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"Oscar?!" I yelled running up to Oscar's lawn seeing him and his gangs sitting on the lawn hanging out as I was walking up to him.

"Oh Lady Spooky is mad!" Santos whispered to one another.

"I thought Seidy was Spooky's Lady," another person whispered.

"Selena," Oscar said while taking a drag of his cigarette, "Glad for you to come by."

"Suck a whole dick!" I yelled, "you think you can give me an ultimatum...alright get off that stoop so I can show you my answer."

"You doing too much, right now, hyna." Oscar laughed but clearly the Santos weren't joining him, if anything they were more intrigued about this whole thing.

"One, do not call me that and two I don't know why the fuck you are so concerned on what the hell I am wearing or what I am doing when you have a whole bitch beside you." I said.

"Excuse me!" Seidy yelled.

"Shut up bitch, grown people speaking," I interjected getting a cough and laughs from the Santos.

"Selena let's talk inside." Oscar asked as if he was trying to de-escalate the situation.

"Nah," I said, "We passed that! You have a whole appetizer right there and yet you are always chasing after the main course, you god damn foo'!"

Santos were now dying of laughter from this whole argument but Oscar and his lady were the ones getting the heat from this.

"Nah! Selena is the lady Spook!" Santos me ever yelled out laughing.

"Lena! Lena!Lena!" Most of the Santos members cheered.

"Damn mama, you hurting my feelings," Oscar pretended as he placed his hand over his heart.

"Ha-ha...Fuck yo' feelings!" I replied, "You had a chance of being with me and you fucked up! So now when I want to do what I want, you have a problem because what-you feel some type of way and now I need to hear from people in the streets that you wanna give me an ultimatum."

"You are being fucking disrespectful right now!" Oscar yelled, "I am Spooky god damn it!"

"Me!" I yelled, "Someone who demands respect you sure have a great way of showing it! It's over between us so show some respect to your current girl and leave me the hell alone!"

"Selena," Oscar hissed, "Come inside so we can talk."

"I am done talking with you," I replied, "and if you greenlight me, thats cool because we all know in this motherfucking neighborhood that you greenlight me don't mean shit. You ain't about that action, pussy."

"Oh shit!" Santos yelled coughing.

"What what the fuck you say about my man, bitch!" Seidy yelled as she jumped off the ledge and was charging up to me like she was about to do something, so I did something first and socket her in the face as Santos jumped up from shocked.

I had punched someone before, so I wasn't incredibly surprised at the pain that blazed up my arm as my fist connected with her jaw.

"YOOOOOO!!!!" Santos members yelled as they got up ready to do something if something was to happen.

"Mind your fucking business, hoe!And since you want some of this heat, I got time for you!" I yelled while pulling her hair as she was trying to fight back but clearly this girl didn't know how to fight. As I pulled her hair, I continued this battering until she fell to the floor. Her chest gently rose and sank with each shallow breath she drew in and at this point she reached up to protect her face.

More Than What Meets the Eye-Oscar Diaz-On My BlockWhere stories live. Discover now