He jumped

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"Where are you going?" I ask Ares as he walks towards the front door.
"Out." He calls back making me quickly rush after him.
"Ares!" I grab his arm making him look up at me. "Take someone with you." He shakes his head,
"No. I want to be alone."
"No, you know the rules. No one goes anywhere alone."
"But I-,"
"Sir," we look up at the voice. Phebe walks over, "I'll go with him." I frown uncertain and look at Phebe's long sleeves. I squint suspiciously.
"Fine. Text me in a few hours so I know you're okay." Phebe nods and follows a sulking Ares outdoors. I sigh as I watch them head toward the garage, feeling my gut get heavy with uncertainty.
"Sir," I look behind me at Demy, "can you help Auzzi and me make cookies?" I smile and hug him. He sighs and kisses my lips lazily.
"Sure, baby boy. Lead the way." He turns and walks to the kitchen. We walk in and I smile at Auzzi's red nose. It's always so red. "Auzzi, was this your idea?" I fake scowl at the mess on the island making him frown.
"I wanted cookies and Demy was already looking for something to eat, so." He shrugs, "I'm sorry we made a mess." I smile and ruffle his hair.
"It's alright. Let's see what we can reuse, yeah?" He smiles up at me making my heart flutter.

I walk down the stairs in search for my angry vampire. We had some fun for a few hours, but I woke up alone. Usually he's always there when I wake up. I walk into the kitchen and inhale at the smell of cookies. Auzzi, sir, Arachne, and Demy are cleaning up the kitchen as I enter. "Damn," I look at Venus, "did Ares want to eat you?" He walks over and rubs his fingers across my neck making me blush. Ares has a tendency to leave marks a lot.
"Where is he?" I ask ignoring his question.
"He went somewhere with Phebe." I frown feeling hurt.
"Why'd he not tell me?" Venus frowns as my eyes water. "He's been acting weird. He's always there when I wake up." I hiccup and cover my face. "I want Ares." I sob. Eros walks in and hugs my shoulders.
"Oh, love, what's wrong?" I shake my head,
"Okay, why don't we go cuddle then? Come on." I let him pull me away. We cuddle and he holds me while I cry.

"Why aren't they back?" I ask Venus as we stand on the porch outside. It's already dark and they're not home. He's staring down at his phone trying to track his phone.
"I don't know." He shakes his head and sighs, "call them again." I nod and pull out my phone.
"Sir, dinners ready. They're still not back." Lepple walks over and lays his head on my shoulder.
"The tracker isn't working. Dammit!" Lepple lays his hand on Sir's arm making him exhale.
"Calm down. It's no use in stressing." Sir nods,
"It went to voicemail, again." He shakes his head.
"Dammit, Ares. Pick up your phone." I frown at the worry on his face.
"You don't think they... got hurt or something?" Sir shakes his head,
"I don't want to think about that. Let's go inside. We'll come back out after we eat."

I cough into my hand making Lepple look at me. "Are you getting sick?" I shake my head, "hmm... I'll find some herbs for you later." I smile and continue eating. I look at Sir to my left and frown as he stares down at his food. He hasn't eaten a bite. Lepple taps my shoulder, "don't worry about it. I'm sure they're fine."
I nod and look at Attlus. His eyes look tired and his little face is red from crying. Eros rubs his hand and stares at him worriedly. Everyone is so sad right now.
"Sir, I-," His phone begins reading making him immediately grab it. He taps the screens and holds it to his ear.
"Ares?!" His eyes grow wide, "what?!" He shakes his head, "n-no, slow down! What are you talking about?! Where are you?!" He listens to the loud voice on the other side, "he... he what?!" Attlus hiccups making Eros grab him and pull him onto his lap. "Oh god," Sir pales, "I-I'm coming now, Ares. Please, breath, baby." He stands and hands up. He breaths quickly and looks at Lepple and Arachne. "We gotta go to the hospital."

Venus (before the call)
I stare down at my plate praying my boys are okay. Where are they?! Why did I let them leave? I knew I should've gone with them.
"Sir, I-," Auzzi begins to speak but my phone rings. My heart jumps at I quickly answer it. Heavy breathing comes from the other line. "S-Sir?" Ares sobs making my heart clench.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He sobs violently and coughs. "Don't hate me. P-please don't hate me. I'm sorry. I-I-It hurts. D-D you h-hate me?"
"N-no, slow down."
"I tried to save him." He groans and coughs more.
"What are you talking about?! Where are you?!"
"A-at the hospital. Please, sir, I'm so sorry. He just j-jumped. He just... jumped."
"He... he what?!"
"Phebe jumped."
"Oh god," I stand up, "I-I'm coming now, Ares. Please, breath, baby." I hang up the phone and look at the scared faces of my beloveds. I meet Lepple eyes then Arachnes. "We gotta go to the hospital."

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