Drinking until i forget you

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"I only remember my father telling us to run before he disappeared." I look over at Forest and watch as he takes another swig of the vodka he bought. "I took Attlus and ran. He was so small that he couldn't keep up. Plus, he hadn't shifted yet, so he was defenseless." He stares at the stars in the night sky in a daze. I swallow as I watch his chest move with each inhale and exhale. His horns rest beautifully on his head. My heart beats faster as he swallows the vodka and grimaces. He's so beautiful. My fangs ache to sink into his flushed, sweaty flesh. To taste his sweet, rich blood. I lick my lips as he turns his head and meets my eyes. He smiles at me softly and leans on his elbow to lean over me. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asks tracing my bottom lip with his finger. I inhale softly and stare into his beautiful gold eye then his gray one. He takes another swig of vodka before leaning over me and meeting my lips with his. I open my mouth and swallow bringing my hands up and-
I jolt awake at the sound of a laugh. I slowly blink open my eyes and look next to me. For a moment all I see is forest but then Attlus appears. Attlus is smiling down at my pup who flaps his wings. I smile a little and look at Attlus. The remembrance of my dream makes my chest hurt. I sigh and watch Attlus's big green eyes turn to me. "Good morning." He leans over and kisses my lips once.
"Morning." I reply groggily. "What time is it?" I ask while sitting up and stretching. I wince at the stinging in my wing that's still bandaged against back.
"It's almost 1 in the after noon." I nod and stand. "Ares?"
"Hmm?" I hum and turn to look at him. He shakes his head,
"Never mind."
"Alright, I'm gonna shower."

"Hehe," I giggle as I feel the little bat crawling up my back.
"Oh wow." I look up at Sir as he enters the kitchen. "I'm surprised he's attached to you and not Ares." I shrug,
"I've been with him a lot too." Sir nods,
"How has Ares been acting? Where is he, by the way?"
"He went back to sleep." I sigh and look down at the chicken I was currently cutting. "He was calling his name again." Sir sighs and hugs me. "I just don't get it." I look up at him with tearful eyes. "He wasn't as close as we were. So why does he miss him more?"
"He got close to him the year you guys were here."
"B-but I knew him all my life and Ares only knew him for a year."
"I'm not sure, little deer. You'd have to ask him. You know how tragic it was for him to wake up and-...." Sir shakes his head. "You'll have to ask Ares. Now," he kisses my head, "I'm gonna go talk to him for a while. You got dinner handled? I can go get some of the other boys." I shrug.
"I'm fine, I'd like some alone time."

I glide my fingers over the black sheets of my bed and sigh. I close my eyes in exhaustion.
"Hey, Ares." I smile and turn quickly right in time as I'm pulled into a hug. I groan and squeeze my arms around his shoulders. He pulls back and smiles at me. "Wanna come watch a movie?" I stare at his smirk in a daze. I hum and look at Lepple,
"Do you still need my help?" Lepple shakes his head,
"No, I think I'm good. Thanks for your help, though." I smile,
"You're welcome. See you later." I grab Forests hand and pull him towards the house and away from the garden. He groans and leans up towards my ear. "I got some new stuff to try." I bite my lip, "so... vodka... or something better?"
I open my eyes at the sound of knocking. I look up and see Sir stepping inside. He sighs and comes to sit next to me.
"Attlus told me you went back to sleep?" I shrug, "Ares, what's wrong? Did you... did you dream of him again?" I feel my eyes tearing up so I look away. "Ares, talk to me."
"I just," want some drugs, I want him, "want to sleep." I pull the blanket over my head and squeeze my eyes shut until he leaves the room.

I silently walk down to the kitchen at 3 in the morning. I rub at my eyes drowsily. I get inside and open the fridge. I pull out one of Attlus's blood packs. I shakily bring it my lips and bite into it. I gulp it down slowly and close my eyes. It almost tastes like his did. I sigh and turn around but flinch when I see Phebe behind me. "H-hi." I swallow,
"What are you doing?"
"Was thirsty." I shrug, "can I ask you something?" He nods and walks to the fridge. He warms up some left over spaghetti and sits at the island with me. "Did Forest and you.... like other than the times we three... did you guys go out and do things together?" He stills and I immediately regret asking.
"We... we did sometimes. When neither of us couldn't sleep. Why?"
"Just wondering."
"Oh. He... he always had this stash in his room and we'd go outside so Sir wouldn't catch us. He was always so fun to talk to." I nod and rethink his sentence over.
"I... I'm gonna try to sleep. Are you okay alone?" Phebe nods,
"Yeah, good night." I smile and turn his head to kiss his lips.
"Night." I quickly run up the stairs and to the last bedroom on the left side. I gulp and shakily open the door. His scent hits me making my breath hitch. I walk inside and look at his old room. He never re-decorated or anything so it still looks plain. I walk over to the few boxes on his floor and begin going through them. When I don't find anything I groan in frustration and sit back on my heels. I look around and stare at his closet. I walk over to it and see a box inside hiding in the back. I kneel down and open it. I gasp as I see many bottles of alcohol and other drugs. I bite my lip and take out one of the vodkas. I twist off the lid and chug as much as I can. I sit back and begin to chug again.

I cough as I feel my stomach roll as I swallow the last bit of vodka left in my second bottle. I stand up but immediately fall with a thud. I cough and flinch as blood squirts out of my mouth. "Ares," I look up from my hands and knees position and see forest looking down at me.
"F-For-," My stomach makes a gurgling sound making me groan.
"Why would you do this? Were you not thinking?! Of yourself and the others." I lay my head on the ground as my vision starts blurring. "No, stay awake, Ares!"
"Ares! Keep your damn eyes open!" I look up at him once more before closing my eyes.

I hum a tune to the music on the radio as I watch Demy stir cake mix in a bowl. He was having a craving and has been slowly trying to work in the kitchen lately. He looks up at me as I crack a few eggs into it. I smile and kiss his forehead. He giggles and continues to stir. "What frosting do you want?" I ask looking through the many we have stored.
"Chocolate!" He practically yells. I laugh making him flush. I walk out of the pantry with the tub and come up behind him.
"You like your sweets, don't you?" He hums and leans back against me. I smile happily and sway gently to the music.
"Daddy, can we-?" He stops talking as we hear a loud thud. He flinches and looks down. I smooth his hair back.
"What was that?" I mumble to myself, "Hey, Arachne, come here for a second?!" Arachne comes in with Auzzi clinging onto him. I smile for a second, "will you stay here while I go check on something?" Arachne nods and comes to stand by Demy. Demy whimpers as I leave,
"I'll be back, I promise." I kiss his head before going upstairs. I walk up to the first room and knock on the door. Eros doesn't answer making me frown. I go to the next door and look inside. Attlus is napping in his bed but Ares isn't with him. I continued and hear slight sounds coming from Phebe's room. I knock and hear deep breathing.
"What? Who is it?"
"Who's in there? Phebe?"
"A-and Eros." I nod to myself,
"Do you know where Lepple is?"
"Fu... his room, I think-k."
"Sorry for interrupting." I walk down to Lepples room and peek inside to see him writing in a journal. "Did you hear a thud?" He shakes his head. I sigh and shut his door. I turn around and look both ways. I hear heavy breathing and walk down the hall again. I stop as I notice Forests door is open. I raise a brow and slowly walk up to it and push it open. I gasp at the sight before me. "A-Ares?!" I rush up to him and pull him into my arms. He's deathly pale and shaking. He has bloody foam falling down his cheek and his eyes are rolled back. I look around and see two empty bottles of vodka on the floor. "Ares, Dammit." I stand up with him and rush out the door. "Lepple! Lepple!" He comes running out in a second. "Oh god."
"We gotta get him to the hospital." We rush by the rooms. Eros and Phebe come out stunned.
"What happened?!" Phebe asks grabbing a shirt and rushing after us. I don't answer. "Oh, Ares." Phebe says and rushes to open the front door. We run out toward the garage. I lay Ares is the back of my Jeep and watch him begin to shiver harder. I swallow hard and look at Phebe and Attlus who runs in crying.
"W-what h-happened?!" I shake my head and get in the back seat.
"Phebe, you drive." He nods and shakily starts the car. I grab Ares's head and lay it in my lap. I grab his hand and hold it against his chest. Attlus jumps in the passenger seat and Phebe hurriedly begins to drive. I look at Ares as he begins to wheeze.
"Ares?" I whisper, "Ares, please, please, don't die." I feel my eyes begin to sting, "you're gonna be okay. We're gonna get through this." I hold my breath as he coughs and notice blood running down his bottom lip. "I love you, Ares." I lean down and kiss his forehead. "Fight for me, please. Like you always do. Don't leave me, leave us, leave your pup. You gotta stay here. You gotta continue living for him... for Forest, Ares. I promised him."

And here is Forests aesthetic!!!
Don't worry, you'll get to know more about him soon.


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