night, but I think I got close. I tried both of the methods mentioned in my last chapter and this one, I started with the song method and I just played a romantic, slower type song and I imagined I was dancing with Draco. I did it exactly how I explained it before, and when I went to walk through the door, I did see a flash of light but it wasn't super bright and I couldn't fall asleep after, I just felt normal like I wasn't shifting. So then, I tried the Alice in the wonderland method, and it surprisingly showed signs that I was going to shift. whenever I imagined Draco and I walking away from the tree, I imagined him leading me through a maze to the rabbit hole. whenever I got to the rabbit hole with him, both of my legs both started tingling, which is a good sign. I also saw a bright light when I opened the door to "enter my DR" and it was brighter than the light I sawwhen I tried the song method. I still didn't switch, but a good thing that did happen was my legs had started tingling when I got to the rabbit hole and I felt really light whenever I entered the door to go to my DR using the Alice in wonderland method, so I'm going to try the Alice in the wonderland method again tonight I do have a really good feeling about it.

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