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I had sent all the boys home for a nights rest,  some food, and a shower. They can come back tomorrow during visiting hours. I'm sitting in the chair next to Ares's bed, reading in my head. I would be reading out loud, but Ares had another fever earlier and I didn't want to disturb his sleep. Ares breathing picks up before he gasps and sits up. He looks around frantically. I stand up and sit by his side. "Hey, hey... you're okay. It was just a nightmare." He swallows as he looks at me before looking around again.
"Hey, breathe for a second, Ares." He slowly lays back and holds his side. I stand and grab an ice pack. I slowly lay it over his gown making him flinch. "Are you in pain?" He doesn't answer and continue to stare out into the hall. "Ares?" He meets my eyes. "Are you in pain?" I ask again. He nods slowly. I push his morphine button making him sigh. I push back his hair from his forehead making his eyes flutter.
"Where's Phebe?" He whispers.
"Next door, still asleep."
"H-he's okay?" His eyes begin to water making my heart clench. I hate seeing any of my boys cry.
"Yes." He sighs, "will you tell me what happened?" He shakes his head as he hiccups. I nod and wipe his cheeks,
"Okay, okay. It's okay. You don't have to tell me yet. It'd just be better to know now than later." His eyes glaze over as he looks out the window. I sigh not knowing how to get him to talk. "Are you thirsty?" He immediately looks at me and nods. I lift my wrist up making him shakily grip it with his hands. He brings it to his mouth and bites into the tender flesh of my wrist. He moans and drinks greedily. I hum and wait until he's satisfied. When he's had enough he holds a mouth full and lets go of my wrist. I look down at the puncture holes that are slowly closing and wipe the blood off with my shirt. I look at Ares who's staring at me. "Good?" He swallows with a nod. I stand and sit back in my chair to begin reading again. He stares at me before looking out the window again. We sit in silence for a while.
"He said he wasn't in control." I freeze at his whisper.
"Okay." I say softly. "What else?" I close my book silently giving him all my attention.
"He said he had to do it. That... that... that someone was making him do it... that he wasn't in control." I nod to myself as his breathing picks up.
"And he just jumped." He throws his hands out. "He... he just jumped, Venus!" He tries sitting up. "I-I tried to stop him." I nod and sit by him again. I hold his hand as he shakes. "I-I..." he hiccups and coughs with tears running down his face, "I jumped after i-in a panic and grabbed him. H-his eyes... w-were red. I-it wasn't him." He sucks in a shaky breath. I wipe his cheeks and kiss his forehead, "w-we hit the water." He shivers as if reliving it. "I-it was so fucking cold and it fucking hurt." He laughs once, "god it hurt." He swallows and stares down at my hand holding his. He messes with the rings that have all their birthstones and initials on them. They all got it for me on my birthday a few years ago. "I tried to protect him. There were rocks." He meets my eyes. "And I hit them hard." He hiccups and wipes and his cheeks, "I could feel the damage they did to me. My ribs cracking and one that I hit my head on. Phebe hit his head and I think he passed out." I nod at his encouraging him to continue, "I tried to keep up floating but I was so tired,Sir. But you always told us to keep fighting and to be strong. I could hear you telling me not to give up. "Keep fighting, Ares." "It's okay to crumble, if you know you tried your hardest." "I'll always be proud, but you can cry, Ares." I tried my hardest to keep us floating, but then... my foot hit something and I could feel my leg snap." His eyes water as he stares at his casted leg. "And that hurt worse than my ribs had. And I was in so much pain and it was so fucking cold... I closed my eyes for a second." He sighs and lays his head back, "I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them I was being put on a stretcher. I'm so sorry, Sir. I failed you." I scoff,
"You did not. You tried your hardest, Ares. And you called me when you got here. You kept Phebe safe... that's what I've been teaching you boys. To keep each other safe no matter what. I am so damn proud of you, Ares. I love you." He hiccups with scrunched eyes.
"S-sir," he opens his arms. "Hug me." I slowly lay next to him trying not to hurt him. He leans into my chest and cries against me. "I love you too." I smile and kiss his head.
"You did good, Ares." He slowly relaxes against me making me sigh as he falls asleep. "I love you so much." I whisper as his breath fans against my collarbones.

I wake up at the sound of the door opening. I open my eyes and look at Attlus and Arachne. I look down at Ares and slowly lay him against the pillows. His eyes brows scrunch before he relaxes. Attlus walks up to me and hugs me before shifting into his deer. I smile and take him out of his clothes before putting him on the bed. He snuggles up against Ares's sleeping form and makes a soft chuffing sound. I cover them both up before looking at Arachne.
"How is everyone?"
"They're okay. Demy is still asleep, but all the other boys were up. Eros says he's feeling weak but Ash told him they could... play later. Auzzi shared a bed with Attlus and me last night."
"And Lepple?"
"He's making new medicine." I nod and begin walking across the hall. The doctor walks in after us.
"Good morning. I'd like to ask if it's okay to take Phebe for more tests?"
"Why?" I ask placing my hand on Phebe's arm.
"We just what to check something out before concerning you."
"Is it bad?"
"We'd like to check it out before concerning you." I tsk with a nod.
"Go ahead. When can I take Ares home?"
"In a day or two. I have to bring a physical therapist-,"
"We have our one physical therapist at home. We just need his scans." The doctor looks hesitant before nodding.
"Of course."

"So, you have to talk to a counselor-,"
"Can't I talk to Ash?" I shake my head,
"No, this is mandatory by hospital rules. You'll talk to the counselor and they will see if you're mentally stable enough to go home in a day or two. Umm..." I look over at Ares who's watching me sign papers for his discharge and health. "Are you ready to go home?" He nods, "without Phebe?" He blinks and looks away. "You'll have to come back in for a few check up appointments."
"'K." I sigh,
"Attlus is coming in an hour." His eyes immediately light up. "Do you want to shower?" He shakes his head,
"Attlus can help me." I nod,
"Alright. Well, I'm gonna go see if the doctor has any news on Phebe. I'll be back soon." I kiss his head before leaving the room. I walk across the hall and walk into Phebe's room. I stop and stare as Phebe rubs his eyes, sitting up in bed. He looks at me and gasps.
"W-who are you?! W-where a-am I?" My heart clenches at that sentence. I stare at him as he stares back. He coughs then smiles making me glare. "Kidding, Sir." He laughs and reaches his hand out. I notice his other arm is still in a sling. I stand next to him with watery eyes.
"You're awake." He nods, "since when?"
"Ehh... maybe half an hour." I nod and lean down to kiss him. He hums and kisses me back. I back making him follow me before he gaps in pain. He grabs his hip and looks up at me, "Ouch. W-what happened?" I stare at him sensing the confusion in his voice.
"You don't remember?" He shakes his head, "you don't remember anything?"
"I... I remember-," he stops and looks down at his hands. I sigh and sit in the chair next to his bed.
"Phebe... if you're hiding something... you have to tell me. I have to know everything that goes on with you boys so I can help and care for you." He sucks in a shaky breath.
"I think I'm sick." I nod,
"Okay. That's okay."
"No, it isn't. I hurt you guys.. all the time. I'm dangerous, Sir. I need... I need to be locked up." I shake my head,
"Not if we can figure out what's wrong with you."
"What do you think is wrong with me?"
"Maybe-." I get cut off as a knock sounds through the room. The doctor is standing there with a conflicted look on his face.
"Am I interrupting?" I shake my head so he walks in. "Hello, Phebe. I'm glad to see you're awake." Phebe nods. "Can I check your vitals before I begin talking to you?" He nods and lays back. I look at the clipboard the doctor puts on the table resting over Phebe's bed and frown at the red pen that's all over the first page. I look back at Phebe and watch the doctor take his vitals and change his iv bags. "How do you feel?"
"Fine." I know he'd shrug if he could.
"Any pain?"
"Of course." The doctor nods and looks over the papers on his chart and writes things down. We sit in silence until the doctor looks up at me.
"Tell us." He sighs,
"We ran some tests on Phebe because we have seen the same thing with his species amongst males." I nod, "Phebe... has mild schizophrenia and a personality disorder we like to call "Forms Control"."
"What does that mean?"
"I am sick." Phebe says stiffly staring down at his hands. "I'm crazy."

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