Cold in 100

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I shut the drawer of the dresser in my room and put my suitcase in the closet. I sit back on my bed and pull my fingerless gloves back on. I let out a breath and smile at the snow flakes and frost that come out of my mouth. I begin humming and looking around. I head into the bathroom and look around. The tiles on the floor have little V's everywhere and the sink is black and grey marble. The whole wall is mirror. I look at the huge shower stall and the small cabinet that has shampoo, soap, toothpaste, tooth brushes, a hairbrush, towels and clothes, and mouth wash on the many shelves. I look in the mirror and stare at my reflection. My light blue skin, that has white frost on some places, is soft looking. My lips are a dark blueish purple and my eyes are white. My hair is grey but has white frost near the end. My eyelashes also have white frost on them. My nose and cheeks are red from being cold. My bodies covered in a hoodie and sweatpants. A white beanie sits on my head and my black fingerless gloves cover my hands and palms. I jump as a knock sounds of my door. I slowly walk to it and open it. A boy stands looking nervous. He smiles at me adorably and waves.
"I'm supposed to take you to dinner." I nod and turn to grab my big black blanket. I wrap it around my shoulders making him frown before stepping back. I look at him as we begin to walk down the long hall. He has on a baggy sweatshirt that drowns him. His skin is pale and his hair is short but long enough to cover his ears. His eyes are wide and nervous and an odd silver color with pretty white scales on the edges of his eyes and his temporal. He pops his fingers and wrings his hands all the way to the stare case. It seems like he's doing it without noticing. He looks up at me odd of a sudden and squeaks. Yes, squeak. "W-what?" He asks shakily. I shake my head,
"Nothing. What's your name?"
"And what is your nickname?"
"Some call me Dom or Demy. Others call me other things." I nod slowly.
"Demy is cute." He meets my eyes.
"T-thanks." He opens a door and we walk through it. I look at the kitchen which is on the right side of the room with a wall separating another room that has loud voices coming from it. Demy scatters off to help Lepple with some dishes of food. I follow them through the door and look at the long table in the dining room. I look out the large windows that act as a wall on the left side of the room. The woods is beautiful and I spot a garden, a pool, and a deck outside.
"Aeolus," I look up at the sound of my name and look at Venus, "come sit by me." I nod and slowly make my way toward him. I sit on his right side as he sits at the head of the table. The other boys sit and look at Venus or Me. My heart begins to race faster and more snowflakes and fog leave my nose as I exhale. I hear a giggle and look at Demy who is across from me.
"Aren't you fuckin' hot?" I look over at the obviously angry voice. The boy looks older than some of us and is sulking in his chair. I take in his tan skin, red hair, and blood red eyes. His pointy ears have multiple piercings in them and he has a lip ring that his red. His fangs... are white and hang over his bottom lip. There are small wings on his back that are leathery and look like bat wings. He scowls as I don't answer and slams his fit on the table. I frown and look at Venus.
"Aren't you gonna' answer him?" I look back at the boy. His button down dark red shirt is silky and opened at the chest with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
"No. I'm freezing." I tell him.
"In almost 100 degree weather?!" I frown feeling self conscious.
"Yes. I don't have a body temperature." I lift my hand and make a cloud appear above him. He flinched and looks up at it. Snow flakes begin to fall making him look at me.
"You're welcome." I shrug and look back at Venus. He smiles and looks around.
"Everyone this is Aeolus or Auzzi. He is the new boy and you'll all get to know him over the week or so. Let's not bombarde him with questions and be nice to him." He stares at the boy who is looking up at the cloud I made. He sticks out his tongue catching a snowflake. "Ares," his head snaps down, "did you hear me." He shrugs and looks back up. I begin making the cloud move and he looks at me quickly.
"Yes, Dammit, I heard you. Give it back." I let it move back over him making him sigh.
"Anyways, shall we begin eating?" Everyone nods and begins passing the large bowls and platters around the table. I take a little of everything.
"Aeolus, I do not expect you to eat everything. You are probably tired and ready to sleep." I nod,
"Yes, but I am hungry." I look at the drink in front of me and shiver at the ice cubes in the yellow liquid. "Do you have any hot tea or coco?" Venus frowns but looks at Lepple. He gets up and goes out the door.
"I will have to get more things for you. Perhaps you'd like to go to the store with me tomorrow to pick up some things."
"I wouldn't want to trouble you."
"It's really no problem. You're now under my care so I must take care of you." I nod and thank Lepple for my coco. He smiles and takes his seat between Demy and some boy I haven't met. I begin eating more as the conversation begins to pick back up.
Half way through dinner I begin to doze off in my seat. I hear Venus speak before I am picked up.
"Holy shit! You're freezing." I sigh and snuggle up to the warm body holding me. My teeth chatter as he begins to walk toward the stair case. I hear my door open and am softly laid on my bed. The person covers me up and turns to leave but I grab their wrist.
"D-don't go," I shiver, "y-you're so warm." The boy sighs but gets in bed with me. I turn over and shove my face into his side. He wraps his arms around me and relaxes.
"Good night, Mi Amor." I hear a purr before darkness takes over.

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