Supernatural family

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Sir walks in so Lepple pauses the movie we were all watching. I look up at Sir as he stands near the doorway looking tired. He's been working hard since he's been going to the hospital every night to see Phebe. The boys have been trying to distract themselves so we've been watching a lot of movies or playing outside. Are has been home for a week and he just had the energy to get up a few days ago. "So, um..." Sir runs a hand through his hair, "Phebe is coming home tonight." Everyone immediately straightens up and begins talking. Sir holds up a hand silencing them quickly. Arachne leans down and kisses my head as he tightens his arm around my shoulders. We've been cuddling up everyday now which I enjoy. "I'm going to pick him up now. Why don't you guys begin on dinner so we can eat when he gets back?" Everyone nods and agrees, "thank you, really. You all have been so strong and I'm sorry I haven't been there for anyone these last few weeks."
"We understand, Sir." He shakes his head,
"I should've made time for you all instead of working in my office and going to the hospital."
"But you've been here." Demy quietly speaks. Everyone nods,
"Yeah, you kiss us all on the forehead at night when you think we're asleep."
"And you helped me make cookies yesterday while Ares was sleeping." Attlus speaks up,
"Yeah, you went to the store and got me new herbs when you were only supposed to get dinner supplies and hurry to the hospital."
"You helped me wrap my wing and put icy hot on my ribs for me." Ares coughs as he blushes.
"You may not think you've been here for us, Sir, but you are. You still care for us even when you're not taking care of yourself." Sir smiles as a Attlus and Demy stand up to hug him. Soon we're all hugging him and he's sighing.
"I love you all so much," he pulls back, "and you too soon, Aeolus." I smile up at him, "I'll be back soon, okay? You can cook anything for dinner." Ares walks him out before shutting the door and turning to us.
"Lets go all out for this dinner. Not only for Phebe, but for Sir too."

"Can you see him yet?" Lepple asks Ares who's standing at the door. Arachne grabs my waist and lifts me onto the counter as I pass by. I smile and happily hold a bowl for him as he sorts different berries.
"Not yet. Is the dessert almost done?"
"Almost." I yell back. Everyone grabs platters of food and take them to the dining room.
"Oh!" I hear Ares gasp, "he's coming down the road now!" He yells and races inside to make sure we're all ready. Everyone hurries to tidy the counters before filing out to the door. We watch as the Jeep pulls up and stops. Sir and Ash get out of the front seats. Sir walks to the back to grab some things and Ash opens the back door. Phebe hobbles out and takes the crutches Sir hands him.
"Glad I'm not the only one with crutches." He mumbles looking at Ares. Ares smiles a little.
"Welcome home!" Attlus finally explodes into giggles and hops down the steps to hug Phebe's torso. Phebe hugs him back with one arm and smiles into his soft brown hair. He looks up as everyone else greets him or hugs him. He looks at Ares who stares blankly.
"Welcome home." He whispers. Phebe's eyes water as he nods.
"Did you guys get dinner done?" Attlus nods and runs back into the house. Sir shakes his head affectionately and helps Phebe up the stairs.
"What'd they do to you?" I ask referring to his crutches and not seeing a cast on his legs.
"I got plates and screws in my hips."
"Doesn't it hurt?"
"Of course. Hurts even worse being on crutches with a hurt shoulder." He grimaces, "but i didn't want to sit in a wheelchair all the time."
"Well, welcome home." He smiles,
"Thank you. I bet your stay hasn't been boring yet." He says with a chuckle.
"Not yet, but it's more fun here then it was back home. I didn't have any siblings and I was an outcast at school." I shrug,
"Damn... sorry. Well, you're a part of our family now so you'll never be bored." I smile,
"I'm glad to be a part of your family."
"That's awesome to hear. So tell me," we hobble our way through the door as Sir goes to take his bag up the stairs, "who has caught your eye?" I blush, "ohh! Who? Is it Lepple?" I shake my head, "Hmm," he looks at me, "is is Arachne?" My blush deepens making his cackle. "Oh wow. That's awesome, though! Now he doesn't have to come to me for sex all the time." I meet his eyes as my face turns darker. "Well... I can shift into a spider so he likes to... sorry."
"Does everybody have-...?"
"Sex?" I nod, "yes, we all do. Though, we have specific partners who meet our fancy, but occasionally we switch." I nod and wring my hands nervously. "But don't worry, Auzzi, you don't have to partake in anything until you're ready. Everyone will respect that." I smile at him and hold open the kitchen door for him.
"Woah," Phebe mumbles as he sees all the food on the table. He hobbled and slowly sits in the chair he usually sits in. "This is...." Attlus giggles,
"We wanted to go all out!" He holds his hand in front of him and wiggles them, "we've missed you." Phebe smiles tearily and swallows some apple juice.
"I've missed you all too."
"So, who did what?" Sir asks and rests his hands next to his plate.
"Well... Attlus went out with Lepple to get the fruits and vegetables." Eros begins, "Demy and I handle spicing the meat and such. Auzzi and Arachne handled the desserts. Ares was helping before his ribs started hurting so he took up watching for you at the door. It was fun, a bonding experience."
"Yeah, and Eros didn't try to bone anyone." Everyone laughs as Eros scowls.
"Well I'm thankful everyone helped and has made such a wonderful looking dinner for Phebe's first meal home again."
"Thank god," Phebe laughs, "hospital food is disgusting." Ares agrees as we begin passing platters of food around.
"Sir," I look up at Demy walks over to Sir and sit on his lap, "can we have a movie night?" He whispers. Sir wraps his arms around his waist and smiles sweetly.
"What kind of movie night?" Demy bites his lip and blushes as he stares at his lap.
"A special one." He whispers and wraps his arms around Sir's neck.
"Sure. I'll ask everyone when dinners done, okay?" Demy nods with a smile. He squeaks as Sir kisses his lips and scoots his plate next to his. I smile as Demy melts against his chest with a sigh. Everyone begins to eat and converse amongst themselves. It almost feels like the first day I came here. I look over at Phebe and lean over. He looks at me as I rest my cold hand against his scaled arm. I kiss his lips making him freeze. The room becomes quiet before Attlus squeals happily. Phebe pushes his lips harder against mine. I peck his nose as I pull back and look into his yellow eyes. Expect not yellow, they are red. I stare as he takes in a deep breath and looks around.
"Woah." Lepple mumbles. Eros leans forward to look closer,
"What happened to your eyes?" Phebe looks at Sir.
"Which one is that?" Phebe shrugs and his eyes go back to their regular yellow. He looks down at his plate before looking back at me. I smile,
"I'm happy you're home." He looks at everyone before smiling,
"Me too."

We're all sitting in the living room on the couches covered in blankets. Arachne is rubbing heating cream on my arm since it started bleeding because it cracked so much from the cold. Sir is looming through the movies with Eros.
"So," Sir turns and looks at me, "some nights we have..."
"Intimate movie nights." Eros finishes for him making Sir nod,
"Yeah. And Demy wanted to have one," he smiles at a blushing Demy, "but you do not have to participate in anything that'll go on once this movie gets going, okay? Just a warning," he says as he puts the movie in, "Eros is the freakiest, Demy moans the loudest," he tilts his head like he's thinking, "Ares has a lot of Stamina, Ash and Phebe will probably leave the room in the middle." He sits next to Demy with the remote to the large flatscreen tv.
"Arachne is shy, but once he gets going." Ares cackles.
"What about Lepple?" I ask,
"Lepple doesn't really have something that sticks out."
"Mmmm!" Eros says as he swallows the juice he was just drinking. "Lepple uses his power to make orgasms more intense." I blush as Sir nods,
"How does...?" Eros chuckles,
"You don't know what he is, do you?" I shake my head,
"I'm a Glorfindel," I raise a brow, "an Elf of healing."
"So, like my voice," I nod, "it automatically has a calming effect. There's a lot to explain with my powers."
"I only know a few of what everyone us. I know Ash is a snake, Attlus is a deer, Arachne us a spider. And Ares is a vampire?" Ares nods,
"I'm a dragon." Demy squeaks quietly.
"Cool." He smiles and relaxes into Sir's side.
"Sir... what are you?" His lips tilt a little,
"I'm an alien." My eyes widen,
"Wha... like-like... space alien? Or... or...?"
"I guess. I don't know where I came from." I frown and stare into his black eyes.
"Is this your real form?" He smiles fully and looks at Demy,
"No, but you'll see later." He replies with a wink. I blush,
"Do you know what I am?" Eros smirks as I shake my head, "I'm an incubus."
"What's that?"
"Sex addict." Ares mumbles making Eros glare at him heatedly and his wings expand some.
"I'm not a fucking sex addict!" He says through clenched teeth. He meets my eyes again, "I get energy from sex. So yes," he looks at Ares, "I have sex a lot, but come on, we all do. It's pleasurable. We like sex. I just gotta have more so I don't get ill." He sulks against the couch. I smile and look around the room at my new family. It consists of a Vampire, A snake, A spider, An Alien, A deer, A shapeshifter, An elf, a Incubus, a dragon and now a timber wolf. I giggle,
"What's so funny?" Sir asks.
"We really are a supernatural family."


Smut next chapter!
I'm hoping I write it good enough

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