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You know what happens when couples see each other so much that it can become disgusting to others. Well that was what was happening with Oscar and I. His gang was giving me the respect that he had, Ruby, Cesar, Monse, and Jamal were all still on the idea that I had Oscar pussy-whipped, and everyone in Freeridge knew me to be Oscar's lady.

And here I still on the beach date with Spooky himself while drinking a milkshake he got for me right in front of him, sitting on the hood of his car, low-key doing what I do best; being a tease.

Looking down upon that velvet creamy mass in my tall class as the smell of fresh strawberries rise to greet my aroma senses as I grasp a hold of the frosty cold glass and place the straw to my mouth and draw in like a vacuum that velvet strawberry deliciousness making that all too familiar slurping sound as the cold velvet strawberry mass hits my taste buds and down into my tummy bringing on one of those awesome brain freezes that I have grown to love so much; but to only be sadden by that also all too familiar bottom of the cup last desperate slurping sounds.

"Hopefully, you don't do that only to milkshakes, you tease," Oscar said while leaning back on his car's windshield and laughing.

"Who knows what this mouth do," I said winking at him.

"I will find out and will be the only one knowing," Oscar said as he grabbed me tightly as I laughed out loud.

"That is fair considering since you have been good and haven't had any hynas around you," I said smiled, "But I think you got a sense of the type of girl I am."

"That's all I have gotten of you, a sense," Oscar started, "I need to know more about you."

"Well," I began. "What would you like to know?"

"How come you came to the ridge?" Oscar asked, "Most people who live in the ridge, want to leave the ridge."

"It is a bit sensitive to go into detail," I said, "Just know that it was because of my grandmother."

"Everyone knows about your grandmother and everyone thought she was a lonely woman with no grandkids until you came by," Oscar questioned.

"You may know my grandmother for her sweet and generous nature," I began, "But when it comes to family, it is something she will never speak about. Family means something bigger and altogether more intricate than a high percentage of shared DNA or court documents proving a state-sanctioned marriage."

"You sound intelligent and shit," Oscar laughed as I glanced at him with a small smile on my face and shrugged. He probably would have had an idea about it with his gang.

Oh yeah, he didn't have any idea about me wanting to be a lawyer or about me driving cars illegally and yet here he was trying to get that out of me.

"Enough about me," I said wanting to change the subject off from me, "What about you? You seem to love Cesar so much so that you jumped him into the gang."

"Family traditions," he replied, "Nothing my ruca should be concerned about."

Looks like we both didn't want to open up to one another. Sure, it's understandable that some people aren't always comfortable discussing certain issues, especially early on. We are entitled to have our fair share of secrets and things we keep to themselves, and we should both feel free to share those things once we are comfortable.

"My ruca should be more focused on this..." Oscar began.

The kiss was small, gentle and very meaningful. But then it grew bigger and more intense. He tasted tentatively with his tongue as he traced it across the bottom of my lip. The caress of his lips seemed much rougher this time. Soon we started swallowing each other making the kiss even more intense. I let out a moan and so did he while his warm breath traveled into my face.

Soon Oscar moved us into his car's backseat. I felt his big bulge between his legs, pressing hard against me. He grabbed my ass roughly, almost making me moan against his lips.

Oscar's hand slid up my dress, raising up my dress.

The air was getting hotter and I was more turned on, sliding my barely clothes crotch down against Oscar listening to his moan escape the depths of his throat and roll into my mouth, "You're really turning me on nene", he said, running his fingers across every inch of my bare skin.

His pants were hard to get off, seeing as they were so tight and constricting regardless of them being baggy. But I had no problem undoing his button and zipper, Oscar just did the rest.

While we both knew we were going to do this, I did have difficulty believing that this was really happening, lying in Oscar's arms, holding him in mines.

I could feel his eyes on me, his smile fading slowly and mine imitating it. Suddenly we both knew. This was the moment of truth...

"Are you nervous?" Oscar's voice was only half above a whisper, inches from cracking. He watched me closely, his brown eyes penetrating my soul. My breath quickened.

Am I? was all I could wonder quietly.

"No", I said. My whole body was trembling in apprehension, which at least partly exposed this as a lie. But then again – this was Oscar. He would never do anything to hurt me, or ask her to do something I wasn't yet ready to...right?

How different it was with Oscar now. Again and again, I was incredulous at how hard I was finding it to be separated from him only for the shortest moment. The minute his hand left mine, I felt cold, lonely, bereft... but now he was in my arms, and I was in his, and I was sliding down in the seat under his welcome weight while our kiss was growing more and more passionate by the second. I felt a pleasure ripple through my body that was difficult to place... I knew that this wasn't enough, that I wanted more... but then again, how could this not be enough? It was already more than I had ever dared to think about. My lips were already swollen and almost hurting, but I couldn't get enough of his kisses.

"Are you ready?" he asked in a voice so husky that I would have had difficulty discerning the raspy sound in any other situation. Now, I instinctively knew and nodded, my voice was failing me.

So he pressed his lips on mine again, and while he was kissing me, he reached between our bodies and brought himself in front of my entrance. I felt pressure, but not much else at first—

The pain I had been feeling at first was now quickly subsiding, and just as quickly it was being replaced by a sensation different from anything I had ever experienced before. But instinctively I knew that it was the answer to everything I wanted...

Oscar was breathing heavily now, and I realized that he was still holding himself back with all his might because he was still afraid to hurt me. I took his head into her hands.

"Move...Oscar," I whispered.

When he started to move in me, and I moved against him, I was almost swept away by the huge wave of pleasure that suddenly gripped me...we had been here since the morning but at this moment we had reached the stars.

More Than What Meets the Eye-Oscar Diaz-On My BlockHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin