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(You get the first look into a different characters mind. Hope you like this chapter! Let me know if you have any questions yet or anything you'd like to know or me to add! Thx. And please vote!)

I flinch at the scream that sounds through the room. It cause me to lose control and ice sickles to sprout off the ceiling. Everyone flinches as the rooms temperature drop drastically and Ares's scream finally stops. We all look at him as he frantically looks around the room before look at Attlus who has tears in his eyes. He grabs Attlus's arms before looking at Phebe. My eyes are wide as his wings tense and his pupils disappear. He scowls at Phebe, who pushes his back against the couch, and stands up.
"Why the hell would you show me that?!" He yells and launches at him. Attlus and Demy scream as the others get up to help. Ares punches Phebe in the face making me flinch. Venus yells something as he grabs a sobbing and panicking Demy and holds him against his chest. Lepple and the other boys try to get a raging Ares off an almost unconscious Phebe. Snow flakes begin to fall from the ice sickles making Venus look at me.
"Shit," he says and looks at the boys. He tries to get to them but Demy clings tighter onto him. "Eros! Go check on Ash!" Eros looks up before running out of the room. Venus grabs Demy and walks over to me. He lays a hand on my head, "Auzzi, I need you to calm down. It's getting too cold in here for some of the boys. I need you to calm your mind!" I don't answer and watch as Lepple and the mystery boy grab Ares and pull him away from the unconscious Phebe. Ares continues to yell with bloody fists and pure red eyes. Lepple sticks his palm on his forehead and Ares immediately falls limp. "Auzzi?! Hey, Auzzi." I look back at Venus before everything goes black.

I hear muffles voices as I begin to awaken. "I think he was just stressed." One voice says.
"Maybe." Another joins in. "When is he gonna wake up?"
"Should be soon." I swallow and open my eyes slowly. "Oh, hey." I meet Venus's eyes first and then Lepples.
"Hey, there. How are you feeling?" Venus lays his warm hand on my forehead making me mewl.
"Tired." I mumble. I open my eyes again and things begin to come back again. "Is everyone okay?" I ask remembering how everyone was in some kind of panic.
"Yes, they're fine. Do you want to sleep longer? Or come down for dinner?"
"Shleep'." I mumble as my eyes fall again.

I frown as I watch Attlus run his fingers through Ares's hair. Ares has his head resting against Attlus's stomach with his arms wrapped loosely around him. Attlus's legs are wrapped around his and he's staring at the ceiling lazily running his fingers through his hair. I walk into Ares's room and sit next to them. I softly grab Ares's right hand and lift it. "I'll need to change the bandages soon." I say softly. Attlus nods with red eyes and rosy cheeks. I smile and run my rand over Ares's back as I give his forehead. Attlus smiles a little and looks in my eyes.
"What do you think he saw that for him like that?" He asks. I shrug,
"I'm not sure. You know what Phebe's powers are like." He sighs with a nod,
"He's just... never gotten that violent in front of me." I frown as his deer ears go back and tears cloud his eyes. "It's scary." I nod and wipe his cheek,
"I know, love. It sometimes is." He sniffs and looks at me.
"Is Demy okay?" I smile a little,
"Yeah, he's sleeping in my room right now. He took some medicine Lepple gave him and it knocked him right out." He nods and looks at Ares as his wings stretch upwards. Ares yawns and turns to me. He stares sleepily before blinking. He scowls when it registers what I'm here for. He turns his head back the other way and waves his hand in a shoo motion.
"Go 'way." He mumbles,
"No, Ares. We're gonna change your bandages then go talk."
"No." He grumbles.
"Yes. We need to talk about what happened."
"No, I'm not getting up."
"Yes, Ares, you know-,"
"I said no!" He hisses at me, "I'm not leaving Attlus." He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Please." He whispers. I frown but nod.
"Okay, do you want to talk in here?" He shrugs.
"I don't care anymore."

I frown down at my hands as I stand on my balcony. I lift my cigarette to my lips and inhale the intoxicating smoke. One thing about being a vampire, only a handful of things can harm me. Flashes of my nightmare make me flinch and squeeze my eyes shut. "It's not real." I whisper to myself.
"Ares?" I turn at the small voice and watch as Attlus walks up to me. He's only wearing his blue lace panties making me check him out as I lean back against the balcony and inhale again. His smooth spot covered thighs have bruises and bite marks covering them. His slender hips  have permanent hand marks from earlier. I watch as he graciously walks over to me and falls against my chest. "Why aren't you in bed?" He asks. I smile at his caring nature and kiss his deer ear making it twitch adorably. He looks up at me with his big green doe like eyes making my heart melt. I take one more inhale of my cigarette before tossing it over the balcony. I kiss his forehead and hug him.
"Couldn't sleep." He frowns and grabs my hand. I let him lead me back to our bed and push me down on it. He bites his lip as he straddles my hips. I smile up at him as he grabs my hands and lays them on his thighs.
"Why not?" He asks with a pout on his pretty pink lips.
"Nightmares." I answer honestly.
"From Phebe?" I nod.
"You know it's not real." I nod,
"This one really messed with me, though." He nods.
"What can I do to help." I smirk.
"I think you know the answer to that baby." I smirk wider as his ears fold against his head. I sit up and slowly kiss his lips. He makes a whine like a deer before kissing me back. I push my tongue in his mouth making me groan as his rubs against mine. I pull pack and lay my forehead against his, "thank you." I whisper.
"For what?" He asks as he sleepy begins to grind his hips on me.
"For understanding."

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