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"Fuck...fuck...fuck,fuck,fuck, FUCK!!!!" I thought to myself as I saw Oscar just glaring daggers in the back of Nates head while we were grinding with one another.

"Girl, your grandmother is calling you!"

I turned around to who said that to see another girl from my crew:

I turned around to who said that to see another girl from my crew:

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"Thanks for letting me know Gravity," I replied with a small wink.

I turned back to see Nate smiling will raising his eyebrows at the situation.

"Well, I bid adieu," I replied going to following Gravity only to be held back by Nate.

"How about you allow me to take you out sometime?" Nate said casually.

"Aww...you thought that by trying to serenade me by speaking Spanish and us dancing was going to make me all weak for you-," I said in a fake tone and then chuckled, "No."

Soon Nate laughed and held the bridge of his nose, clearly annoyed but at the same time seemed to be enjoying the fact that I was going to make him chase.

"Selena, you are something," Nate replied as he loosens his grip on my arm.

"Indeed Blanco," I responded while taking my arm out of his grip and turning around to follow my girl. While I was a good distance and glance back at Nate to see he was socializing with the cops that were patrolling the block from gang activity.

Speaking of gang activity, I looked over to where Oscar was to see he was speaking with Hector with his arm around his puta. I swear this guy was the most confusing asshole ever. He gets upset when I dance with another man and yet has his bitch right by his side. Why the hell are some guys that way?

"Girl..." Gravity started.

"Thanks, Grav," I replied.

I knew for a fact that she was just trying to get me out of the situation. My crew knew the whole situation with the cop as well as with Oscar.

"No problems, I just needed you to separate you because Papi on the other side was deadass about to pull out his .44" Gravity said.

"The fuck is Oscar on for him to do something that dumb," I thought as I turned back to glance at him to see him looking directly at me with that fucking smile.

"This asswipe was smiling at the fact that I was away from him

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"This asswipe was smiling at the fact that I was away from him..." I thought to myself.

My response to him, I simply smirked and flipped up my middle finger in a fist to show contempt or defiance. It didn't take a genius to know that his ass was pissed, especially with his boys ooing and laughing at him.

"Everybody," Yaya yelled from the porch, "It is time for some food and cake!"

The neighbors kids all ran inside the house first follow by some of the neighbors, my crew, some people that were friends with my grandmother, and even the officers. If being loved wasn't the proper definition for this...then I don't know what is.  But yaya was sure loved in this community she called home.

We soon all made our way to the room where the food was laid out and the cake was dead center along with the plethora of birthday presents scattered around. I didn't even know that she went all out for this.

"Felicidades Lena en tu día que lo pases con sana alegría muchos años de paz y armonía felicidad, felicidad, felicidad!"

This was the best birthday ever.

The feeling of being loved and surrounded was the best. This was happiness

And, Happiness is usually found in the most unlikely places.

Happiness is all around us and it blooms when we stop thinking about the ways in which the world is working against us. But the truth is, this issue is something deeper than that. It is actually beyond the little spat I had with Oscar and goes all the way back to the day my parents died. They day they died, it was my birthday. Since then I really never celebrated it because I knew that I would relieve it but my grandmother took a day of what would have been reflection granted I remember it in the first place and turned it into something memorable.

"Thank you everyone," I replied, "thank you yaya,"

"No, thank you,"  my grandmother said as she walked over to me and gave me a hug and whispered "your mother and father would have been very proud of you."

"I doubt that..."

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