Shopping:Auzzi and Aracnhe. Demy and Venus

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"Let's see," Arachne rubs his chin, squinting. "Let's take five minutes to go around this store," he holds out his arms, "and pick whatever we think the other will like." I smile and nod. "Alright. Meet back right here. Venus and Demy are still at the front, so don't worry." I nod and begin looking around. I look at shirts for a minute then wander over to accessories. I huff as I can't seem to find anything. Something catches my eye making me squeal quietly. I grab it and go bad tow here I'm supposed to meet Aranche. He walks up looking shy and blushes when he meets my eyes. I smile and look at him expectedly. "Did you go to the back of the store?" He asks and I shake my head. He lets out a breath, "good." He clears his throat. "You first." I smile and hold out the hoodie I found. He stares at it making me nervous. It's black with the word spider and a spiders web on the front. I thought it was funny and cute. I bite my lip nervously before Arachne bursts out laughing. He holds his stomach and laughs loudly. Venus looks back at us and smiles before looking at Demy. I smile giggly. He holds his hand out and rubs my cheek with his thumb, still smiling.
"I love it." He stares in my eyes, "so," he holds out a pair of gloves and I gingerly take them as he grabs the hoodie from me. I smile at the dark blue gloves and look up at him, "they have flaps on them," he shows me the flaps that connect to the top, "see? And they fold over your fingers." I smile,
"Cool! Thank you." He smiles. "What else did you grab?" I ask seeing he has something behind is back. He blushes again and shrugs,
"Nothing to use right now." I squint suspiciously. "Just... some toys."
"Yeah... toys." He brings a box out from behind him and looks at it. I peek curiously and feel heat under my skin as I notice what it is.
"You... you use that?" I ask pointing to the sounder. He nods with a shrug,
"It's pleasurable. You could like it too?" He asks and I stare at him. "N-not if you don't want to. B-because you know... a-and you're not... but I... and and-," he shuts his mouth and hangs his head sadly. I lean up and kiss his cheek. He looks at me with sad yet hopeful eyes.
"We'll see." I wink.

"Boys, we're walking down to the next store. So meet us there when you're done." Arachne and Auzzi nods from the register line. I smile and guide Demy to the next store. We walk in and sigh at the cool air. Demy immediately walks to the section with blankets. I smile as he rubs his fingers over some before looking at me. "Yeah," I nod, "you can get anything. You know that." He shrugs and picks up a big light pink blanket. I smile and follow him as he continues to look around. Someone drops something and Demy flinches so hard he trips. I grab him before he falls and pull him to my chest. He whimpers and squeezes me. I rub his hair, "shhh, love. It's okay. Nothings happening." His breathing picks up and I pull his head up to look at him. "Demy, baby, please breathe. I promise you nothing is gonna happen. I'm right here. We're safe." His eyes tear up and he looks around before looking back into my eyes.
"S-sorry." He whispers. I shake my head and kiss his forehead.
"You're fine. Let's keep looking?" I ask. He shakes his head,
"I-I want to leave." I nod and take his blanket from his arms and guide him to the register. He has a death grip on my arm as we pay and begin walking away. We get outside right as Arachne and Auzzi come walking out of the other.
"He okay?" Arachne asks nodding at Demy who has his face against my chest. I look down at his glazed over his eyes and frown,
"Just a scare," Arachne nods, "let's keep looking, yeah?"

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