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Throughout this pregnancy, I spent my time daydreaming about how amazing I was going to be at this parenting thing. My child would be living in a stable home, with love and support around him/her.

I imagine all of the other moms oohing at my flawless breastfeeding skills. I envision them awing at the way my postpartum body would look somehow even better than its pre-pregnancy self. There is this incontestable reassurance that my baby will never cry.

I placed my hand on my now nine-month belly just ready to burst any day now. I had read plenty of articles that would say that pregnancy could be an emotional rollercoaster and for some women, it can feel like the longest nine months of their lives. Caring for a newborn baby can be exhausting and take its toll on relationships. Part of that was true, yet after breaking up with him, everything was fine. Again, the love and support of everyone around me brought solace to the situation. I was going to be a mom any moment this baby comes out of me.

I smiled to myself and rubbed my belly, occasionally feeling small kicks against my palm. This baby was quite an active one.

"Very soon..."

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