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"Nieta, when are you going to have a boyfriend," my grandmother asked causing all the water in my mouth to come out on to the porch steps. I turned to look towards her as she continued to knit whatever she was knitting and looked at me with her eyebrow up.

"When I finish with school and become a lawyer," I replied, "Besides, I am in the final rounds of the interview so II should be able to secure that job really soon."

"But then you will need a car to get there," she reasoned, "And you and Angelica cannot be using the same car all the time."

Little did she know...

"You're right," I replied, "I am slowly working on saving up for one, I just need to bring in more clients" you replied while eating strawberries and smiling at her.

Moments like these were what I cherished, but was soon ended when the neighborhood watchdog and his pack were rolling down the block.

"Look beautiful, princesa," Oscar yelled out while pulling up slowly by my house while I looked at my grandmother ignoring him like always.

"Lena, you know those guys?" my grandmother asked.

"Nope," I replied.

"Don't be like that Lena," Oscar teased, "You know me very well just like I know you..."

"Now what the hell was he hinting at that," I thought as I rose from my seat while he drove off down the block making me wonder exactly what the hell he was talking about.

"I am a bit unsure what that was about," I said, "But we should get the candy ready for the little niños coming by today."

"Los niños pequeños en sus disfraces de halloween ... AH!" my grandmother cheered as she got up from her seat to run inside to get her ready for tonight's festivities. I soon followed in pursuit until Angelica called out from across the street. I ran towards her.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Are you going to the race tonight?"

I sighed knowing that she wasn't going to like my answer but I was only a couple weeks away from my goal.

"I am thinking about it, but I know you are forcing me to go to the party at Brentwood," I said while crossing my hand at her and pretending to be annoyed.

"What is a party without us!" she yelled, "Make sure you are ready by 9 tonight."

"Uh huh!"

"What are you going as?" she asked.


"Since you don't know I got something for you," Angelica said while dragging me to her house as I sighed knowing this day was now going to be all about me dressing up for this stupid lame ass party in Brentwood.


Nighttime was the best time. It was when the scorching heat surrendered to the onshore breeze and we could be outside without need to cover every inch of our skin.

The streets were bustling with kids asking for candy and trick o treating. It was so cute and yet here I was under the control of my friend to go and dress like a slut and attend this party with her.

"Alright girl, let's get loose!" Angelica yelled while running in with her sexy cat outfit as I followed her, knowing damn well that she had the keys and I wouldn't be able to leave her site.

The music is deafeningly loud . Speaking of—Angelica and I wheedle our way through packed, grinding bodies to the kitchen, where some guys were awaits holding three red solo cups. We cheered and down the burning alcohol. Then go for seconds. Then thirds. I held up a hand in farewell and made my way to the living room, where the music is loudest. Everyone looked out of their minds and I felt myself getting there.

More Than What Meets the Eye-Oscar Diaz-On My BlockKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat