Snakes and Screams

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"I want to get my hair dyed again." Phebe says as we sit down eating lunch. I look over at him and look at his brown, white, and black hair.
"You know it's kind of pointless," says Ares who's slurping on a red pouch. "Every time you shift it causes the dye to disappear." I watch him slurp from the pouch and wonder if the bruising on his neck hurts. I avert my eyes remembering how it got there.
"Yeah, but I don't like my hair being like this." Phebe shrugs.
"Why not? Your hair looks fine. It's like me saying I don't like my hair because it's red."
"You don't get it!" Phebe demanded, "your hair is one color. You've never been made fun of or called a freak because of it."
"Calm down, boys. Attlus wants his hair cut too so you can come with us today."
"But Sir I can p-,"
"No, I'll pay. Eat, please."
"I'm gonna go hang out with Attlus." Ares says standing up. I watch him walk outside before looking at Venus who stands.
"I'm gonna take this to the two boys who are still in their rooms at this hour. Would you like to go get dressed to come with us?"
"Do I have to?" He shakes his head,
"Of course not. Just make sure to stay near the house if you go outside. If you need anything just ask one of the boys." I nod and stay at the table. I look across from me seeing Demy has fallen asleep and Eros is still eating his sandwich. I look at Phebe who is glaring at the table. I frown remembering how nice he was last night and this morning in bed. He has kept me very warm and even let me put my feet between his legs. He looked so calm when he was sleeping and now he's glaring and looks upset. I lean over and lay my hand on his arm. He looks up at me with his yellow eyes. His different sized pupils still astonish me.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask softly. His face softens and he nods.
"Lets go so I can turn on your blanket." I nod happily as we make our way to the big living room. He turns on a heated blanket for me before finding a movie and putting it in the tv. I sit and bundle up in the heating blanket and smile as Phebe comes to sit beside me. I cautsiouly lean against him. He looks at me before putting his arm over my shoulders and pulling me against him. I curl my legs up and lay them against his thigh and stomach. He smiles and leans his head against mine as the movie starts. Half way through the movie I look at his right arm that's resting over my knees and notice the long black sleeve he has on. I frown and look up at him. He's staring at the movie but looks at me after a minute.
"What?" I look at his arm,
"Why do you wear that?" I ask softly with snowflakes flying out of my mouth. Phebe looks at his arm then back at me.
"To cover something up."
"What is it?"
"Something." I look up at him with the best puppy dog eyes I can get. He rolls his. "Fine, you can see but don't touch." I nod. He slowly pulls the long sleeve revealing red... scales? I look up at him,
"They're snake scales."
"So you're a snake?"
"No," my brows furrow, "I am not a snake, I have snake attributes, yes. But I have a lot of different ones. These ones just stay for some reason." He shrugs. I slowly reach my hand out making him pull back. "D-don't touch." I frown at his stutter,
"Why not?"
"They're sensitive." He clears his throat,
"I won't touch them hard." He hesitates,
"Just... for a second." I nod and softly lay my index finger on his arm. He shivers and clenches his hand. I stare in awe at the beautiful red scales that dance over his arm and hand. I look up at him as I trail my finger upward. His eyes flutter as he clenches his jaw.
"Are you okay?" I ask, worried I'm hurting him.
"Keep... keep going." He says breathlessly. I nod once and slowly trail my finger back down his arm to his hand. His other hand not so subtly palms himself. If I could blush I would be as I look down and notice the bulge in his sweatpants. I'm turning him on? Why? How? I look at his scales again and lean forward. I place a kiss on his forearm making him groan. His back arches as his mouth falls open. I look up at him as he slowly relaxes into the couch. I feel heat rush under my skin as I look at the stain in his sweatpants. He lowers his arm and takes a deep breath. "S-sorry." He says. I shake my head.
"They really are sensitive." He nods and stares at the ceiling. "Are you okay?" I ask once again.
"I am fine. Would you like to take a nap?" I nod, "alright, I'm gonna go change. I'll be back." He gets up and leaves the room so I lay down and cover myself up. I cough watching snow flakes fly through my foggy breath. My eyes slowly close letting my tired mind rest. I feel pressure on my back and around my waist as I finally succumb to the darkness.

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