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I opened the door to the Martinez house with the spare key that they have given me ever since the Lockdown.

"No way, not my house, I can't."

"I know it's a lot to ask, but I'm leaving tomorrow morning," someone replied, "I--Ii just need a few days so I can make arrangements with my family out of state."

"No. Not even a day," Geny said, "His affiliation has already brought violence to our house!"

I slowly closed the door and turned around to see that all eyes were on me as I entered.

"Hey, guys..." I mumbled.

"Selena!" Geny yelled raising from her seat and hugging me to death, "Oh my goodness, where have you been? You just up'ed and left and when I asked your grandmother she told me about the internship."

"Haha," I laughed hugging her back, "Well it was a selective internship I needed to go to for a couple of months but I am back."

"Good! because I could use your help with some things around here," Geny said, "Things have changed for the worst since you left."

"I have heard," I replied, "I met up with Mario and he tells me that he is going to be a father."

"¡Ay Dios Santo Bendito y la Virgen y la Santísima Trinidad!" Geny said so fast causing me to laugh at her reaction, "Do I look like I am ready to be an abuelita?"

"Um no..." I replied, "But you will be the first sexy young one I know."

Geny slapped me upside my head after that comment causing me too wince and still laugh at her predicament while walking to Ruby's room with the twins.

"I'll leave you to talk about what seems to be Cesar's arrangements," I replied walking off.

"Has Cesar attempted to come by your house?" the guy asked.

I looked at him a bit lost at who he was. Yes, he was a middle-aged black male. He has a fading hair and brown eyes. He has a goatee and hair with grey hairs in it. He is averagely built.

"Excuse my manners, I am Monty Finnie, Monse's father,"

"Oh, I am Selena Herz, Valentina's grand-daughter," I replied, "And to answer your question, he has tried but I was told when I got back that the Santos is guarding that house heavily because of the shooting my grandmother and I endured and they were on a kill on site order from the head boss."

"Have you called the police on them?" Geny asked, "I mean I have seen them around the house but it seems serious."

"If my grandmother sees it as a serious problem then she will call the police, but she has been fine with it since they show her respect and help her around the house," I replied with a shrug, "Do you mind if I stay here until she comes back, she wants to throw a huge feast for me."

"You know you are always welcome here," Geny said, "But with Cesar, what do you think Selena?"

"Even though he is attached to the wrong crowd, he is a good kid, "I responded, "You should do it and think about your own kid being in this predicament."

"She is right," Ruben said, "Think if this was Mario or Ruby."

"Fine," Geny said while sighing.

The following day, I did what she asked me to do, help her with the baby shower

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The following day, I did what she asked me to do, help her with the baby shower. Cesar was able to stay the night at the house and remain safe.

"Ruby, I don't have time to argue right now."

"Ma, the baby shower's in two days," Ruby complained, "And this is all you got."

"Yeah, so?" Geny answered.

"It's half-assed!" Ruby yelled.

"Which is fitting because that baby's only half mine!" Geny asked causing me to laugh and clap at her comeback 😂.

"Wow, do you hear yourself?" Ruby questioned, "and Lena I missed you a lot but this isn't a joke."

That just caused me to laugh more. It was good to see that the family dynamics were still intact after the traumatic experience that happened to them. I turned to Cesar to see him looking at the situation but honestly, he seemed to be highly bothered. He honestly didn't deserve this life Oscar forced him into.

Speaking of Oscar, I walked back over to the window I am able to see my house from to see that infamous impala right outside of it. Damn, he was waiting for me to come back home since yesterday! Give me a fucking break!

"This is not okay!"

I turned around to see Ruby looking over my shoulder to see the Impala as well.

"Right, Angelica told me about how thirsty he was but damn...this is dehydration..." I said, "I thought he was over me? I mean, we both saw him with his new thot right?"

"Yeah," Ruby said, "But I guess he fell hard for you, I mean he claimed you right."

"He didn't," I said, "Besides, I refuse to be with a guy who can't keep his pene in his pants."

"See Lena, this is why you and I roll well together," Ruby started, "Strong, independent, a woman. where I am strong, intelligent, a man-"

"That is underage," I finished, " I am trying to be a lawyer and protect those from the law not break the law and go to jail."

I walked away from him and into the guest bedroom, contemplating on how the heck I was going to get into my house with my grandmother while avoiding Oscar--both as me and as Haze.

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