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"Lena..." Cesar began which caused me to looked over to him while I grabbed another spoonful of rice in my mouth, "I am so sorry-"

"Don't sweat it Cesar," I quickly interjected, "Oscar knew when he interrogated my friend when he snuck into my room."

"Wait what!?" Cesar asked.

"That day I went to confront Oscar about the ultimatum he was proposing on giving me after confronting me on birthday about my revealing outfit my cousin put me in," I began, "I fought with him and his bitch. He then took it upon himself to watch me for the whole day, and even jerked off when he saw me ordering pizza-"

"You fucking saw that!" Oscar yelled while arching an eyebrow to that statement.

"You're windows aren't tinted, estúpido," I said, " anyway I knew Oscar was gonna be more carefully so I ordered pizza knowing my friend works there and that she was going to be delivering that day and told her about the plan when she came the first time to my house and in the pizza bag was a change of clothes. The second time we swapped outfits and I snuck out the house, changed my clothes into one of two outfits she sunk out. I would have toyed some more with Oscar but the Prophet$ OG told me a deadline to complete the job, my cousin and her fiancee expect me to complete that deadline, and I needed to get one of my cars back from Latrelle."

"So Latrelle stole your car and you began to work for the prophet$ so you can get your car back?" Cesar asked.

"No," I replied, "To them, the Santos we're gaining way to much power so they needed me to come and help them gain more recognition giving that my creds go back all the way to Compton, gang capital."

"Shit!" Cesar yelled, "does that mean you have a record."

"No," I said once again, "because unlike the dumbass next to me, I can unlink things to my being. Y'all only knew me at Selena the good granddaughter of Valentina who was getting a great education, which is true; however, there is the side of me that I had since I was 13 as Haze, the top street racer and hitman of Southern California."

I said smiling and winking at him but Cesar was lost for words.

I scrapped the plate clean after and picked up the plate only to have Oscar stop my hand and pick up the plate and walked to the kitchen. Both Cesar and myself looked at him.

"I'm fucked..." I whispered to Cesar, "It was nice knowing you."

"Maybe if he dicks-"

"Ew Cesar!" I said with a disgusted face, "No!"

Cesar laughed out loud at how quickly you reacted to his statement but quieted down once Oscar came back to the table and sat down and placed three cans of beers on the table. Oscar and Cesar reached for theirs and opened the can. They soon both stopped and looked at me as I turned my head away from them.

It was uncomfortable being near Oscar right now. I mean he wasn't really speaking with me but he wouldn't let me leave.

"Uh...Salud," Cesar said as he raised his can while Oscar raised his and hit it with Cesar's. They both took a big sip and placed the drinks back on the table.

"Thank you," Cesar said, "to the both of you."

"Ehhh...It was nothing," Oscar answered.

"I am not talking about the food," Cesar said.

"I knew that...but regardless of the bullshit that happens between me and this guy over here, I told you that you are like family and I will always have your back."

Cesar gave me a small smile knowing my words were true.

"Besides, you owe me a game of UNO you little asshole, you thought I was going to let the Prophet$ kill you before I have my chance to victory," I said while looking at him seriously and with a smirk on my face.

"Seriously Lena!" Cesar whined, "That's why you shot those people."

"Yup, and they were getting annoying," I said while rolling my eyes, "They were trying to recruit me for years now and they were getting pretty aggressive about it when they found out that ese over here greenlighted me and that I was bringing them bank and creds."

Soon Cesar looked at me and then at Oscar and then back towards me, "How can you be made for this life and still act like a normal person outside of it?"

"Because Cesar," I replied, "This was suppose to be my last job. I didn't want to let you guys know this but I was doing these runs so that I can get my grandmother to move to Calabasas with Juliana and myself. I have a home there and need to put a final down payment on it."

"Wait what!" Oscar yelled out as he jumped up and glared down at me, "Is that why you had those black shoe boxes under your bed with stacks of money! So you can leave the ridge for a more upscale lifestyle!"

"That was the plan the moment I came here and before I met you," I replied while glaring at him, "I wanted to even give you the chance to come and join me but you cheated on me dummy."

Oscar grunted and lifted his drink to get a swig once more and then began flexing his jaw. He was mad beyond words but he needed to know this. The anger was simmering low within him.

"Studying Law is my passion and riding the streets is my lifestyle, at one point I need to sacrifice something and make the right choice for both my grandmother and myself. My grandmother is all that matters to me and the day she got shot proved to me how violent this neighborhood was getting and how badly I needed her to get out of here," I replied while using my good arm to lift myself from my chair and walking around the chair to head towards Oscar's room, "So instead of thanking me Cesar, I am going to thank the both of you for everything. Oscar, I am actually going to give one of those black boxes to you as a thank you for paying off my grandmother's hospital bills that day."

All he could do was look down at the food he made as I sighed knowing this was going to be hard

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All he could do was look down at the food he made as I sighed knowing this was going to be hard. That's why I wanted this to be a clean getaway but getting to close was my downfall.

I slowly made my way back to the room to find my clothing so that I could just leave them to talk about everything that went down.

I slowly looked around the room and found my jeans and leather jacket. It was a struggle to put it on with one good arm, but it was one. Knowing I would be in pain for the jacket, I just decided to grab it off the chair and turned back to get my phone off the counter. As my back was turned and I was reaching for my device, I heard the door open and then slam shut.

I knew it was Oscar...

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