Part 16: Johto gym number 4

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After winning my 3rd Johto badge at the Goldenrod City gym, Misty and I continued on our way to Ecruteak City but along the way we found what looked like a strange looking tree. For a while we were this about how we were going to get past, when misty suggested that we try the squirt bottle we got from Goldenrod City and it turned out to be a sudowoodo. After chasing it off we continued to walk towards Ecruteak City, battling some trainers along the way way during which both Hydrofang and Sun learned bite. When we got to Ecruteak City we decided to rest at the pokemon center for a while and have some lunch. After lunch we went to explore the burned tower where we learned about the legendary pokemon, raikou, entei and suicune. After we learned about the legendary pokemon, we went to the gym where I battled the trainers inside before coming up to the gym leader Morty. "Hi, my name is Jason and I challenge you to a gym battle." I said. "Sure Jason, I accept your challenge." Said Morty. When we were ready to start battling, I sent out Hydrofang while Morty sent out gastly. "Gastly, use night shade." Said Morty. Gastly fired off a wave of energy which didn't do much damage. "Hydrofang, use ice fang." I called in reply. Hydrofang bit down hard against gastly  doing big damage. "Gastly, use night shade again." Called Morty. Gastly's night shade did about the same as last time but Hydrofang held on quite comfortably. "Hydrofang, use bite." I called out again. This time Hydrofang's attack did much more than last time and took Gastly out. "Gastly is unable to battle, croconaw wins." Said the referee. "Great job Hydrofang." I said. "I'm impressed, but this is only the beginning of this battle, haunter, go." Then I said, "Hydrofang, use bite." Hydrofang bit hard at haunter doing modest damage but it held on quite comfortably. "Haunter, use shadow ball." Said Morty. Haunter fired off a strange ball of energy which did big damage but Hydrofang held on. "Hydrofang, use bite again." I called out. This time haunter just barely held on. Then Morty said, "Haunter, shadow ball again." This time shadow ball hit Hydrofang much harder launching back into the wall taking him out. "Croconaw is unable to battle, Haunter wins." Said the referee. So I said, "Amper, go." "Haunter, use shadow ball again." Said Morty. "Dodge and use thunder punch." I yelled in reply. Amper dodged the attack quite easily and punched haunter hard finally taking it down. "Haunter is unable to battle, flaaffy wins." Said the referee. "Go gengar." Said Morty. "Amper, use thunder wave." I called. Amper shot a wave of electricity which paralysed gengar. Then Morty said, "Gengar, use shadow ball." Gengar fired off a much stronger shadow ball then haunter could ever do which Amper just barely survived. "Amper, use thundershock." I called. In response, Morty said, "Gengar, shadow ball again." The two attacks collided with each other causing a big explosion which caused major damage to gengar but unfortunately knocked out Amper. "Flaaffy is unable to battle, gengar wins." Said the referee.  "Go, sun." I said. My newly caught eevee looked very ready for anything and he awaited my instructions. "Sun, use bite." I called. Since gengar was paralysed, it couldn't do anything which gave Sun the perfect chance to easily bite hard down which knocked it out, winning my 4th gym badge in Johto. "Gengar is unable to battle, eevee wins, so victory to Jason." Announced the referee. After taking out gengar, Sun not only revealed that he had just learned shadow ball, but also evolved into espeon. Super happy about what just happened, I ran over to Sun and gave him a hug in congratulations for his awesome victory, then after calling him back to his pokeball Misty came over and hugged me in congratulations for winning my 4th Johto gym badge. After receiving the fog badge from Morty, he said, "For your next gym battle, I recommend heading to Olivine City." "Thanks, Morty." I replied. After leaving the gym, Misty and I noticed that it was getting late so we went to the pokemon center to have dinner and then went to bed, then in the morning we had breakfast then set out for Olivine City.

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