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In this place of nosy people and constant technology. There is one quiet place left on this earth. One quiet place where there are no phones, , no instant messages, no one to talk to you, or even no music. It's the one place where you can have not just quiet but utter silence and meditative calm, even if those things don't come to you naturally.

That place is underwater.

And since the girls declare that I make time for them, we were made plans to go to the pool. Of course, y'all reading the previous chapters know that I never have a choice when it comes to choosing my own clothing. These hoes would never.

"I am trying to not inflate your ego anymore than usual but your humble self just makes me want to so...DAMN GIRL!" Juliana said.

"You are so corny," I said laughing at her reaction while the other girls laughed.

"Are y'all ready?" Gravity, the most responsible of us all out here, asked.

"Let's get this over with," I sighed, "I need yall to leave so yall can stop putting me in these outfits."

"Not our fault that you have great clothing that you don't wear," Angelica shrugged, "Besides, winnie the poohing for Oscar shouldn't be your only choice."

At that moment, she knew she fucked up because a pillow literally smacked her in the face. Next thing you knew, we were all in a full blown pillow fight for a good 30 minutes.Feathers float in the air like we're all trapped inside a giant snow globe and it also meant that I needed to make a trip to walmart for new pillows.

"Okay..." Isabelle said, "Let's try this again."

We all laughed and got up from our lying down positions and walked out the door. Usually, I would tell Yaya where I was heading but she had stepped out to go get some ingredients and since it was Nate's day off, he made it appoint to escort her while she does her errands. Speaking of him...he was making it his priority to check in on us a little more than usual, especially when he saw the gang members standing around the house...I needed to keep my eye on him.

We both hopped into two cars and drove off. Conversations ranged from our continued interrogation, our future, the streets news, one of the street youth centers in Compton we were donating to...anything. And soon, we were at our destination.

The a cacophony of voices and splashes greeted my ears at the swimming pool. 'It is always like this' I glowered internally, 'always like a zoo'. The public pool, and since it was opening day was today...it was packed.

The girls and I looked around and noticed a spot near the chairs and got one with two free chairs available.

"We lucked out big time," Angelica said as she laid the towels out along with everyone else. We placed our bags down and began taking off our excess clothing.

Our eyes reflect our unwavering vivacity. They sparkle when we smile and dance when we laugh. Our eyes are trustworthy; searching deep within others' souls as their secrets slip from or lips. We connected you to everyone you meet, forging magnetic, unspoken bonds of empathy, trust, and kindness. These eyes have seen the unspeakable, have been cloaked in thick veils of tears, but they capture the undeniable beauty of this life and reflect our own. And then you had our bodies, embracing every curve and imperfection. And its funny when some people who passed by couldn't keep their eyes off. But compared to the girls...I was wearing something completely bold.

I was wearing something completely bold

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