Somethings wrong, but oh so right

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"It's okay," I tell Phebe was we go into my room. I slither over and turn on my heated blankets and the heater in my wall that'll heat up quickly. Phebe slowly sits on one of the many hammocks hanging from my ceiling and walls. He sits on one that's hanging low to the ground. He sighs and lays his crutches down. I slither over after getting a drink from my mini fridge. I will my arousal away as slither next to him. He lays his head back, but turns it to look at me.
"I'm sorry." I shake my head,
"You're in pain. You don't have to be sorry." He closes his eyes.
"You could've stayed. I'm sure-,"
"No," I cut him off, "I choose to come with you. It's okay, really. I don't want you to be in anymore pain than you already are."
"I wanted to... to...."
"I know. We can another time." He nods and stares up at my tall ceiling. I grab one of my blankets and cover him up as his eyes flutter. "Go to sleep."
"But you-,"
"You need to sleep. Your pain meds are gonna knock you out soon anyways."
"I feel bad." He whispers.
"You didn't get to have some fun."
"I don't need it. I can go see Sir or someone later."
"Eros." I smile and comb my fingers through his hair.
"Yeah, maybe." He nods sleepily before closing his eyes.
"I can feel it." He whispers, "it wants out." I stare confusedly at his sleeping face. What is "it"?

I sigh as I eat my midnight snack and drink a cup of chocolate milk. I look up as the kitchen door opens and in walks a grumpy looking Ares. I chuckle while he rubs his eyes. He scoffs and grabs a blood bag from the fridge and warms it up.
"Cake at four am?" He asks through a yawn.
"Yup." I say popping the "p". He shakes his head and sits next to me at the island. I stare at him while he lazily drinks. I trace my finger over the scratch marks that run over his shoulders and back. "You and Attlus surely had fun after you went upstairs." He smirks,
"Oh yeah. Lets just say I'm collecting fruit for breakfast this morning." I chuckle and stand up to put my plate in the dish washer. I come around and stand between Ares legs. He smiles while looking up at me. I smile back and lay my forehead on his.
"How are you feeling?" He shrugs,
"I'm okay."
"Does your wing hurt?"
"Not right now. I took some pain pills on the way down here." I nod and lean in to kiss him. He hums and leans his head up and meets my lips. I cup his face and deepen the kiss. He pushes his tongue against mine as he wraps his arms around my neck. He pulls back with a shiver. "Lets go to your office." I nod and grab his hand. We walkout of the kitchen and he gasps. "It's cold." I nod feeling the chill to. We walk over to the thermometers on the wall by the stairs and I turn the heat up.
"There, that should help. Come on."

"Can we go again?" I huff and look at Ares who smiles sweetly at me. His cheeks a soft red and his hair matted to his forehead with sweat.
"Are you sure you're not the Incubus?" He scoffs,
"It just feels good when you're overwhelmed."
"With pleasure?" He nods,
"Yeah. Don't you think? After you come once and then build it up again it feels better?" I hum,
"Maybe. I see why Eros always goes to you." He laughs,
"Yeah." He looks over at the door and slowly sits up.
"What? Ares...?"
"Do you see that under the door?" I look over at the door in confusion.
"I don't-..." I stop as I see it. There's a mist under the door. "Is that ice?" We stand up and get dressed before walking over to the door. Ares gasps as I open it and cold air hits us. "Oh shit. Go check on Ash and Arachne." He nods and races down their hall as I run up the stairs. I slow down as I near Auzzi's door because there is ice outside. The ceiling is even covered in ice. The door opens as I get to it and a freezing looking Aranche comes out.
"S-s-so-some-m-thing I-is wr-wrong." He shivers. I look at his bare torso and notice that his spider legs have frost on them.
"Go help Ares with Ash and get dressed in something warm." He nods and slowly makes his way down the stairs. I turn to the door and walk inside. I breath out watching my breath in the air. I shakily inhale and walk over to the bed. I pull back the frosted blanket and blink at the sight in front of me. Auzzi lays curled in a ball completely still. He doesn't even breathe. My heart begins to painfully thump as I peel the frosted blanket completely off the bed. I notice it wasn't turned on. I shake my head and begin going through his drawers to find warm clothes.
"Lepple!" I call out, "Lepple! Eros! Someone!" I begin shaking never have dealt with this before. The door bangs and Eros walks in.
"Sir? W-what... what's wrong with him?"
"I-I don't know. Just help me get him warm. Go get some of Ash's heating blankets, please." He nods and runs out. I go to grab Auzzi's arm and gasp as it cracks. I stand up as I tremble and look at the blood that is slowly seeping through the cracks. The door opens and I turn sharply. "Stop!" I shout and they all freeze.
"What is it?" Lepple asks and pushes past Eros, Demy, and Attlus.
"No one come near him. Give me the blankets." I grab them and slowly put them on him. I stare at his frosted eyelashes and black tipped nose. "Oh god," I say and stand up, "I-I need something to put over his face that won't suffocate him." I look at Lepple who nods and leaves.
"Is he okay?" Demy asks with a quivering lip. I nod and cup his face.
"He's sick. It's different for everyone, you know this. He's going to be okay." He nods hesitantly. I turn back and look at Auzzi. "Umm... lets go downstairs and start breakfast. After we get him warmed up maybe he'll wake up and can eat." Everyone nods and walks out. I turn on a few heater I bring in before shutting his door and walking downstairs to join the boys in the kitchen. When I get down there everyone is silent. I sigh and walk behind Attlus since he's the first one I walk to and see. He looks up at me with his big doe eyes that can make anyone heart melt. I hug him from behind and kiss his deer ears. "I love you." He giggles,
"I love you, too, Sir." He turns and pecks my lips before continuing to mix cream and jello with a little more hop. I smile and continue to hug each boy and tell them the same thing. I look around for Phebe not seeing him.
"He's in Ash's room." Lepple says before I can ask. I thank him and begin walking out the room. I knock on Ash's door and slowly peek in. Phebe and Ash are laying in the bed sleeping. I smile and walk up to them. Ash's bed is so warm I can feel the heat before I get to them. I sigh thankful that it isn't freezing in here like the rest of the house. I cover up Ash's shoulders since he's hugging Phebe's torso laying his head on it. I kiss their foreheads before turning around. I startle at the sight of Arachne sitting on the hammock a little off the ground. He's wrapped in one of Ash's blankets.
"Hi." He mumbles.
"Hey." I speak and walk up to him. I cup his face making him sigh. "Your legs okay?" I ask remembering how fragile they are and the cold could easily break them.
"Yeah. Now they are." He lays his head on my chest. "Is he okay?"
"I don't know." I hold him silently listening to Ash's tail move around every so often. I look to the side and see how milky it's getting. "He's gonna shed soon." Arachne nods against me.
"He hates shedding." I chuckle.
"He does. He says it's gets itchy."
"And these last few times...." I exhale knowing what he's talking about. Because of his past he doesn't have good experiences with shedding and often gets raw spots.
"It'll be okay. We're always here for him."
"Yeah." He sniffs, "we're here for him."

We mess around outside for a while as I try to think of a way to help Auzzi. I look up as Attlus laughs and smile as Ares tosses him in the air only for Eros to grab him as he hovers and flies into the sky. Lepple is inside reading, Phebe and Ash are still in Ash's room. Aranche is sitting by me talking to Demy.
"So... there are different kinds?" I perk up at Demy's soft voice.
"Mhmmm." Aranche hums,
"And flavors?" I raise a brow,
"And some make your feel different things."
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"Lube." "Drugs." They both answer making me chuckle.
"Alright." Demy smiles and sits on my lap making me huff.
"Sir, when will Auzzi wake up?" I sigh and kiss his head,
"I'm not sure, baby boy. We just have to keep him warm and see."
"Why not call Andros?" I hum haven't thought about calling him.
"I might give him a call. Thanks." He hums and leans against my chest. I look over at Arachne who's looking down at the grass, solemnly. "Aranche, are you okay?"
"Is it my fault?" He asks quietly.
"What is? Auzzi...?"
"Yeah. I mean, I pushed him last night. Maybe."
"No, no, Aranche. You know with our attributes we all get sick differently, and randomly."
"Yeah, I was fine one minute then had a fever the next." Demy adds quietly. I nod and rub my thumb over his hips bone.
"Don't blame yourself, Aranche. I know Auzzi isn't blaming you."
"I just...did he ever tell you anything about... him getting sick?"
"I don't recall...." I tilt my head remembering when we were shopping,
"I do get sick, though, and my skin gets frost bitten and I get really... tired, I guess."
"He's tired."
"What?" Aranche asks.
"He's tired. I... I'll be back." Demy hips off my lap onto Arachne as I rush inside. I walk inside the bedroom Auzzi is being kept in and huff at the heat inside. There are now four heaters and five heating blankets covering him. I walk over to him and gasp silently as I see his eyes are open a little. Lepple put an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose that is blowing hot air out and ear muffs over his ears. One of his hands are now on his cheek with his glove covering over his fingers. His tired frosted blue eyes look up at me as I sit next to him. His eyes get wide, "shhh..." I shake my head and grab his hand. I pull back the flap over his fingers and kiss them. They're like little ice sickles. "How do you feel?"
"Ti'ed." He croaks through the mask. I nod,
"I didn't think you'd get sick already." He smiles a little.
"Lisps." My brows furrow, "lips." I pull the mask back and gasp at his bloody lips. I reach into my pocket and pull out a chapstick I carry for when Attlus or Demy needs it. They never wear any, but complain when their lips get chapped. I lightly coat it on making him sigh.
"Are you still cold?" He shakes his head.
"Hold me." He moans as he sits up slowly. I grab him and pull him onto my lap. He lays his head in my neck and holds his arms against his chest. His forehead feels cold against my throat.
"Is your arm okay?" I ask as I wrap the blankets around and hold his back with one hand and his thighs with the other. "It kind of... cracked."
"Ish fine." I nod and slowly rock us.
"How long does this last?" He doesn't answer, "Auzzi?" I pull my head back and smile at his sleeping face. "Sleep well, love."

"Where'd Sir go?" I ask Arachne as I sit next to him on the porch deck.
"Inside." I nod and look at Demy who's hiding his head under Arachne neck.
"What are you up to?" I ask and he smiles sweetly at me. Him and Attlus are the cuties in the house. They can get what they want with just a look.
"Nothing." He says quietly. "Can you drink my blood?" My eyebrows raise at his question.
"Why?" I sit back as he climbs onto my lap.
"Cuz it feels good." I let him touch my fangs. Demy might be terrified of everything by instinct, but he's never been afraid of me. He'll always run to someone who's bigger than him because that what he's protected better.
"Do you know why it feels good?" I ask as I drag them across his throat, making him tremble.
"Toxins." He says breathlessly.
"Yes. They calm my prey down and make them feel good." He clutches my shoulders while tilting his head. I smirk and kiss his skin instead. He huffs, but moans anyways. I look over at Arachne who's watching with heated eyes. Arachne and I have only been together a few times, and usually it's quick. But damn, his legs can do things. I shiver but continue to leave hickeys all over my lovers pale silver skin. I get to a patch of scales making him gasp as I scrape my fangs over them. His hand comes down and palms himself. He fists his other hand in my hair and pulls my head up to the spot where I normally bite him.
"B-bite me, please." He mewls. I smile and lick the spot neck to his scales. The spot is sensitive making him shiver before I finally sink my fangs into his skin. He gasps before moaning. I suck up his blood and shiver at its consistency. Everyone's blood has a different taste depending on what their attributes are. They're always willing to give me a taste for the high my toxins give them. Of course, Phebe isn't really allowed to let me bite him, but I do sometimes anyways. I grab Demy's hips and pull him against me. I detach from his neck to take a couple deep breathes. I smile at his blown pupils and slow heart beat. He mewls as we lock eyes. I kiss his lips before sinking my fangs back into his neck.

Venus Montys Supernatural Sanctuary Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon