Day 48

386 6 5

I just wanna start off by saying thank you guys so much for 13K reads, I never in 1 million years would've thought that this would make it this far, but you guys are again proving me wrong with how amazing you guys are. So with that being said let's get on into it.


All right so my plan for tonight is to meditate pretty quickly just to kind of calm myself down, that I'm gonna try my method and we'll see how it goes. I might try and make a different method similar to this one, but I'm gonna try and make it with a little less envisioning, because envisioning all the time gets pretty tiring. I don't know if you guys feel the same way, but it gets kind of boring and makes me fall asleep quicker than if I were to sit there and do the raven method. So yeah wish me luck. And also tonight is the last night I'm doing it for this week and I'm taking a three day break I think it is two or three. So yeah wish me luck.

Morning- I don't even remember to be honest

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