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When my grandmother didn't need me, it was nice to sit on the porch and watch everyone in the neighborhood just mingle. Angelica went back over to get ready for work, as, for I, my grandmother believed that I was one of those freelancers that worked from home and that is how income was coming in, but little did she know...

Just like little did I know, when I noticed a little sweaty Ruby walking down what seems to be Cesar's house.

"Hey Ruby,"  I yelled waving at him as he raised his head and looked at me while I was eating one of the oranges  I sliced.

"L-Lena!" Ruby yelled out as he ran up to me and grabbed my hand and yanked me up.

"Dude, ¿Qué Pasa?" I questioned a bit startled by his action. "Why is there glitter all over your face?"

"Don't worry about that!" He said, " I need you to come with me!"

"Where?" I asked.

"Well, Monse and Jamal thought it would be best for me to talk to Oscar about making Cesar not affiliated with the gang and Cesar said I needed to speak with him before school. Oscar seems to like you a lot and even has the whole area know that you are his to claim. So if you come with me, I would reassure myself that I will live to make it to 1st period." Ruby said in a much faster tone but understandable.

"Uh," I replied, "I think it would be best I don't go...He kind of stopped by and left a bit mad..."

"So he is angry!" Ruby yelled, "I am going to die!"

I laughed at his expression and continued, "I am just playing, I'll go with you...just let me tell my grandmother and get my shoes."

I rush into the house to get my phone, shoes and quickly told my grandmother the time I would be back. I ran out to see a pacing Ruby as I ran up beside him and told him to lead the way.

"What if he shoots me on the spot?" Ruby questioned.

"He isn't," I replied, "He seems to care about his brother's happiness to let you guys still live this long."

"Aye Santa Maria," Ruby says while doing the holy cross before pacing back and forth in front of Cesar's house.

"Ruby you can do it," I say placing my hand on his shoulder leading him through the side gate slowly.

He starts panting as he walks slower. "I can't do this." He whispers to himself then looks at the large blue container with the NFPA diamond symbol labeled 'Acid.'

"Selena, he has acid?" he questions while freaking out even more. "I can't. I can't. I can't." he continues to say while turning around quickly on his heels and heading back to the gate about the leave. I soon follow him.

"Sup fools?" we both turn around to see a shirtless Oscar getting his last smoke in before flicking his cigarette onto the ground. Soon Oscar walked and grabbed two buckets to which Ruby ran to and took a seat and Oscar sat at the other bucket before patting his leg indicating I should take a seat.

"I'll sit on the ground," I replied taking a seat beside Ruby.

"Would you like my seat Lena?" Ruby asked.

"No thank you Ruby," I said with a smile.

We both turn towards Oscar to see he was giving a very scary intimidating scare. He looks at Ruby and then at me and back at Ruby, inspecting Ruby's face. "What's with the glitter?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Late night at the club. You know how hynas be," Ruby said.

This caused me to look up at him with a quirked eyebrow.

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