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As Oscar and I were in the pool, flirting with one another all that ran through my mind was: What is it about him that made me smile? That made the butterflies flutter uncontrollably in my stomach when I see him. That gave me goosebumps with just one graze of his finger on my arm. That intense urge of needing to be in his presence and a feeling of loss when he is not around.

My eyes looking directly into his as I smiled and ran my finger down his lips, tracing every corner and angle of them as he rubbed against my nose.

Who ever thought that we would still be going as strong as we were.

But I liked the way he made me feel.

The way our bodies seem to know each other, the static that transfers in his touch, or the rush I get when I stare into his eyes.

When I was little girl, my father told me once that human bodies were like stars, floating in this expanse of sky. Directionless. Bright. He told me that our lights would burn and burn and burn until we'd find the one whose brightness matched ours And then we would set on fire and shoot across the sky together.

"Maybe you are that star..."

"Hermosa," Oscar whispered as he soon moved his lips over mine. His kiss... toxic, like poison seeping into my veins willingly. His touch, searing, making indents into my skin. And he's dragging me closer and closer till oxygen becomes a novelty. It's deadly but I know I'd risk it anyway.

But that moment was crush when I opened my eyes and noticed that chunks of partially digested chicken spewed out of a kid coughing, choking mouth in the pool across the way.

"We need to get the fuck out the pool!" I yelled pulling out of Oscar's grasp and lifting my body up from the water-- Giving Oscar a nice view of my ass and the same motivation to get out of the pool to follow it.

Just like the kid in the pool, another person vomitted. Her stomach kept on contracting violently and forcing everything up and out. Her face was white and dripping bile, sweat, and tears. She lurched forward and sunk to her knees. The pungent stench invaded her nostrils and she heaved even though there was nothing left to go.

Soon another person and then another person followed after, it was like an orchestra of ballads that I was forced to watch around me. Chunks of food covered in the creamy chyme from their stomach were propelled into the air and splattered the hard pavement and pool.

"Yo Lena!" Juliana called out, "What the fuck is going on?"

"I don't know?"

"I think it has something to do with that nasty chicken that Ruby was selling earlier?" Angelica questioned.

"I mean if I didn't go back to the car to get the sunblock and noticed those boys making the chicken on the sidewalk, then used the meat packaging with the blood in it to package the sandwich after a bird added some 'special sauce' to it...this could have probably been us," Isabelle commented.

"Oh my goodness," I sighed while rubbing my temples at the stupidity that I just heard...and here I thought Ruby was the smart one...and he went on with it? Why?

"Why don't we go to the Summer Night Lights festival?" Gravity asked.

"Yeah we should!" Angelica cheered.

"And since you're going, I'm coming," Oscar said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him while biting my earlobe causing me to chuckle as his possessiveness.

"OOOOOOoooo!" the girls instigated.

Immediately, I flipped the bird their way and they bursted out laughing even more.

"Well Oscar, I am glad you love the work," Juliana said while looking at her nails out of fake interest.

"You need to stop putting my baby in these outfits," Oscar said, "You are gonna give me a heart-attack."

"What can I say...Fashion, kills," Juliana shrugged, "But Lena/ You're lookin' real clean / You're lookin' real bad / You're lookin' like a queen."

"I. Hate. You," I replied with a straight face.

"Bitch, no you don't!" Juliana said as she threw my clothes at me and grabbed the other things as we started to head out. Of course that wasn't the case for me, since Oscar had me in his arms just watching the whole thing play out and chuckling.

"Well..." I started, "I loved the fact that I got to see you here, but I need to leave Oscar."

"Then let me take you home," Oscar offered.

"I rather not drive with you and the kids," I laughed, "But maybe we can see each other later at the festival?"

"Mos' Def," Oscar said as he oh so casually placed his arm around my shoulders, "But let me escort you out because you looking way too fine and I can see some guys eye fucking you."

This got me to snort. The SPOOKY was jealous. I  smiled up at him, knowing exactly what's happening. I guess I should have known he would be like this especially since he was willing to kill an officer because he was flirting with me...I mean it could also be that gang mentality...someone else was eyeing his territory and he hated it.

"Baby, there's no need to be jealous!" I said.

"Pff, I'm not jealous!" Oscar said, "I'm just protective especially of something that is mine."

More Than What Meets the Eye-Oscar Diaz-On My BlockTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon