Shopping Spree

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I look up from my midnight snack as I hear footsteps near the kitchen. Phebe walks in a hurry and doesn't see me as he goes to a cabinet marked 'herbs' on it. He opens a bottle of clear liquid and gulps a few times. He pulls it away and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand while staring at it. I take a slow bite of my cereal and watch as he turns. He jumps when he notices me sitting at the island. He looks down at he bottle guiltily before slowly walking up to me. I push my coco puffs box towards him making his lips twitch. He sits next to me after grabbing a bowl and the milk. He makes himself a bowl before looking at me.
"Do you heat your milk up?" He asks in a raspy voice. Obviously from screaming and crying. I scrunch up my nose,
"Gross. Who likes hot milk?!" I huff and look down at my cereal. Phebe nods and stirs his spoon around. I look at the bottle again before looking at his arms. He still has a bandages over them. I look up at his face and watch his eyes stare into nothing. "What's that?" I ask gesturing to the bottle. He grabs it and peers down at him.
"A Herbel essence liquid that Lepple made to help stop my cravings. I'm only supposed to get it when it's an emergency, but... I couldn't sleep." He finishes in a small vulnerable voice. I hum and continue eating my cereal. He looks at me before beginning to eat his. We eat in silence for a while. "Thank you, Auzzi." I look up at. He's staring at me with teary eyes. "Thank you for saving my life." I frown,
"I didn't save your life."
"But you did." He sniffs, "I could've ended my life if you hadn't found me. Sir or Ares could've found me. Hell, even Attlus could've found me and that would be devastating to him." He inhales, "You has done more than I could've asked for. You knocked the pills out of my hand and stopped me from getting more. And even when I yelled at you you still got help." He looks at me, "so thank you." I smile a little and lean up to kiss his chin. He blushes and looks at me.
"W-what was that for?"
"Just cuz' you are you." I shrug with a smile. "Now finish eating." He smiles and does so. We eat in silence once again until Venus walks in and yawns loudly. I turn to look at him and feel heat under my skin as I notice he's not wearing a shirt and only tight sweatpants. I gulp as my eyes drink in the sight of his sculpted chest and burgling abs. My eyes trail down until they rest on his sexy v line and his happy trail that leads down to the bulge in his pants. He walks up to me and taps my chin making me close it with more heat flossing my skin. "M-morning." I greet. He smirks and walks around the island and begins to take out pans. I frown at the claw marks that litter his back and shoulders. I look at Phebe who smirks. I notice the bottle between his legs.
"Alright, I'm gonna go try and sleep again." Venus turns and nods,
"That sounds like a good idea." Phebe kisses my head before leaving. Venus looks at me, "want to help cook breakfast?"

I stare at Attlus as he gets up and uses the sheet to cover his naked body. "No," I whine, "come back...." he giggles making my heart flutter,
"Nope!" He makes a deer sound before fleeing the room and going into the bathroom. He peeks at me before slowly closing the door. I huff and spread out on the bed. My ears twitch as they pick up voices outside my door.
"You doing okay?" Lepple, I believe, asks.
"I'm fine." Phebe replies. I slowly sit up and listen intently. My eyes tear as I remember how much Phebe cried last night.
"How are your cravings? I noticed the bottle missing from my herbs cabinet." It's quiet for a while,
"They're... still there." I can imagine him shrugging, "they're always there." He says in a whisper. "I'm gonna go hang out with Ash." I hear hurried footsteps fade away and Lepple sigh. I look up as the bathroom door opens and smile at my adorable boyfriend. He's wearing brown shorts with green suspenders and an adorable long sleeve mint green shirt. He comes up to me and holds out his hair brush and some hair ties. I smile and pat the bed. He smiles and sits down as I get on my knees behind him. I brush through his beautiful brown hair while littering kisses over his neck. He giggles cutely. I pull his hair back and begin French braiding it.
"What are we gonna do today?" I ask already feeling the need to get out of this house. He shrugs,
"I wanted to ask Mr.Monty if we could go shopping together." I hum,
"All of us?" He nods and turns to me. I smile and kiss his nose then fix his fuzzies and rub his deer ears. They're so fucking soft. He makes an adorable chur sound like a deer and snuggles up to my naked chest. He pulls back with a frown,
"You smell like sex." He turns and opens the door, "shower please." He yells as he runs down the hall. I smile and get up to shower. I love my little deer.

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