Shopping: Phebe and Ares

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I follow Lepple as he looks at wax scents and different candles. "Why," I clear my throat. It's been scratchy since the other night from crying so much. "Why are we here?"
"I'm looking for something," he says, "candles are nice., too." He shrugs. I scowl at the many smells that fill the store. I put a hand on my stomach as it flips.  I close my eyes as nausea takes over and take a deep breath. This has been happening for a while now. Since before I came to the sanctuary three years ago. I keep wanting to talk to Lepple and Sir but I'm afraid of what they'll say. I'm already too much of a burden on them. I look at Lepple as he carries some candles to the cash register. My mouth starts watering and I know I'm gonna puke. I anxiously grit my teeth and stand beside Lepple. We walk out of the stores and Lepple reads me a text message Ares sent him. "They're by the... sports store?" He looks at me. His eyebrows raise as he sees me bent over at the knees taking deep breaths. "Are you okay?" He asks. I shake my head,
"I'm gonna puke." He winces and quickly pulls me to the closest bathroom. I sit in front of the toilet feeling my head throb painfully. I let out a long whine at the pressure and spinning behind of my eyes.
"Just let it out, Phebs." I take a deep breath and finally let it out. I cough as I vomit harshly. Tears fall down my cheeks as my stomach finally settles. "Phebe?" I look up and shy away from him, relaxing against the stall wall. "Whats wrong?"
"I think... I think there's something wrong with me."

"Here," Lepple places a drink and some chips in front of me. "Eat and drink that slowly. It will help settle your stomach and balance your acid." I nod and slowly sip on the sprite. He looks at me sadly. "Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?"
"Sometimes," I frown, "I don't feel like myself." He nods, "and... and I don't feel alone in my head." He freezes and looks down at his hands resting on the table.
"Will you be able to tell Sir and I more later?" I nod,
"I think I have to."
"It's gonna be okay, Phebe. You're not alone anymore."
"I've never been alone anyways."

I smile at Attlus who's looking at skirts. I'm holding an arms full of clothes so he can continue shopping. "This ones pretty." Attlus looks at me for conformation.
"I think the green one would look better on you." He hums and looks at it,
"Oh! I think you're right!" He giggles and grabs it. "Okay! I'm done!" I smile and walk up to the register.
"Hello, did you find everything okay?" The cashier asks.
"Yes'm!" Attlus says eagerly. The cashier smiles and begins ringing us up.
"You total is $150.55." I nod and get out my money. She frowns but takes it. "Thank you. Come again." I grab the bags and follow Attlus to another store. He turns while looking around at all the stores.
"Wanna go put those in the car?" He bites his lip and stares into my eyes. I hum and lean forward.
"I don't know. Why?" He blushes and rubs his nose against mine.
"We can stand by the car for a while."
"Hmmm... and do what?" I smirk as he whines,
"Make-out." I smile and nod,
"Lead the way, my prince."

I groan as Attlus stops bouncing on my lap. "H-how'd this happen?" He pants. I shake my head against the foggy window.
"I don't know. Keep bouncing." He huffs but grabs the seat and resumes bouncing. I groan as shivers of pleasure rushes through my body from my toes. I grab his hips and slowly thrust my hips up. My head rolls around as pleasure consumes me. I just need that push! My hand jerks Attlus's member to his bouncing rhythm. He sets his hands on my collarbones as he moans loudly. His back arches a little and his deer ears are pushed all the way back. "Ah! Ares!" He moans. I gasp as I feel my orgasm right at the peak but not over the edge.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." Attlus's bounces get sloppy. He puts his hands around my throat and squeeze as hard as his little hands can giving me my edge. I shout as my orgasm starts at my toes and shoots up. I inhale as my back arches and little black dots fog my vision. I listen to Attlus's pleasure filled whimper as he joins me. He rides out our highs and slowly stops bouncing. He lays against my chest finally letting go of my throat and takes deep breaths. We relax for a while to get our breath back.
"Your choke kink is still weird." I chuckle,
"You love it." He hums and slowly sits up. I bite my lip at his beautiful flushed face.
"Maybe. I don't know we were making our, to you grabbing the spare key, to us having sex." He giggles, "but it always feels good."
"Indeed, it does. Come on, let's clean up and continue shopping." I find my phone and look at the time, "we gotta meet in the foot court in three hours."

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