A spider buddy

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I watch the boy I haven't met yet silently cut up fruit at the island from the door way of the dining room. I had been finishing my dinner and wanted something sugary when I saw he was in see. He wasn't at the table. His hands work fast and steadily. His long white hair that stretches down his back is pulled into a low ponytail and he's constantly brushing pieces out of his eyes. He's beautiful... to say. He's tall and standing confidently. His jawline is sharp and his cheekbones are high. A prince... I'd say. He's wearing denim jeans and a grey tank top with a white button down shirt that's unbuttoned over it. I slowly creep up to the counter and grab a strawberry. He jumps and his hand reaches out at lightning speed. I gasp and drop my strawberry. It hits the floor with an audible thud as we stare at each other. His tight grip on my hand immediately disappears as he realizes it's me. He inhales and sets the knife down. He looks back at me as I pick up the strawberry I dropped and throw it away. I pout as I stand by the island and look at him. I gape at his eyes as they meet mine. His eyes are black but have a full red pupil. I look around his face and note that his skin is perfectly white. He has four eyes in total that blink at me. His throat has a long line down the middle. He's got long sharp teeth with two that are very visible even with his mouth closed. He averts his eyes and clears his throat.
"Sorry." He whispers looking down at his hands. I look at his hands and look over the black lines that engrave his skin.
"Me too." I say making him look back at me. "May I have some strawberries?" I ask patiently. He stares at me before nodding and sliding the bowl closer to me. I smile and happily munch on them. I look around and spot some sugar on the counter. I reach over and grab it then pour a bunch in the bowl. I hum as I munch on them. I look up at the spider boy and see him watching me. He blushes and goes back to cutting up cantaloupe. I snicker,
"I'm Aeolus, but everyone calls me Auzzi." He smiles.
"Arachne." I nod,
"Ash told me you like coffee?" He nods,
"Very much so."
"This is the third time I've seen you. Do you not like coming out of your room?" He shrugs,
"Room is safe. So... I stay a lot." I smile at his whisper.
"That's okay. Being in my room makes me feel safe too. It's nice to have a safe place, but sometimes it's nice to be around people." He looks back at me. "I think I'm gonna really like it here."

I walk out of my office and towards the living room. I peek inside and smile at the sight that greets me. Ares is laying on the couch with a little deer curled up on his chest. His hands rest softly, protectively on the deers back. I slowly creep over trying not to wake them both up. Of course, Ares still being scared from his nightmare and being alert anyways, his red eyes flash open the minute I get close to them. His grip tightens on Attlus before he notices it's me. I smile softly and cover them both up with one of many blankets in the living room. The deer makes a soft sound making Ares smile. I smile and lean down to kiss their foreheads before leaving the room quietly. I make my way towards Auzzis room and knock on it. I hear a soft 'come in' and enter. I look over at his bed and wave. "What are you doing?" I ask and sit by him on his bed. He pauses the movie he's watching and looks at me with his full attention.
"Just watching a movie." He shrugs and closes the laptop. I raise a brow but drop it.
"I just wanted to come talk to you. Usually with a new boy I'd have talked to you so much you'd been annoyed with me." He smiles, "so... I wanted to ask how you are doing?"
"I'm doing okay." I nod,
"Are you liking it here? Anything I need to change or add to make you feel better or more safe?" He shakes his head and blinks his frozen lashes,
"No, I feel safe. I think I've met everyone and I'm hoping to get closer to them." I nod,
"Some will be harder to get closer to than others. But I think everyone is liking you." I look around his room, "so you have any questions for me?"
"Umm... one." I nod, "why did Ares freak out the other night? What happened?" I sigh knowing this was gonna come up at some point.
"Well... so you know how you and me and all the boys are descendants from a Greek god?" He nods, "well, with that we also get powers. Weather they are tied to the Greek gods or not we still have them. Well, Phebe is the descendant of Phobeter, the god of nightmares." His eyes widen as he stares at me. "When Phebe first got here his power was out of control and he couldn't find a way to get them to stop. He was constantly paranoid about accidentally showing one of the boys something that could scar them. When we started to... sleep in the same room," I clench my eyes knowing he's gonna ask about that soon, "the boys actually got scared of sleeping in the same room as him because of the things he'd send them in their sleep. He'd feel so bad when one of the boys woke up crying and screaming because of his power. He couldn't control it and therefore never knew when he'd send something to them. He became depressed and afraid because of his powers. In a sense, he was afraid of himself and what he could do. Now, that seems ridiculous because Ares and Demys powers could cause a lot of damage too. But he hurt the boys not only mentally but  emotionally too. He wanted them to love him but because of that he felt like he couldn't be loved. It took some time but we learned a few ways to make sure he doesn't send any nightmares out when everyone is asleep. Sometimes it's still happens, of course, but we've made tremendous progress. And like yesterday, Phebe wasn't aware that he was falling asleep on the couch and accidentally sent out a nightmare to one of the boys. Ares must have been on his mind as he was falling asleep and that's why he was the one that got the nightmare." Auzzi nods and rubs his hands together. "But please don't bring it up. It is not my place to tell you why it is such a sensitive topic for Phebe to discuss but I ask you not to." He nods, "anything else?" He hums tilting his head,
"Uh, Arachne... he's a spider?" I nod, "does he not ever come out and spend time with everyone?"
"Well, Arachne makes job off paintings he makes so he's busy a lot of the time. He usually is present for every movie night and sometimes is for meals. Most days he's in his room, but there are rare days where he's just lazing around with one of the boys. He's usually with Lepple."
"Oh... okay." I watch as he stares into space. "You said... you said you slept together? Or something like that?" I inhale but nod.
"Yes, the boys all usually sleep in my room since it's the biggest." He stays quiet making me frown in worry.
"Can we have pancakes tomorrow?" I smile,
"Sure. You can have anything if you ask, Auzzi." I stare at his purple lips, "anything."

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