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"What were times like before I came to Freeridge..." I thought to myself as I just laid on my back looking up at the ceiling and soon closing my eyes to a world beyond this one.

"All I could remember, the drive up was pitch black with aggressive winds. I was an hour from home, accenting Mount Evans at two in the morning. This is a tricky drive filled with hairpins that takes you from six thousand feet to over fourteen thousand feet. It is the highest paved road in America, and where I chose to escape...the good times...the small escapes. Short escapes. Scenic escapes. They are like a mini reset for my inner hard drive, a moment just for me."

I opened my eyes and turned my head towards my phone. Reality came rushing in. I swung my legs over my bed and stared at the phone with such malice. I really wanted to destroy the damn thing but that couldn't happen nor would it help since he knew where I lived. Fuck!

"What the hell am I going to do..." I thought out loud.

I really just wanted to run from this problem but I couldn't. And on top of that, there was Oscar. Oh, Oscar...

I sighed as raised my hands to my head, massaging my temples.

Monse was underage. So why would he kiss Monse? Part of me wanted to find out. However, at the moment, my body was paralyzed but my mind wasn't. Thoughts were running wild between Nate's revelations and Oscar's infidelity, nasty ideas for payback appeared, and vanished again, running away also came to mine. So many emotions fought for dominance- sadness, disappointment, self-pity, but in the end, they all ended in anger and annoyance.

I grabbed my phone and put the message in for Nate. I needed to face the demons I created and Nate giving me this opportunity I guess was one way of redeeming myself on this path of redemption.

It didn't take much thought after the initial shock to figure out how he knew it was me. It was a rookie move and fault mistake on my part and it had everything to do with the car that I was trying to get back from the Prophets.

As I put the phone down, I sighed and pulled out the multiple boxes under my bed and opened each and every one of them noticed that they were gone. That means that the girls had moved them when I had gone out on a date with Oscar and my house was set for moving in.

"All of this...just to get Yaya out of here..." I thought, "It can't end like this..."

I grabbed my phone once again and noticed a text alert but it wasn't from Nate. No, it was Oscar, and from the text, he had no clue that I witnessed him and Monse kiss. I turned my phone off along with the lights of my room. Checked every window to make sure it was locked and went back to bed.

Tears dwelling up in my eyes when I looked at that text. This was the second time he did this to me and honestly, I am so hurt by it.

It was then I didn't even realize that I fell asleep crying.

But I was quickly awakened when I heard noises coming from my window. I didn't even need to look to know that it was Oscar but honestly, I didn't even need him to bother me.

"Lena...baby," he whispered.

"Play dead Lena...dogs can do it, so can you," I thought to myself as I remained still, pretending to be in a deep sleep.

"Baby?" he said a bit scratchy while lightly tapping on the window and yet I remained still. He sighed and from the shuffling of his feet, it sound like he had moved away from the window, which was much of a sigh of relief.

That quickly vanished when the phone vibrated. I opened my eyes and noticed a text from him, asking me to open the window but I didn't even answer it. Even with me not answering his text or his efforts to try and come into my room through my window, he was still persistent. He knew he could try the front door but that would disturb my grandmother and he was being courtesy.

"Selena," he said once more from outside, "fuck..."

He sighed. After a while, I didn't hear anything but soon I heard a door slam close and a car driving away, his car driving away given I knew the engine.

I sighed and turned towards my phone and rubbed my temples once again. Even in this predicament, I knew that I had some shit to handle with Nate before I can even deal with Oscar's cheating ass and then...only then...would I be able to get Yaya out of this town. It was not only dangerous...it was lethal.

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