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"Auzzi, are you listening?" I ignore my mother's voice and keep staring out the window. "Honey, please don't be like this." She sighs as I glare at her through the mirror.
"I can believe you're doing this." I growl pulling my blanket tighter around me.
"Auz, you know I didn't have a choice. Your father-,"
"Father made the wrong choice!" I snap at her, "I'm not fuckin' crazy!"
"Do not swear!" I scoff and look back out the window, sulking. "We have taken you to many doctors and therapists. They are concerned. We found a place that keeps children like you-,"
"Like me?! What the hell am I like?" I watch my breathe come out in front of me even thought it's 90* degrees out.
"Language." I sigh and pull the hood of my hoodie up. "Your father and I are very sorry about this. This is really for the best." I roll my eyes. Ever since I told my parents I have powers and am a descendant of a Greek god they've been convinced I'm crazy. I started seeing the signs when I was younger. I was always much colder than other kids were. Even in 100 degrees weather. My parents thought I had a genetic disorder or something. They've taken me to many doctors and wasted thousands of dollars trying to figure out why my body temperature was always deadly low. The first time I noticed I had ice powers was when I was holding a cup of coco and it froze. My mother's was baffled but never said anything. I learned to never speak of it after I finally told them. Now three months later and I'm being shipped to a home for the 'Misdirected and confused boys'. I was woke up at 6 am to get my things and begin the drive here. I'm gonna miss home so much but then again I'm kind of glad to be with people who are like me and away from my parents who treat me like a mental patient. My mother takes another turn and continues to drive in silence. I shiver and pull my blanket tighter around me.
"Can you turn up the heat?" I ask softly. My mother looks at me annoyed and turns it up with her window down. "Sorry." I mumble.
"It's okay, hon. We're gonna cure you." I roll my eyes. She isn't doing anything but shipping me away. I look up at a huge mansion and stare in awe. There's a boy sitting on the steps of the mansion as we pull up. He hollers inside and begins making his way over here. I slowly get out of the car and look around the woods like area. It's seems homey and isolated. I look up at the boy and stare at his peachy pale skin. His eyes are a light purple and he has light green hair that's pulled back into a small pony tail. He's skinny and tall and wears a kind smile.
"Can I help with your bags?" He asks with a calming voice that makes my racing heart calm creepily fast. My mother smiles,
"Yes, please. He has a few here." The boy smiles and begins helping my mom pull my bags from the trunk.
"Headmaster should be out here in a second." I stare at the boy as he smiles and walks past me carrying two of my bags. I turn and grab my backpack and the blanket I was using. My mother walks up to my holding my last bag. She smiles sadly at me,
"It's gonna be okay." I don't answer and look up at I hear footsteps. I gulp as a taller man steps in front of my mother and I. He has pitch black hair and pitch black eyes. Though, as I look at my mother she doesn't seem freaked out so I assume she still can't see our attributes. He's tall and unbelievably handsome.
"May I take a that?" He asks and I frown at the whistle that follows his voice as he speaks. He holds his hand out to my mother. She smiles and hands it to him.
"Thank you. I assume you're Mr.Monty?" He nods.
"Yes, ma'm. And I assume you're...?" He trails off looking at me.
"Auzzi." He smiles at the snowflakes that fly out of my mouth as I speak.
"Well, Auzzi, I'm Venus." I smile as he lets out a loud whistle. I look at my mother who is looking at her phone. I roll my eyes,
"Mom?" She looks up and smiles,
"Thank you for taking him. We'll try to visit." Venus nods.
"Well, I'll take him from here. Come?" He asks. I nod and begin walking.
"Auzzi, aren't you gonna hug me bye?" I look back at my mom.
"Not when you abandoned me. Bye, mother." I resume walking up to the fancy house. I step inside and stare in awe. The floors are a beautiful wood and there is a marble stair case leading I'm presuming upstairs. I look at Venus who is standing by the open door.
"Would you like to see your bedroom first?" I nod and he begins to go up the stair case. I look outside and see my mother's car is gone. I shrug and begin to follow Venus up the stairs. "So, usually everyone shares a room with someone. But because you're new you will have a room of your own for a while. I do suggest sleeping in a shared room though. So you're not always alone." He meets my eyes for a second before turning back ahead. "There are eight other boys here. They each have their own assigned room for personal space, as you do. Everyone's room is up here. There are other room downstairs and on the other side of the house that are specially made for the boys."
"What do you mean "specially made"?" Venus chuckles,
"You'll see. It is their room, so they should be the ones to show you." I nod slowly as we begin walking down the long hall.
"So... everyone's room has a plate with their names on them. There are Velcro patches on them to let others know when you're out and when you're busy or... sleeping." I nod and read some of the names on the doors we pass. Ares and Attlus stuck out to me. Venus stops and opens an empty room. I gape at the huge room. The floor had black boards and the walls are a dark blue. I look at the queen sized bed and and blink at my bags on it.
"Lepple brought those up for you." I look away from the dresser and desk to him.
"Lepple?" He smiles.
"The boy who you frost saw outside." I nod,
"Oh. He seems kind."
"He is, indeed. He has a... calming demeanor." I nod.
"Yeah, he really does." I sit on the bed and stare down at my light blue fingers.
"Is this place... really going to fix me?" I ask softly. He comes closer and crouches in front of me. I stare into his liquid black eyes.
"No, this place will help you embrace and strengthen you abilities. Your true self, where no one judges you." I frown,
"But my mom said-,"
"Yes, well... that is what she is supposed to think. I made this place for the boys here to have a place to come to when they are rejected by their families for being different." He stands, "dinner is going to be done soon. I'll send someone up to get you. So you may unpack or shower or something before then. I'll see you soon, Auz." I nod and he begins to leave the room. He stops and looks back at me,
"What is your real name?" I frown,
"Aeolous." He smiles.
"Mine is Hesperus."

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