Day 27

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** before I start this entry, I just want to say thank you guys who have been reading this throughout the entire time I've been uploading this journal. It really means a lot to me that you guys actually take the time out of your day to read what I have to write about my experiences and what I'm doing to try and shift. I know it's not the most exciting at times but it does really mean a lot to me that even in the boring parts you guys are taking the time to still read it and I hope comprehend what I'm saying. So but I guess I'm just trying to say is thank you guys so much, I hope we can all shift and learn from each other's experiences together.**

OK so I'm already ready for bed and everything so I'm just gonna take it minute and I'm gonna read over my script, because I saw some people were saying that on TickTock that helped, if you just reminded yourself what you're going for and what your life is going to be like. So I'm gonna start doing that before I meditate and I think last night the reason why I couldn't focus and kept singing that song am I have all counting, was because I meditated and then I read my script so after I was calm, I was up for like 5 to 7 minutes more just reading over my script, which I think it got a little bit boring to my mind. Because I do remember I had noticed got about halfway through my script I started singing a song in my head, then when I tried to stop the song from repeating in my head over and over again it wasn't working, so I just figured it would go away my ride it would start to count, but it didn't. So I'm not gonna make that same mistake so I'm going to read the script first, then meditate, then do the raven method. Oh and this is a little off topic but in a day five of the entries, I got a comment with someone saying "the Ramen method?" And I just thought that was so funny, because I didn't even notice that I had put Ramen method when I reread it to publish it, I really just thought it said Raven method. I just think that's really funny because I got the notification that someone had commented that, and I was like why are they asking about Ramen noodles? Then I went back and reread but I had wrote and I saw at the top it had said something like "so I'm going to try and do the Ramen method instead" or something like that some thing about that I was going to try and do the Ramen method instead of the raven method. I know that's a lot to read about something a little bit stupid, but I just think that's funny and I hope you guys feel like that's funny too. And last thing, I swear, if you guys are enjoying these entries and if you are one of my valuable readers who read every single chapter that I posted, I just started writing another book, to find it you can just go on my page, there's only two. And I think you guys will really like it, if you're reading my journal entries about Hogwarts I am going to be with Fred, I think you guys would like that. Now the storyline I kind of messed up on well I didn't mess up on it but I'm not really exactly into him now, but I can't really go back and fix it because it correlates with the title. A little bit of a spoiler for the book is she ends up falling for draco and her family doesn't like it so that's like choosing a side, because the title of the book is choosing sides, you get it? Yeah I just thought it was kind of a cool little cool Little connection there with the book title, and what her family believes and values, and every one thinks she's choosing the wrong side by being with Draco instead of Fred, because they both have a crush on her, but that's later to come in the book. I do think that you guys would enjoy it if you think that little snippet sounds kind of cool. I don't think I will end up posting a bunch of chapters of that book every single week, I think what's going to happen is I'm going to post one chapter every 1 to 2 weeks. Because school has got me all tied up in my time, so I'm really trying to get these chapters done so I can get them to you guys as quick as I can, but with having to develop more of the storyline and having to spend 6 to 8 hours on school every day, with very little free time, it's a little bit hard to get to make a lot of chapters if I don't have a lot of free time. I think you guys would understand that, because it's something we're all having to deal with, especially if you're an online learner for school now, there is benefits and drawbacks. What are the benefits for me as I get to wake up later than I would if I was doing in person, if I was in person I would literally be waking up at 6:30 AM every morning, whereas now I'm waking up at like 10:45 AM then getting out of bed at 11:30 AM so I can get on my choir zoom call. Then that's when I start the rest of my work, after I finish that zoom call, and it just makes it a lot easier on me because for one I have as much time as I need to work on assignments, and second of all I am getting the sleep I need as a growing teenager. Which I know no one in middle school or high school get as much sleep as they need to with school, because your bodies are changing your wanting to stay up later, then you're wanting to sleep in, but you can't sleep in because you have school at 8 AM so it's just difficult to get what you need to be healthy. Anyway I'm rambling on, I'm so sorry about that, but yeah I am going to read over my script, meditate, then try the raven method. And also I don't know if I've already said this in the last chapter or not, but I'm starting to get to the point where I can fall asleep in the starfish position. I'm really excited about that because that's really something you need to be able to do in order to do the raven method because it's highly recommended that if you're doing the raven method that you fall asleep in the starfish position, or it doesn't work as well as it would if you fell asleep in the starfish position. So yeah I'm just gonna stop there before I start rambling anymore. So wish me luck guys.

MORNING AFTER- I must've been super relaxed, maybe a little bit too relaxed while meditating, because I literally fell asleep like two minutes into meditating. And the thing is I wasn't even really that tired when I began meditating, so I think I don't even now actually. I was about to say like I think that's a sign of shifting, but now I think that's just a sign of being tired. I'm trying to still get my bedtime and check so I'm stuck on a ship site now, well try to shift because I really wanna shift really bad. And I am kind of starting to get a little bit bored, because I've just been painting a bunch of nails tonight maybe for about three or four hours now, painting nails is really fun to me and I can do it forever. But I'm starting to get kind of bored and when I get bored I get tired, which is good. But yeah.

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