What'd I do?

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"Sir," I look up from the book I was quietly reading out loud and look at the door. Lepple stands with Attlus and Ash.
"Where's Phebe?" Ash asks as they quietly walk in.
"Still asleep." I watch as Attlus stares at Ares who's still staring out the window. I've tried talking to him and getting him to respond, but he doesn't move at all. Not even his eyes. Attlus lays his hand on Ares's and sniffles.
"Ares? I'm here." Ares doesn't move. "It's okay now. You can cry." Attlus's voice breaks. I watch as Ares's eyes water and my breath hitches as he finally looks Attlus in the eyes. He hiccups and covers his face. Attlus walks up and hugs him. Ares hides his face in his chest and yells out making my eyes water at the pain in his voice. He looks over at me and hiccups,
"I'm so sorry." I shake my head and reach my hand out. He grabs it and hides his face back in Attlus's chest and lets out a pained whimper. I look up at Ash and wipe my eyes.
"I'll take you to see Phebe." He nods and lets me get up. I lead him across the hall and open Phebe's room door. He walks in and sits by Phebe's side.
"When is he gonna wake up?"
"A day or so." I shrug and kiss Phebe's forehead.
"What are his injuries?"
"His hip is fractured so he won't be able to walk comfortably for a while. His shoulders dislocated and he has a few cuts and bruises. Ares took the worst." He swallows,
"Can I stay here alone for a while? I nod,
"Of course. I'll come back later to see what the doctor has to say." He nods and stares at Phebe sadly. I slowly walk out of the room and walk back to Ares's. Only Attlus is in the room when I enter.
"Lepple went to find the doctor." I raise a brow and look at Ares who's laying on the bed breathing hard. I walk up to the bed and lay my hand on his forehead.
"You have a fever. Are you in pain?" He nods his head a little but with clenched eyes.
"Hey, what's happening?" The doctor asks walking into the room.
"He has a fever and is in pain." I tell him. Lepple comes and stands by me while the doctor changes Ares's iv bag and gives him an ice pack for his ribs.
"There, that should help with your fever. Keep the ice pack on for half an hour then switch to that heating pad for another. Ares," Ares slowly opens his red, tired eyes and looks at the doctor. "Can you tell us what happened?" Ares immediately flinches and looks away. He grabs Attlus's hand and holds it. I sigh,
"Not yet. Give him some more time."
"Of course. I'll be back in a while with something he can eat, well drink." I nod and thank him. I kiss Ares on the forehead before sitting down. He turns his head and looks at me. I rest my elbow on the edge of the bed with a smile and wipe his forehead with a washcloth. His eyes flutter as a tear rolls down his face.
"He jumped." He whispers pitifully. I nod,
"I know, Ares. Go to sleep." His eyes close as he exhales and goes limp. Attlus wipes his cheek sadly and cuddles up to Lepple.
"Sir, we can stay here. You should go home... shower, eat, see the boys. They'll want to know what's happened so far."

I step through the front door and quietly shut it behind me. I take off my jacket and hand it up before slowly going up the stair case. I slowly open my bedroom door deciding I'm gonna shower before I eat. I walk in and Demy immediately sits up. He gasps,
"Sir." He jumps out of the bundle of boys and runs toward me. I grab him and squeeze him tightly. The other boys groggily sit up before noticing me. They begin to get up and come over to me. I hug them all, having missed them drearily. They begin spurting out questions making me sigh.
"Boys, please, let me shower before I begin telling you what's happened." They nod and sit on the bed, silently. I smile a little and look down at Demy who has his face against my neck. "Demy, love, sit down and wait for me." He shakes his head.
"No," he hiccups, "I missed you so much." I hold him and look at Arachne.
"Sir, he hasn't slept since you left." My heart squeezes at that.
"Demy, shower with me then I'll put you to bed."
"Sir," he whines, "you just got here. I no want to go to shweep." I smile adoringly,
"It'll be okay. If you sleep long enough I'll let you come to the hospital tomorrow and spend all day with me."
"Okay," he says reluctantly and lets go. I smile and cover him up as he rests against the bed. His eyes flutter as I rub his cheek with my thumb.
"I'll be here when you awaken. Sleep, please."
"Promise." I kiss his forehead and stand as he goes limp. I walk toward Arachne. "I'm gonna shower. You all can sleep until I'm out or...?" He shakes his head,
"No, Sir, we'll wait in the kitchen for you. Make you something to eat." I nod,
"Thank you."

I sigh as I walk into the kitchen and inhale the smell of pancakes and sausage. Arachne smiles at me and nods to the island where Eros and Auzzi are waiting patiently for their food. I kiss both their heads before sitting down.
"Are you really hungry, Sir?" I nod,
"Thank you, Arachne." I say as he puts a plate in front of me. He smiles and nods before giving the other two a plate and making his own. He puts Demy's plate in the microwave before grabbing a stool from under the counter and sitting to eat.
"Tell is what's happened? Are they hurt?" I nod,
"Are is awake now, Phebe is still asleep. Ares broke his leg, his ribs, and has a pretty bad concussion. Phebe only has a dislocated shoulder and some bruising. They don't know exactly what happened."
"When are they gonna be home?" Auzzi asks. I feel bad that this has happened only a week since he's gotten here.
"We don't know yet. Soon, I hope." They nod and silently eat. I begin eating as well, not knowing what else to say.
"Daddy," comes a whiny voice behind me. I smile automatically and look. Demy rubs his watery eyes with his fist as he comes to stand in front of me. I lift him up and place him in my lap. He falls against me with a cute yawn. I rub his back and squeeze him.
"Hello, love." I whisper kissing his forehead. Arachne places his plate next to mine, already cut up. I smile in thanks and begin feeding my babyboy.
"When can we come see them?" I look at Eros. Ares is usually got-to person when he needs energy. I hope someone will help him while he's gone.
"I'm not sure. Everyone can go in groups. But, when Phebe wakes up I don't know if he'll want to see anyone right away." Arachne nods.
"We're okay, sir," I meet his eyes, he's come a long way since he first came here. "Go help Ares and Phebe heal as much as you have with us." I nod trying not to let my eyes water.
"I'm so proud of you all. Really." They all look at me. I squeeze Demy and sniff, "I don't know what I did wrong." I whisper.
"Sir," they all exclaim.
"You didn't do anything." Eros says,
"I'm sure there is a reason they did that, as there always is with those two." I still feel like I should've seen this coming, some how.
"I may not know them well, but I think there is a reason. One that you couldn't have seen coming, Sir." I smile as Auzzi and ruffle his hair.
"Thank you, boys. For being strong like I've taught you."

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