Ares's confession

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I sit by Ares as he sleeps in his bed. I look down at my hand as the baby bat clings to my gloves finger. Is this really Ares's kin? Ares is the only vampire in the house. Well, full vampire, anyway. I look over at Ares as he groans and slowly blinks. He looks at me confused. "Oh, Bambi. I had this terrible dream."
"Yeah? What was it about?"
"Someone left a box on the porch and there was a bat inside." He slowly sits up and freezes when he sees my hand. His breath hitches as his pupils grow in surprise. "T-that...?"
"This is the bat that was in that box. It wasn't a dream." Ares gulps and slowly reaches out for the bat. He pries its little wings off my finger and holds it gently.
"Hmm?" He hums back,
"Have you... I mean... did you....?" I sigh,
"What is it, Bambi?" He asks softly.
"Did... did you have sex before me?" Ares's eyes water before he slowly nods.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know." He hiccups and squeezes his eyes shut. "He left me." His voice breaks making my heart ache. "He never told me. He... he left me and never called me to tell me why." He hiccups harder, "He left me and I couldn't stop loving him."
"Is it yours?"
"Y-yes." I sigh and kiss his forehead. "I-it carries my sent and reacts to my call. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Bambi. P-please don't leave me."
"I won't leave." I kiss his lips and lay down. He lays against my chest and cries. "I'm not going anywhere."

My eyes slowly open as a squeak sounds through the silent room. I look over at the clock and see it's almost 4 in the morning. I sigh as more squeaks arise. I stare at the ceiling and hesitantly let out a squeak of my own and soon the squeaks cease. It felt weird letting out that bat sound since I haven't in forever. I used to let it out without knowing when I first arrived because of fear, discomfort, and not knowing what was to come. Attlus always told me when I was making the sound and would help me calm down. It was my instinct to call to my coven. Another squeak rings out and I let out another of my own. I look over at Attlus as he scoots closer and flops onto me. I smile and wrap my arms around him. "I should start picking things for breakfast." He yawns and slowly sits up, much to my protesting. I sigh and watch as he walks into the bathroom. More squeaks sound through the room making me tense. My breathing picks up and I sit up quickly and grab the box on my nightstand. I slowly reach inside the blankets and pull out the tiny bat. I squeak back trying to make it calm down but it doesn't work. My eyes tear up as I panic. I feel a hand on my shoulder,
"Hey, Ares, calm down. You're okay." I look up at him. "It's okay."
"It won't stop crying." I hiccup.
"Ares, don't cry. You yourself isn't usually up at this time. It's probably just tired and... and hungry. What can it eat?"
"Umm...." I mumble trying to think back to what my coven classes had taught me. "Fruits and veggies... a-and my blood."
"Alright. Hold still." I try not to tense as he takes my pup out of my hands gently. He screeches when he's out of my hold. I inhale sharply at that but remain still as Attlus brings my pup to my neck. I flinch when it bites into my neck. Attlus grabs my hand and places it where his was to hold the bat in place. Attlus smiles softly and kisses my lips quickly.
"I'm gonna go and get things for breakfast. I'll be back soon. Rest up." He stands to leave and I panic.
"W-wait," I say and stand. I grab my jacket and walk up to him. "I'll go with you." He smiles and takes my free hand. We walk downstairs and I watch as he grabs his baskets to collect food outside in the garden. We walk outside and he points to a tree closest to the spot where he'll be working.
"Go sit under that tree and relax." I nod and walk over and sit against the bark. I sigh as I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. Someone yells from inside and comes running out. Eros runs past me with Demy stumbling after him. My heart beat quickens as my hand tightens on my feeding pup. My breathing start to become irregular as I listen to everything around me. My instincts tell me I should be in a safe place. Even though I know I am safe I can't help but fear my pups well being. A sweat breaks out on my skin as I hastily take off my jacket and kick off my shorts and boxers. I scrunch my eyes up and shift.

I stand and wipe my hands on my apron I always wear when I am working in my garden. I pick up my backseat and make a mental note to come back out later to tend to my fruits. I look over at the tree Ares was sitting at and frown at not seeing him there. "Ares?" I call and get no reply. I shrug thinking he went to sleep and walk inside.

I yawn as I walk into the kitchen. I smile at the sight of Attlus cutting up some fruits. "Good morning, my deer. Want any help?" He nods,
"Morning, Sir. Can you please make some jello?" I nod and kiss his head,
"Are you making you special jello fruit cup?" He nods with a beaming smile.
"You all love it so much. And I thought Ares would like something yummy this morning. I thought he'd help me make it, but I think he came back inside to sleep more." I frown,
"I didn't see him come up the stairs. Your door was open as well." He stills his movements and frowns.
"That's odd."
"Well, we'll see if he comes down soon then. Don't worry."

"Oh yes!" I look up at Eros comes comes the room. "You made jello fruit!" He walks over and kisses me making me flush. I smile at all the compliments my lovers give me as they join us in the dining room. I wait until Ares comes to eat. After 10 minutes of waiting I frown. "Where is Ares?" I look at Sir as I question this.
"I don't know. He was sitting outside with me this morning. He was kinda freaked out because of the bat-ling."
"And you didn't see or hear him leave?" I shake my head sadly, "where was he sitting?"
"Under that tree." I say and point to it. Sir looks out and stands up. We all follow him as he walks over to it. I gasp silently as we get closer and see Ares's clothes on the ground. "What...?"
"Do you see him anywhere?" We all look around for a while. Demy whimpers making Sir hold him. "Demy, he's fine. Look up." We all slowly look up and gasp at the sight. My mouth opens and closes a few times.
"I-I haven't seen him like this in forever." I say softly as Ares's bat eyes stare right at me. "Ares, why'd you go up here?"
I sigh as he tries to communicate telepathically with me,
"Shhh... calm down. You're fine. What's up? Will you come down?"
His eyes look over all of us. "There's nothing you need to be scared of, love. We're your family, we won't hurt you. What scared you this morning?" His eyes look over at Eros who flinches,
He ran outside. I got scared... for my pup.
I smile softly and look at a saddened Eros. "You scared him when you ran outside this morning."
"I didn't even see him." He whispers.
"He knows that and he's not mad. It's just his parental and bat like instincts kicking in." I look up and hold out my hand. "Come here, please? I'll protect you... both of you." He hesitates before slowly letting go of the branch and flying into my hand. I hold him to my chest and cover him up with his jacket and begin to walk inside. When we all finally get inside I softly sit them on the couch. Ares takes a minute to shift back, but looks right at me when he does. He hiccups and covers his face as he lets out a sob. I look around for the pup and find it chillin in his hair. "I-I'm afraid." He says.
"Why are you afraid, Ares? You're safe here."
"I-I've never felt this before. It's scary and weird and all I want to do is go to my room and stay in there with my pup."
"You're afraid because you've never felt the instincts you're feeling now, right?" Ares nods and grabs his pup from his hair.
"I feel like I'm alone... even though I know I'm not. I'm responsible for him now."

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