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morning light rushes in
as you sleep soundly.
I burrow into the warmth of your chest,
my ear against your heart.

I slowly opened my eyes, squinting in attempt to sharpen the blurred images before me. I glanced around and took in the deserted, poor-shapen place that Oscar called a room.

How long have I been out?

I looked around the room to see if there was something that could give me a sense of time or date and noticed my phone on the desk. I quickly turned it one and my eyes widen at the time. Fucking four days~! Along with 7 missed calls from my grandmother, and a bunch of text from my clan all dated three days back.

I shut my eyes, trying to remember what had exactly happened. Then it all hits me with a bang. The memory of it all starts to occupy my thoughts.

I glanced down at my arm and noticed how neatly it was bandaged and wrapped and I could feel that the bullet was out...and Oscar confessed his feelings for me. About a week ago, I sucker punched him and now he is going above and beyond to make sure that I am protected and shit. Damn it!

I lifted myself so that I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I guess it was until I had the strength to get out of the bed to realize I was only wearing a black small wife beater and bikini underwear. The only thing that had disturbed me from my thoughts was the loud grumbling of my stomach.

As I rose myself out of the bed, I began to feel a bit shaky. I quickly grabbed the edge of the bed to get my ground. Once I got that, I slowly walked out of the room and used my good arm as support to walk along the wall. I could hear Jamal's loud ass voice in the house which meant that Cesar and his friends were here.

"No, I'm not good!" Jamal yelled, "You gave our RollerWorld money to the Prophets!"

"Nope," Oscar answered. Great he is here as well...then again this was his house. "I gave them the marked bills from the Freeridge Savings robbery."

"Oh!" Jamal sighs in relief then leans back in his seat. "Thank God. For a second I thought you gave our money away."

Soon they began chuckling,

"No, no, I didn't give your money away," Oscar assured, "You gave your money away. And now it's mine."

Soon the grin on their faces fell in an instance. And while they were wallowing in the fact that they just lost 150K to Oscar, I was really just focused on getting some food. I continued to walk out towards the kitchen which caught the attention of Spooky, Cesar, Jamal, and Ruby.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell out as if they were on the phone.

It sounded like Monse but I didn't see her. But then when I directed my attention to where I heard the voice, I noticed that Monse was looking at me through a video call. It seemed as if they were having a meeting of some sort.

"Hey Lena," Cesar started...making the situation more awkward.

"Cesar..." I answered back as everyone still was looking at me.

"You know, I would have never thought that someone as innocent as you would be a badass," Jamal started as he looked me up and down quizzically, "It's always the quiet ones."

"Uh," I began, "I was never quiet, I am methodical though."

Ruby nodded in agreement, "Which is why when I turn 18 we are getting married,"

"Not happening," I shot down quickly, "While you continued to fantasize about your made up future, I am going to focus on the present and head-out so that I can get some food because I am starving. Please don't allow me to stop what you are doing/ talking about."

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