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"And so Lepple said we could have anything we wanted for dinner," I listen to Attlus ramble in the car on our way home. After another day in the hospital I am finally able to go home. Of course, I have to go back in for a few checkups but at least I can sleep in my own bed, in my own home, again. "So we had pancakes." Attlus giggles making me look down at him. He's playing with my fingers as he rambles. Lepple is smiling from the passenger seat and Sir is shaking his head amusingly as he drives. "What do you want to eat tonight? You should pick!" Attlus squeaks as he usually does. I look at him with a blank face making his ears lay back slowly.
"Attlus, maybe we should be quiet for a while? Ares is probably tired and in pain and just wants to relax." Attlus nods and lays his head against my arm. I clench my teeth at the pain it causes, but don't push him away. We arrive home shortly after an hour and I sigh at the familiar view of my home. Attlus gets out to help Lepple grab groceries and my bags. Sir walks to my side and helps me out before handing me my crutches. I stare at the house as the rest of the family walks out and smile with watery eyes.
"Ares, welcome home." Arachne speaks first as I hobble up to the steps.
"Thank you." I look down at little Auzzi who smiles at me. A flash of water comes to my mind as I stare at his blue frosted skin. I flinch and look away. I know I hurt his feelings. I look at Sir who's already looking at me.
"I'm tired." He nods,
"Boys, lets let Ares sleep for a while. You can catch up at dinner." Everyone nods and goes inside. Sir carries me upstairs and to my room. He lays me on my bed and sits next to me. "Are you in pain?" I nod as a tear rolls down my cheek. "Don't cry," his voice cracks as he wipes my cheeks with his thumbs, "I'll get you some pain meds. I'll bring the rest of your stuff up as well. I won't be too long. Try not to fall asleep yet." I nod and watch as he leaves my room. The door opens making me look over. Attlus walks inside with a bowl in his hands. I smile a little as he walks up to me.
"Try to eat some of this, okay? You can't take so many medicines with an empty tummy." I chuckle at his cuteness and sit up to swing my legs over the bed. He holds up a forkful of Raspberry and chocolate cake making me a raise a brow. "We had this for breakfast. Auzzi and Arachne made it." I nod and gracefully take the bite. I hum as I chew and rub his hip. He switches between eating some and feeding me in silence. Sir walks back in a while after and smiles at us.
"Here." He says and hands me my bottle of pain pills and a bottle of water. I thank him and take two. I chug more of the water before taking a deep breath.
"Are you gonna be okay sleeping alone? Attlus will be here for a while, but I'm sure he's not as tired as you." I nod to Sir and lay against my comfortable bed.
"I'll be fine." I mumble as I shut my eyes. He leans over and kisses my head before covering me up.
"I'll be back soon." I hear Attlus speak before darkness consumes me.

"Is Phebe gonna be coming home soon?" I listen silently to the conversation between my loves.
"Maybe. I think the doctor is gonna run more tests on him." Sir replies.
"What is it he has again?" Auzzi leans against my arm as I look toward Sir again.
"He has a kind of personality disorder called "Forms Control"."
"What does that mean?" I lift Auzzi into the counter and kiss his forehead. He smiles at me and grabs another potato to peel. I push the trash can between his legs and continue chopping up other vegetables.
"I'm not entirely sure." Sir mumbles, "Lepple, have you ever heard about it?"
"Well," Lepple starts, "you told me the doctor said he's seen it mostly in males of Phebe's species, correct?"
"Well, what I think it is... is that he can shapeshifter-;"
"Well, yeah, that's what he is."
"Let me finish, Eros. He can shape shift and take other forms. I think it's those other forms that are what's talking to him and making him do things." Sir nods and silently looks down at the countertop. He sighs,
"I'm gonna be in my office if anyone needs me." He begins to walk off making Demy immediately follow after him.
"He feels bad." I mumble.
"He shouldn't."
"He can't help it."

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