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I knew I didn't want to just leave him hanging but I really needed to focus on going out of town just to get some pills without anyone questioning me about it or even telling anyone in my camp about it.

And who best to go into town with then with the one and only Angelica and somehow Jasmin found her way into the car with me which I didn't even know why because her and I weren't even close like that. She is lucky that I had some good dick to overlook the decision of allowing her to ride with us.

"So let me get this straight," Jasmin started, "You and Oscar made up, are dating again, and you smashed all on the day the Prophet$ were busted."

I exaggeratedly sighed at her synopsis of everything that happened yesterday and confirmed by nodding my head. Soon a her loud screeching caused me and Angelica to jump.

"HEY!" Angelica yelled from the passenger seat, "Don't be yelling in my car!"

"Sorry," Jasmin said, "I am just so excited because you know Oscar was literally being a dick when you guys split and now that you guys are together....AH!"

"Bitch!" I yelled, "If you keep screaming in my ear, I'm throwing you out the car!"

Jasmin leaned back in her chair and held her arm, kind of like a little kid in a temper tantrum causing me to chuckle a bit at her behavior.

"Okay," I said confirming while turning into the parking lot of the local Walgreens.

"What the fuck are we doing in Walgreens?" Jasmin questioned.

"Getting contraceptive," I replied as I parked the car in the parking spot closest to the door and walked out of the car with Angelica following me along with Jasmin.

"Oh, so you let him go raw in your chonies!" Jasmin continued to investigate.

"Yeah," I said rolling my eyes highly annoyed by her, "Kinda of what you dream to do with Ruby."

That caused her to choke a bit as she looked at me out of shock causing me to smirk. Angelica laughed knowing very well that my slick mouth was still present.

"What do you mean!" Jasmin yelled while moving her hand and rolling her neck.

"You know exactly what I mean," I said while looking down the aisle for any type of morning-after pill.

"You know what...we can reconvene at the door in 30."

"Fo' sho," I said as I turned around the corner and Angelica turned the opposite direction, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Oscar and I had amazing sex and everything but having his baby was something I didn't want right now considering that I had so much to do.

"Plan B One Step," I whispered as I pulled it off the shelf and turned the box around, "If you take Plan B One-Step within 24 hours, it is about 95% effective...."

Well that satisfied what I came here for. I continued to walked around to see if there was anything else I needed.

"Woah...Selena" I heard someone said but simply buying necessities was on my mind so maybe if I ignore them they would leave. I had to remember that there would be no mingling as I hid the contraceptive under my arm to hide it from whoever knew me.

"Selena!" the person yelled as I heard them walking towards me a bit quickly and going around me. I sighed turning around to see that polic-wait FBI agent, Nate, leaning against the store shelf attempting to be suave.

"Blanco," I said simply.

"Still cold as ever," Nate said as he leaned against the shelves while looking at me as I picked up a bag of chips to read the nutrition fact pretending to be interested but I knew damn well this bag of Cheetos was gonna get bought, "You look very beautiful."

"Thanks, you look like you," I said uninterested in where this conversation was going but he simply just laughed.

"Well," Nate said, "I just wanted to let you know that those Prophet$ won't be bothering you and your grandmother anymore."

"I know," I replied, "Thank you."

"Thank you for absolutely not a god damn thing!" I thought to myself, trying to model your wounded arm to remain by your side. Luckily, the bandages were adjusted around the shoulder blade.

Usually when no one is speaking or if the girl is disinterested, what would be a sign for the guy to go and leave but all he did was simply staring at me, smiling, happy, and carefree. He was persistent.

"For someone who doesn't have much to say," Nate started, "I would have never taken you as the type to have the path of becoming a lawyer."

I turned towards him and arch an eyebrow and then snickered at him and continued to walk down the aisle while he followed.

"Is it because I am Latina?" I replied.

"Is it always a race thing with you?" Nate asked.

"Since you have been speaking with my grandmother about me and probably know where I was raised, so you tell me," I said while walking up to the line to buy something.

"Well," Nate replied, "No, it isn't because of your race. It just lets me know how much more about you I want to learn, it tells me more about your passion and from what she tells me , youre really passionate about the law."

"That is true," I confirmed.

"It also tells me that you and I need to hang out sometime to talk some more," Nate hinted, "Especially since we have some common interest."

"Don't you have paperwork to fill out, Agent?" I questioned while walking up as the person in front of me went to a register, "I wouldn't want to be your hold up on that."

"Very funny...I'll let you get to buy that contraceptive probably for your cousin and in the meantime just think about it," Nate replied, "someone like you is more than what meets the eye and I want to learn more."

I arched an eyebrow at him, "Lord...if I can handle these things one at a time, that would be great and also thank you for making my image in Freeridge seems so so pristine that Nate thought that these pills were for Juliana."

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