Shopping: Eros and Ash

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"Oh come on," I scowl at Ash. "Who doesn't like new toys?!" He rolls his eyes with crossed arms.
"Not everyone is an incubus, Eros. We're not all wanting to have sex every second of every day." I sigh,
"I don't either! I just... like it." I shrug and turn back to the shelves. "I'm not a sex addict." I say with grit teeth. He sighs and stands next to me. "Fine. You can buy one. For yourself or for...?"!I shrug,
"I'll probably let Ares do it to me." He nods,
"Of course. Does Ares ever not have sex with you?" I laugh loudly.
"No. I like the way he thrusts and he likes how my tail wraps around his throat." I say remembering how his eyes roll back whenever I tighten my tail. With fore play if I even teasingly grip his throat he'll moan and get instantly hard. It's funny to watch, really, how fast he'll cum when he's being chocked. I grab a new toy and smile at Ash who rolls his eyes. We head up to the register and I smile as he places something on the table. "And who said we couldn't buy anything again?" He scoffs,
"Phebe needs something to help him relax." He shrugs, "try to get his mind off everything." I nod,
"That's nice." We grab our bags and walk out the store. The warm air hits us making Ash sigh. I look down as we walk and see him holding his back. "Your legs hurt already?"
"I haven't shifted to this form in months," he frowns down at his legs, "it hurts still." I nod,
"We can go somewhere and you can shift back for a while?" He shakes his head,
"Nah, it'll hurt worse to shift back to this form after. I can wait." I make a sound of uncertainty before looking forward again.
"How about we go to the food courts early?"
"No, you want to shop more. I can keep going."
"I don't like you being in pain." I mumble.
"I'm okay." He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. "We can go to a few more shops then to the food court."

"What do you want?" I look up at Eros who's counting his left over money. I pull out a few twenties and tell him what I want. He starts to tell me to keep my money but I insist. He sighs and walks off to get out food. I groan as I stretch my stiff legs out. I pull down the waist band of my jeans and look at the green scales that are appearing. I only have so long before I'll shift back.
"Hi!" I look up and smile at Attlus who bounces over and sits beside me. He snuggles up to my side and giggles as I put my arm around him. Ares sits in a chair in front of us and stares down at his boyfriend. I silently chuckle at the light red bruises on his neck.
"I see you guys did more than shop." Ares smirks while Attlus whines embarrassed.
"Where is Eros?" Ares asks. I look around and spot him in line. He's rubbing his head slightly and frowning at the money in his other hand. I sigh,
"Still in line to get us food." Ares nods and looks at Attlus who's resting limply against my side.
"I'll go get us food then, too." He stands and walks away. I look down and smile as Attlus. He's so adorable. Him and Demy are our most lovable and dependent boys. They love to be loved and kissed when it comes to sex and loves to be cuddled any other time. I kiss forehead and reposition my legs. They're growing so still after walking around five stores. I don't know if I'll be able to walk to the car. I wonder if Sir will help me. I hardly ever shift. Usually when I do it's because the family is going out to do something together. Other than that, I'm usually in my snake form. A tray is sat in front of me and I smile at Eros as he sits next to me. He begins to eat his cheese burger while I gracefully eat my fries and slurp my smoothie. My diet is mostly any human food, except a few things. Of course, I still have dislikes. Raw meat is good too ;)
"Bambie...?" I look up at Ares who reaches across and slightly shakes Attlus, who whines.
"No, you gotta eat." He huffs and slowly sits up with watery eyes. Ares coos and rubs his cheeks before scooting' closer and pushing his food towards him. Attlus opens his mouth lazily as Ares holds up a piece of food. I chuckle and continue eating my food.
"So, Venus will be here in a minute. Demy got a scare and was afraid to lift his head once they sat down." I frown sadly. Poor Demy never gets a break. When I first got to the sanctuary he was wearing a heart monitoring bracelet so Venus could see what made him anxious and what made him calm the most. But because of his abilities he's always so jumpy and afraid. Any little thing sets off a panic attack. That's why he's usually always stuck to Sir's side and if he's not he's stuck to someone who he trusts enough to protect him. We look up as someone steps up to the table and sits down. Aranche and Auzzi sit down first, happily chatting. Well, Auzzi is doing most of the talking. But Arachne seems intrigued as he nods and smiles along. Sir and Demy walk up to the table next.
"I'm gonna get us some food. Sit down, yeah?"
"No." Demy's eyes watery immediately. "D-Don't leave me." He whimpers. Sir looks conflicted as Demy's little fists shake against his chest. Sir rubs his fingers through Demy's hair and sighs. I hold my hands out,
"Come 'ere, squeaks. I'll hold you until Venus gets back." Demy sniffs and looks at me with watery eyes. He looks up at Sir who nods at him. Demy slowly lets go of his shirt and comes to sit on my lap. I hold in a wince of pain as he sits on my sensitive legs and hides his face in my neck. I hold his trembling form and slowly begin to rock us back and forth. He lets out a breath before relaxing against me. I smile up at Venus who nods and walks off to get food. Lepple and Phebe come last and wave as they walk by. I frown at the look on Phebe's face. I'll have to talk to him later. I hum as Demy begins cheawing on his finger nails and slowly take his hand away and hold it against my chest. He begins to hum with me making me smile against his head. Venus comes back shortly and Demy immediately notices. He kisses my lips before hopping up and onto his. Venus smiles and whispers in his ear making Demy smile. Demy sits up and begins to eat while looking around. I look around at my family and smile at how happy they all look. Well, everyone but Phebe. I frown and reach over to grab his hand. He looks up at me and smiles a little. I lean over and place a kiss on his lips. He smiles wider and kisses me back. I grab the back of his head and deepen the kiss before someone kicks me under the table. I flinch and look at Sir who raises a brow. I huff and pull back before whispering in Phebe's ear,
"I bought something for tonight." He shivers and smiles,
"Can't wait." He winks and looks back at his food. I smile, anticipation filling me.

"So, what do we all look like?" I look at Auzzi as we step in through the door. After eating we shopped for a while until Demy and Attlus got tired, Phebe started to get a fever, Ash's legs were starting to cramp so bad Venus had to help him to the car, and Auzzi was starting to shiver like crazy.
"Well," Venus says while carrying a sleepy Demy in his arms. "We all have the same hair color as now. Mostly everyone eyes are a shade of blue or green. Except mine, which are brown." Auzzi nods.
"And I have brown hair and blue eyes?" Venus nods.
"Yesh. Well boy, I'd say we're all exhausted. How about we go to bed and get the bags tomorrow?" Ares, who is already climbing the stairs slowly since he's carrying a sleeping Attlus, laughs.
"Yeah, good idea. Goodnight." Everyone slowly departs. I look at Auzzi who is watching Ash shift back. Ash grimaces and sighs as his tail comes back. He grabs his abandoned clothes before looking up. Auzzi stares where his member would be if he was human.
"My lower half is completely snake", Ash answers.
"Oh... that's cool. But you can still-," he stops with a blush,
"Well, yes. But being a snake makes it a little more different." I chuckle and walk closer to them.
"How?" I grab a hold of his shoulders making him jump.
"Now, Auzzi, that involves a lot of explaining. And I am exhausted and I can tell you are as well, so let's go sleep. You can finish talking in the morning." He sighs and leans back against me.
"Fine. Goodnight, Ash." Ash smiles,
"Night." Auzzi leads me up the stairs and into his room. I smile at the many blankets he has on his bed and walk over to turn his heater blanket on. He shrugs out of his jeans as I sit on the bed and watch him. I bite my lip as I see his beautiful thighs. Oh how I'd love to be between those and mark them up real nicely. I look away and look at my jeans.
"I should go change." He turns and looks at me.
"Or... or you could just... s-sleep in your boxers." He bites his lip, fiddling with his hoodie pocket. My eyebrows raise in surprise as I stand up. I let out a breathe remembering my legs. If I take off my shirt he'll see them. Will he make fun of me? Be disgusted? Disappointed? I let out a shuddering breath as fear bubbles up inside me. "You don't have to," my eyes look up at his pouty face, "it's okay." I shake my head,
"N-no," I sigh. "Remember how I told you I have spider legs?" He nods, "well... I just... don't want you to be disgusted." He scoffs.
"Do you know what I thought I first saw you?" I shake my head as he steps closer. "That you're so beautiful. You are like crazy beautiful and it's makes me jealous. Everybody in here is so damn beautiful." I cup his cold cheeks and watch fog and snowflakes leave his parted lips.
"You're beautiful too." I look at his lips. "Can... can I kiss you?" He licks his lips making my eyes follow the movement.
"Yes." He whispers making my breath hitch. I slowly lean down and lightly skim his lips. They're cold, as expected, against mine. He stands on his tiptoes and leans against me almost making pull away as he puts pressure on my legs that are wrapped around my torso, as they usually are. I cup the back of his head and lick the seam of his lips. He hesitantly opens them making me slowly push my tongue into his cold mouth. He moans and sets his hands on my biceps. I groan and kiss him harder making him moan again. His hands slowly venture down my arms as our tongues rub against each other. I pull back and set my forehead on his as we pant against each other's mouths.
"You're so dam cold," I whisper.
"And you're so hot." He slowly rests his hands on my sides making me tense up. He meets my eyes as he slowly lifts my shirt. I grab it and pull it the rest of the way off. My spider legs slowly unwrap from around my torso and stretch out. Auzzi stares in amazement and slowly reaches out a hand to touch the silver thickness. I shiver and hold in a gasp. "They're so beautiful. Do they move too?" I nod and let one leg wrap around his waist. He giggles and hugs my mid-section. I smile and hug him back. Joy feels me that he's not repulsed. "I can't wait to learn more about you," he looks up at me, "all of you."

(So, Arachne's legs start at the middle of his back and wrap around his torso, snuggly. You'll learn more on why he keeps them hidden soon.) not my art🔼)

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