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Disclaimer: I usually don't update until someone reminds me to or I see some sort of engagement on my stories so...VOTE AND COMMENT!

"Fine, I'll help you out as long as it doesn't interfere with my job and you continue to help these people out," Nate surrendered, "Maybe that's why I like you, Lena..."

"My friends call me Lena," I said calmly, "You're not my friend, just my ally."

Nate chuckled at my cold attitude and brushed his hair back again. Even though we spoke like this, it was nice to know that I had gained an ally out of this, but he still didn't seem trustworthy. But I didn't need to worry about that right now.

Considering the feelings of nausea rising after taking a sip of the Vanilla Chai. Gosh, this shit was disgusting! Man, this shit was getting out of wack and I couldn't pinpoint the exact etiology of these symptoms.

I pushed the cup out my way and turned my head towards the window to see the cars parked on the side with everyone looking at our interaction.

"So what is your next move?" Nate asked.

"I'm not telling you that," I replied, "Just know that I am not street racing anymore because I made a promise to someone."

"Would that someone be a local leader of a street gang known as the Santos?"

"How the heck did he know about Oscar?"

"I had a feeling you had feelings or something with him." Nate said as he tilted his head back, "I remember at your party, the other police officers working around the perimeter of the block party forced them to stay outside of the party due to their violent nature and criminal record; but, the leader was very demanding to know how he could get in."

"Sounds about right..."I thought.

How did we go from speaking about how we can casually talk about my life and he held this ridiculous grin on his face. How the heck can he just be so casual about this, "What are you smiling about?"

"I can't believe I lost out to dating someone as phenomenal as you to a gang member," Nate replied.

That got me to smile a bit. He was right, maybe in some other life he would have been the right guy for me but Oscar beat him to it.

"You'll find the right one for you," I assured, "But that person just isn't moi."

"Hopefully," Nate said sighing, "You're a one of a kind."

I smiled and turned around and walked towards the door. Nate grabbed the cups and threw them away and rushed out to follow me. But when he left the shop, all he could see where the tail lights of the cars that were parked on the other side of the block.

Since I thought I was going to get arrested, I had my tuner bring out my white Super Trofeo Huracan, because if I was going out-it was going to be in a Lambo. As the car engine sung to the lone roads, I relished the roaring winds that twirled in my long brown hair and whistled in my ears.

Juliana and Isabelle were in their cars with my other girls as they both smirked at me and I smirked back. We were down to have a victory race for me not getting arrested. Once we pulled off the highway, the red light was down at the ramp was our starting line and I guess, Yaya's house was the finishing line.

"Ready?" Juliana mouthed.

I nodded as looked ahead.


My foot slammed into the gas pedal as I shifted gears. Right from the start Juliana took the lead. I pulled up a close second, when we rounded a corner, dropping me to third. But I'd done too much, gone through too much to loose now. That's when we sped into oncoming traffic. A car grazed me, slowing me down. Shifting, I picked up speed. Pumped the clutched, shifted again. I can't afford to loose. I lost sight of them completely as I cut off an eighteen wheeler.

There they are. I plowed past where one of the drivers had crashed. Another car slammed into them, flipping over my and crashing back to the ground.

"Damn." I was blown off course.

Sharply turning the wheel, I sped toward the route. As I crossed over a bridge, the sped down blow me. I turned left into an ally. My hand slammed into my horn, warning people to move out of my way. They jumped away, screaming.

Garbage bags where littering the next ally, slamming into the car.

"Completely off course...not happening..." I mumbled.

Sharply turning, I drove off the side of the road and down 19th street. Finally I was back in the race.

I shifted. "Yeah, guess who back Juliana?"

We rounded the last corner.

I looked over at Juliana and Isabelle. they look like they were going to win, and I couldn't stop them. I hit my accelerator. Adrenaline coursed through my system as a fight or flight instinct. My blood woke up my brain, though I thought myself already awake. My smile grew of its own accord

Overtaking me, I noticed from their window they were grinning. As noticed Oscar was on his lawn speaking to those three guys from last night.

"Stop cheating Lena! Ya puta!" Juliana said

"I ain't doing shit! Ya just suck!" I yelled out.

But I couldn't let that slow me down. I was so close to win. As soon as we turned, That's when I rammed into their tails, causing them to spin out. They rightened themselves, and cases after me. I drifted the car crossed the line and into the parking spot right in front of Yaya's house.

I got out the car as they both slammed their doors and began on their tangent on how I had cheated.

"UGH!" Isabelle yelled, "You haven't driven in months and your ass still beat me!"

"Talent," I said while flipping my hair nonchalantly and walking towards Yaya's house.

Right on the stair case, I was ready to take my next step until suddenly I felt pale, as if I'd been painted with white-wash - even my lips felt like they were barely there. Then with one step backwards I crumpled like a puppet suddenly released of their strings and the world went black.

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