The answer

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I slowly trudge down the hall way with my blanket wrapped around me, tightly. My eyes blink tiredly. I exhale and watch my breath in the air. I look down and watch as the ground freezes under my feet as I take steps. I shiver and pull my beanie further on my head. I stop on the stairs as a wave of tiredness comes over me. I lean against the rail and shake my head slowly. I'm picked up suddenly and look up tiredly. Aranche smiles at me as I lay my head tiredly on his shoulder.
"Why are you out of your room? It's cold out here. The heater broke."
"I miss'd you guys. You'll 'ust has to keep me warm." He hums,
"Alright. Sir will want you in your room, though."
"I want... to see all you." He kisses my head and continues to walk into kitchen. Lepple and Attlus look up as we enter.
"Hey, what's he doing out of bed?" Lepple asks as he walks around the island and comes over to us.
"He was walking down the hall when I found him. He was about to fall so I picked him up." Lepple nods and rubs my cheek with the back of his hand.
"Are you still tired? Are you hungry? We're making some lunch right now."
"Yeah! We're making roast beef soup because you're sick." I smile tiredly and rub my eyes.
"Can you eat?"
"I can try." I whisper. Arachne kisses my head again. I smile and lean up to kiss his neck.
"I'm happy you're awake." He says as he walks to the dining room. "I was so worried." He sniffs and sits at his spot next to Sir. Sir smiles as me sweetly.
"You're awake." He says, "I'm glad. Maybe you'll eat and begin to feel better?" I nod,
"Can you sleep with me?" I ask Aranche and look up at him.
"After we eat." He nods,
"Of course, love." He holds my legs as he sits me on his lap. I lean back and and melt against his warmth. My teeth begin to chatter making everyone look at me with worried expressions.
"I'm okay." I say softly. "This is the first time someone's ever looked after me while I'm sick."
"What?" Sir asks heatedly.
"My mom... couldn't see my attributes. S-so she didn't know I was sick like I am. I was always alone."
"Well, you're never going to be alone again." I smile,
"I'd like that."
"I bet. Now let's try to get something warm in you, yeah?" I nod and watch as Attlus sets two bowls down.
"Thank you." He nods and sits at his seat. Ever home sits and I smile at Phebe and Ash.
"I'm sorry I made it so cold." I tell Ash. He shakes his head,
"I had Phebs to keep me warm and tons on blankets. I do hope you're feeling better?" I nod,
"Very much so. I'd like some cuddles later, though." Everyone quickly agrees. I timidly and slowly drink the soup Arachne feeds me. He kisses my head every once and a while.
"Don't chew this too much. It gets bigger the more you chew it." Eros snickers,
"I know something else that gets bigger the more you suck it." Everyone snickers or shakes their heads,
"Incubus's." Arachne mumbles.
"I like him." I mumble, "I like you all." Everyone stares at me. "What?" I ask and open my mouth as Arachne holds the spoon up.
"We like you too, Auzzi." Demy says with a squeak.
"We're happy you're ours now." I smile,
"I'm glad too."

My eyes slowly open as I stretch slowly. I smile at Arachne's sleeping face that's on my chest. I lift my head and look around the room. We all made a beeline for Sir's room once everyone was done eating. We all declared it was time to take a nap. My feet rub against Ash's tale making him mewl in his sleep. I smile and look to my left. Right beside me is Phebe. He's sleeping on his stomach with his face in his pillow. Behind him is Ash who has him arm over his back. His hair is a mess making him look adorable. Lepple is behind him sleeping on his back peacefully. I look on my other side and see Attlus curles up against Ares and next to Arachne's back. He's in his deer form making me curious and awed. I look behind Ares and see Eros. His wings are out but above everyone so they won't get crushed. Behind him are Demy and Sir. Demy is on Sir chest, resting comfortably. Demy's cheeks are flushed and his hands are curled under his chin. I smile at my family and stretch once more. I yawn and hum as I finally feel myself getting a warmer. I look at my arms and am happy to see no more cracking. I rub my feet on Ash's tail just to hear him mewl again. I look down at his tail and let my eyes scan the length of it as it covers the bed and lays on the floor. His tail is really long. I look over at Sir and am surprised to see him already looking at me. I smile shyly,
"He makes a cute sound when you touch his tail." I say quietly. He nods,
"It's sensitive."
"Yeah. Do you have any sensitive spots?" He blinks at me,
"I do." I look around and my eyes settle on Eros.
"Is his tail as sensitive as his wings?"
"Yes. And every so often he'll get horns."
"Woah! Cool." I look down at Arachne who rubs his head on my chest. I rub his bare shoulders since everyone is shirtless and shush him.
"Are you feeling better now?" I look back at Sir.
"Yes. Much better, actually. I think I'll be better in a day or two."
"That's good. I'm glad."
"Me too. Your room is so big." I couldn't believe we all fit in here, but then again Sir's bed goes from wall to wall.
"I had it modified so everyone can sleep together. I'm glad you're here, Auzzi. I couldn't wait for you to join us." I blush,
"I'm glad too, Sir." Arachne sits up slowly and rubs his eyes. He looks at me before sitting up fully and raising his arms. I watch in amazement as his spider legs stretch. They pop a few times as he lets out a pleasured sound. He relaxes and his legs automatically rewrap around torso. He sighs and looks back at me. He leans down and kisses me making me smile and happily kiss back. I hook my arms around his neck as he rests his forehead on mine.
"Hello." I whisper,
"Hello." He mumbles, "how am I the tired one?" I giggle making him smile. He sits up and looks at Sir.
"Did you even sleep?" Sir chuckles,
"Of course not." Aranche shakes his head,
"You are always watching over us. You need to relax sometimes."
"But I like watching over all of you. It gives me joy." I giggle,
"That's very cheesy, Sir." I rub my feet on Ash's tail and watch his hips jerk as he mewls.
"You're gonna make him horny doing that."
I giggle,
"Think I can make him cum?" Arachne tilts his head with a hum,
"Maybe." I chuckle and rub a little harder. I smile as Ash's mouth parts and he fists the sheets slowly. I giggle evilly and slide both feet up and down on his scales. His tail shivers and moves making me hold my breath. I slowly put more pressure and watch as his hips slowly grind against the bed as he groans. His tail ripples the more I move my feet. His hips grind harder as his breathing turns rigid. His moans turn breathy as his hands move along the sheets. I slowly get out from under all the blankets and crawl down to his tail. I straddle the beautiful green scales and rub my hands along it. He curses as his hips start to shake. I smirk as his rosy cheeks and slowly lean down. I lick a line up his scales slowly.
"Oh, fuck." He breathes as his hips jerk. I giggle and look at Arachne.
"Done. Pay up." He shakes his head and pulls me on his lap. He grabs the blanket I was using and pulls it up to my chin.
"Didn't think you could do it."
"Hmph." I pout. Ash slowly opens his eyes and looks over at us. He blushes,
"I hate you." He mumbles as he removes his tail from the bed and slowly gets up.
"'No, you don't! Plus, you should be thankful." He shakes his head with a smile before leaving the room. Everyone slowly awakens and we decided we should go outside for a while.

"Does anything hurt?" I ask Phebe as I lightly tap on the bruise on his shoulder. He shakes his head. I look at his face before rubbing some cooling cream on his shoulder. "Does your hip hurt?" He shakes his head. "Your shoulder?"
"Sir, I really am fine." I sigh and help him put his shirt on.
"I know." I say adjusting his sling slowly. "I just feel like-...."
"I know, Sir." I sit next to him and stare into his eyes. They look distant and some what... in pain.
"Phebs, talk to me." He sighs and looks at me with tears in his eyes making my heart clench.
"S-something wants out." I swallow as his voice cracks.
"Okay," I say with a nod, "what is it?"
"It's... it's in here." He taps his head,
"In... in your head?" He nods with a shuttering breath,
"Why don't you let it out?" I ask softly. He looks at me and sucks in a breath as he lets out a small sob. I frown and wipe his cheeks,
"I'm scared." His bottom lip quivers.
"Why, baby?"
"Because," he looks down and wipes his cheeks, "it felt like this on the bridge." He whispers.
"Felt like what?"
"Like something wants control... o-of me." I stay silent trying to think of why he found he feeling this way.
"Do you think... if the 'forms control' illness that comes with being a shapeshifter?" He shrugs, "Do you trust me, Phebe?" He immediately looks at me.
"Of course I do, Sir." I nod and lay my hand on his back.
"I want you to let go then. Let it come forward. Maybe you're scared over nothing."
"B-but I could've killed Ares. I'm so scared. What if I hurt you, sir?!" I cup the back of his head as he sobs against me.
"Shhh... I promise you, you will not hurt me. Trust me." He sniffs and looks up at me. "Let go. Just let go." He sucks in a shuddering breath before nodding. I watch his eyes dilate before his shoulders relax. I look around his face before focusing back on his eyes. I watch his left eyes pupil slowly pull back into its vertical slit. His right eye slowly turns red making me arch a brow. He inhaled deeply and blinked. He whimpers and grabs his head.
"Phebe?" I lay my hand on his shoulder. "Phebe, are you okay?" He looks up at me and flinches. "Phebe?"
"S-sir?" I nod and cup his cheek.
"I'm right here. How do you feel?" He gulps,
"Talking to me." He looks around, "I feel... odd."
"Yeah, that makes sense." I stand making him look at me, "let's go on a walk." I hold out my hand and watch him slowly take it. I pull him out of my office and down the bedroom hall. He look around as we walk. We walk into the kitchen and see Lepple, Auzzi, and Demy at the island. "What are you boys up to?" I ask. They all look at Phebe as he blushes and looks down. 
"We're just planning what to wear for Halloween next week." Lepple answers,
"Auzzi's never been the the party at the square."
"Of course. Well, have fun with that. I'm gonna take Phebe and go on a walk." They nod,
"Umm... Phebe?" Phebe turns to Lepple who comes over to us. He squints at his eyes with a hum,
"Do you feel a need?"
"A... need?"
"Mhmm." Lepple turns, "for blood, maybe?" He pokes his wrist with a tooth pick making a little drop of blood. Phebe flinches,
"I don't... w-why are you saying that?" He asks breathlessly. He grabs his head, "s-stop! I don't... I don't want to!" I walk over to him and grab his hands from his ears.
"You're okay. It's not real. Look at me." He tries to hold on his tears but a few fall down his cheeks.
"Ahh," Lepple walks back over to his spot by the island. "You heard a voice?" He looks at Phebe, "and it was coaxing you to take a bite, right? It was persuading you?" Phebe's lip wobbles, "I guess that's what the doctor meant by 'Forms Control'." He looks at me, "it's his shifts that's are persuading him. For every shift he has a mother personality. You're not crazy, Phebs. Your head is, well... just full."

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