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Standing in front of the frosted glass doors at the grocery store, you have an important decision to make: What ice cream flavor will you choose? You could go with classic, trusty vanilla, or maybe you prefer something a little more sophisticated, like good pistachio. How do you ever decide on a favorite ice cream flavor?

"Bitch, pay attention to me when I am talking to you," Angelica said, "Why didn't you tell me you were a model?!"

"Because I don't want to be treated as anything such and it was bad enough those Santos know about me now because of your loud ass mouth," you said to her and soon grabbed the bag of ice cream you had chosen for Ruby, Jamal, Cesar, and Monse.

"So what if they know!" Angelica said, "It is about time you actually get some?"

"Not with a cholo!" I told her, "You know I am close to getting my internship at one of the top law firms in the state and dating a Cholo would totally jeopardize it!"

"Alright, fine," Angelica said with her hands up as she followed me out to the car, "I am just saying, ever since we hung out when we were little, you always had your nose in those books maybe it is time to experience the real thing and put those words into action."

"What I need to focus on is getting my JD and taking care of my abuelita, then once I have the money I need, I can go and get us out of the hood," I said.

"You sound like you running from your past as if you regret it," Angelica said with a bit of attitude.

"I don't," I replied, "But I don't belong, when I left back in the 1st grade I was done with this place for good," I said while placing the keys in the initiation. 

As the car engine sung into the inner city streets from the big city, I relished the roaring winds that twirled in my long brown hair and whistled in my ears. Angelica was singing her heart out the music on the radio causing me to crack up at her. 

Who would have thought that pouring out my heart and having a great conversation with her would have made the day fly by.

As I turned the corner, driving down the street of the late nights. I heard some sounds on the other block, sounding like Ruby and Jamal yelling. 

"What's going on over there?" Angelica questioned while looking at me.

I turned the car around down the same block Angelica came down to pick me up at only to get hit on the head by her.

"¿Estás loco, o quieres morir?"  she asked.

" What?" I defended, "You know you worry about those little kids."

"¡no en esta situación, imbécil!" Angelica said while hitting my head but I know she was just as concerned as I was.

"Shut up!" I yelled while dimming the lights of her car and rolling down the block slowly to see Monse on top of Cesar beating the crap out of him. 

"For what? For you to impress your puto friends and humiliate me?" Monse yelled.

"Tell your bitch to keep that bark down." one of them yelled out.

"Hermanito, you better back up before you get smacked up," Oscar said.

"Shut up, puto!" Monse yelled.

"Monse!" Jamal yelled.

"Hey watch it hyna!" Oscar said.

Jamal and Ruby pulled Monse off of Cesar while the rest of the Santos began barking like a bunch of dogs. The sound of the motor caused the Santos to look up. Especially with the window rolling down, they needed to keep their guard up due to things like hit and runs.

"Hey, guys!" I called out from the car as they turned around and looked at me. The Santos stopped their barking and the dumb looks on their faces appeared again just like earlier.

"Lena! What are you doing here?!" Ruby yelled running to the car.

" I would have thought that Monse and Jamal would have given you the 411 on the situation," I said, "Now hurry up,  have ice cream and it is melting."

"Actually, I am going home!" Monse yelled, "Since I am the only one trying to keep the crew together, but nobody in this crew cares, so you all are dead to me."

Angelica and I simply whistled at the situation knowing how simple high school drama can get blown out of proportion.

"Well more ice cream for us!" Angelica cheered causing me to smack her on the arm.

"Notice how quiet the Santos are when they are around her," Jamal says when he looks between myself and the gang.

"She got them pussy whipped and she didn't even do anything," Ruby said, "Girls like her run the world."

"Well Ruby, you want a ride?" I asked.

"Um, sure," Ruby said walking over to the car with Jamal in suit.

I stepped out of the car with a pint of ice cream in my hand. Ruby quickly turned around and tried to hold me back, but his 5'0" stature wasn't going to hold me down. It was cute that he acted so much like a little brother though.

Walking down the walkway to Cesar and handed it over to him.

"Here you go," I said to Cesar, "And thank you."

I said while kissing his cheek, causing the other Santos members to make "Ooooooo" noises. 

"N-No problem Lena," Cesar replied.

I turned around to leave the house area only to hear a snide remark from the boys.

"Damn, that is no hyna that is an esposa." one of the guys commented.

"Hey!" Oscar calls out while jumping from the ledge he was sitting on while looking at me with a smirk.

"Hi," I said simply.

"You know, sharing is caring and I can't help by notice that you didn't get me some ice cream," Oscar commented while walking towards me while eyeing me down.

"Maybe you can share with your brother," I said.

"Maybe I want some of what you have," Oscar said.

"Sad to say, I ate mines at the store," I replied, "Maybe in 4-6 hours you can have some when I secrete it out."

That caused him to make a disgusted face. Pretty shocked that he knew what I was saying. So that means he is a bit smart but still a criminal.

I turned around to continue to walk to the car only for him to grab my arm causing me to look down at his hand and slowly look into his eyes; the color of milk chocolate edged with a deep forest green. 

"You looking like a really fine ass hyna." Oscar said.

That caused me to snort a laugh, this guy was really the definition of a cholo and it couldn't be any worse.

"You don't look bad yourself but I am  sorry to say that cholos aren't my type," I replied, "Now if you can so kindly let go of my arm so  I can get on my way to dropping off Ruby and Jamal and get home, I can't miss my novella at 9pm with my grandmother."

This caused Oscar to laugh along with the other guys as he let go causing me to walk away from his house.

"What a joke!"  one of the Santos yelled out.

"She definitely lame!" another yelled out laughing. 

"Little did they know..." I thought with a smile to myself as I walked to the car with the Santos laughing at me as Ruby and Jamal looked a bit sad at the situation. 

"You ready guys," I said ignoring the guys laughing, "Buckle up!"

Once I had pulled out from where I parked the car I heard something that left me a bit confused on what it meant.

"I am claiming her and, if you see anyone talks to her, touching her, attempting to make moves on her, especially Prophet$ let me know," Oscar said seriously while watching me as I drove off. 

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