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Author's Note: Special thanks to those who have given me their feedback and to the 10 people who always vote for the story within 24 hrs of me posting it.

"Lena, he sounds crazy!" Sofia yelled, "Like he is literally obsessed with you!"

"Is he?" I asked, "Because we were gonna start something serious but he fucked up by cheating on me with his current girlfriend. Then when I started to actually lose interest, and when I started waking up and realizing I should get what I deserve...he started acting some type of way, like more possessive."

"Yeah," Sofia said, "He is obsessed! But he doesn't deserve you."

"Thank you!" I yelled, "Now if Juliana could get that through her thick skull we would get somewhere."

"Haha!" Sofia laughed, "How is she?"

"She is her usual ass self!" I commented while rolling my eyes, "The best but annoying in her antics."

"Man!" Sofia laughed, "I would love to kick it with you but, I need to head back."

"Actually..." I started while I placed a hand on her wrist, "I need a favor."

"Favor?" Sofia asked.

"Hm um," I replied with a sly smirk.

"Hm um," I replied with a sly smirk

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Oscar's POV

"The fuck they talking about that she is in there for so long," Oscar questioned as he sat back into his car and viewed everything from his rearview mirror, "the girl is supposed to just deliver pizza!"

"See ya girl!" Sofía yelled out as she walked off from the step and waved.

"Sure! And thanks for the pizza! Love you!"

Those last words were were Oscar wanted to hear coming back to him. How everything went left was a mystery to him. He thought if he dated his now- as of five hours-ex-girlfriend then the prophets wouldn't be so bold as to shoot down Selena's house again. But not only has his plan worked, but it also worked so well that he lost the girl that he was literally going after for so long. And now that his little ultimatum was out, she basically cursed him out over it. How the fuck was he going to fix this shit?

Once he noticed the car pulling out of the house way, he made a move to try to get out of his car.

"Maybe if I do that communication shit, she would listen," Oscar thought until they were interrupted by his phone call, "Que Onda? Si, Necesito unos tamales."

He hung up his phone and held his hand at the bridge of his nose from the frustration this situation was brought on to him. Regardless, he was determined to situate this shit.

But since this stake-out was draining and courage required fuel, he needed to eat first.

"Seven fucking hours and this guy is still here!" I thought while glancing from my window, "How the hell did he manage to make me a prisoner in my own home?"

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"Seven fucking hours and this guy is still here!" I thought while glancing from my window, "How the hell did he manage to make me a prisoner in my own home?"

I sighed out of annoyance and tsked. Regardless, I didn't care about what he was trying to do. He wasn't going to stop me from doing this final job with the Prophets and getting the final $500,000 grand to get my grandmother out of this hellhole.

"Lena, ¡Ven a comer!" your grandmother yelled, "¡Además, Sofía está aquí!"

"Perfect," I thought.

I ran downstairs to see my grandmother threw down in the kitchen today!

See when you thinking of food in America you would assume it would be bowls of chili, crab and corn chowder, mashed potatoes smothered in butter. Butterscotch scones, guacamole, and bowls of lobster bisque. Everything tasting of home and love and security. Every bite steeped in tradition.

But in this house, when it comes to grandmother cooking...it has more zest and flavor. I am talking dishes like Pork Casado with Limon Mandarina, Casado - Made with pork chops, Costa Rican Tamal wrapped in a banana leaf, Delicious Olla de Carne, Patacones with Avocado & Black Bean Dip, and for dessert, a sweet treat that mixes together milk, vanilla, sugar, and eggs, resulting in a delicious egg custard, flan.

"Se ve tan delicioso," Sofía said while my grandmother served her a plate.

"Gracias, Sofía."

"Se ve delicioso. ¿Cuál es la ocasión, yaya?"

"No occasion Lena, just missed us eating together when you moved here," my grandmother asked, "¿dónde está mi nieta a la que le encanta ver la telenovela conmigo?"

That was the same question I had to ask myself. Had I been so far deep with this car thing and Oscar that I had completely forgotten to spend time with my grandmother. Before Oscar, it was me and Yaya preparing to cook and watching those telenovelas and yelling at the TV when the girl would do something dumb. And yet, I was like one of those dumb girls always thinking about the guy who hurt her...or I should say was one of those dumb girls until I gave Oscar a piece of my mind.

"Lo siento Yaya, la escuela ha sido muy exigente últimamente..." I replied a bit down at the fact but my yaya being my yaya placed her hand on my back and rubbed it slightly.

"Está bien, estoy tan orgulloso de ti." Yaya assured, "I only want you to continue with your works and become the lawyer you always wanted to be, nieta."

"¡Lo juro!" I said smiling towards her.

It was at this moment, Oscar didn't matter...My true happiness doesn't lie in the short-lived experiences we shared or racing or stupid antics that I was caught up in.

My true happiness comes from the people around me: Juliana, Matteo, my crew, Sofia, Cesar, Monse, Ruby, his family, Jamal, and even Oscar's crew...My true happiness comes from the relationships I have. My true happiness comes from love...my familial love.

So fuck you Oscar, this isn't about you anymore...it is about my family and to show my appreciation...I need to get the one person I love, out of this toxic gang-ridden neighborhood.

More Than What Meets the Eye-Oscar Diaz-On My BlockWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu