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"And the last time I checked, I missed your funeral..." Juliana said while dying laughing with the other girls and Matteo.

"You are so dramatic," I replied while rolling my eyes.

"Coming from the girl who clearly is looking to die by the hands of a cholo," Isabelle said, "You most likely will be greenlighted for that stunt today."

"He won't do that," I said while placing the red skip down, "Even though he is the feared Spooky of Freeridge, it is clear to us both that everyone in the neighborhoods has high respect for me. Especially since nobody didn't spill to him my true location."

"Why do you think that is?"

"Because I have loyalty, respect, and love for the people where he only has the loyalty and respect portion; because people fear him," I replied.

"But...even though he said those things, he still is head over heels about you," Angelica said through FaceTme.

"Psst! Whatever you say," I said while rolling my eyes out of disbelief, "I highly doubt that though and he has the hyna to keep him company."

"Well come down to the Ridge and pass through and see how he reacts; he is throwing a party today."

"Hard to believe three weeks passed since then that unexpected meetup," I thought, "I'll pass on going, besides it is much better to finish this anyway."

"The only thing you have been doing is hiding that depression behind that fucking video game you and Matteo are addicted to," Juliana said while smacking me upside my head with her cards.

"Cállate, puta!" I yelled knowing damn sure she was right.

But she wouldn't know the pleasure of playing NBA 2K19. To her all she sees is our asses glued to the couch, eyes transfixed, and our attention leaving the screen only for as long as it takes to tell her about their latest achievements and trophies in the game.

I placed the cards down and rose from the living room and walked towards the porch with Angelica still on FaceTime.

"Listen," Angelica began, "I know you don't want to be in Freeridge because of the situation of your grandmother is in danger, with protecting Cesar, and with the Prophets trying to recruit you after one of them stole your car; but in all of my years of knowing you and even though I don't like this guy because of the terrible stuff he has done, he deeply cares for you. It is disgusting."

To some extent, I knew she was right. I didn't like the fact that Oscar said he didn't care and only Juliana knew how I reacted when we went back into the car after that spat with him. You must have thought that I was heated. But I did the complete opposite and cried my eyes out and she was there to soothe it. Her and Matteo were there to help me cope and focus on other things.

"Angelica," I began, "I don't want anything to do with him. He has played me, cheated on me, and even degraded me! I don't give a damn about him and once find a way for Cesar to get back into his good graces; I am going to be leaving the Ridge for good!"

Angelica combed his hair back and sighed.

"You know how many times he has tried to get back into your grandmother good graces since he saw you."

"What the heck are you talking about now?" I asked.

"He has even tried to extort information from people to see where you are," she whined.

"And he won't get that from anyone because only you are the only soul in Freeridge that knows." I replied, "Besides, I received a text from Cesar that Monse's father is going to give him a place to stay for a while."

"So you aren't coming into the Ridge for a while?" Angelica said.

"If I don't have to," I said, " But I may tonight."

"Alright," she replied, "Just know that you can't run from this and he is going to find you."

"I know," I replied, "but honestly I just can't deal with Oscar's bullshit right now and I need to fix the mess with the Prophets."

"And how do you go about that?" Angelica asked.

"How we usually do things in this crew," I said with a smirk just as a ping sounded out.

I slipped into my pocket and pulled out a phone with a text message from the gang leader of the Prophets proposing a job to show my work.

"What was that?" Angelica asked.

"The microwave," I lied, "I got to go."

"Wai-" She began until I hung up.

I looked back toward the other phone and soon heard it ring on the encrypted line.

I picked it up:

"Are we still good?."

"Yeah," I said while changing my voice down to a more devoid and cold voice, "You give me a time and a place, I give you a five-minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own. Do you understand?"

"God damn it, I like the way you do business! I think this would be a sweet deal for both of us."

"I don't give a damn about the money," I replied, "Also, you won't be able to reach me on this phone again."

I hung up the phone and pushed my hair back and made my way towards the shower to prepare for the night.

As the water pours down, it drips by my side, as my mind fades into dullness and everything is a foggy illusion. The sensation of the steamy water calms me; it takes my mind off things. All the things I honestly don't care about. It's the water. My mind swirls, and it's like I'm standing under an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful, but nothing ever last forever.

I mean look at me and Oscar...

More Than What Meets the Eye-Oscar Diaz-On My BlockTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang