Part 38: Sinnoh gym number 6

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After winning my 5th Sinnoh badge at the Hearthome City gym, Dawn and I continued on our way to Canalave but along the way we had to cross a lake and once we got across we battled some trainers during which Scorchimp learned flamethrower and eventually we made it to Canalave City and stopped at the Pokemon center for a rest and some lunch then I decided that my pokemon could use a bit of extra trainings so a man suggested that we board his ship and go to Iron Island where we met a guy called Riley who teamed up with me and battled some trainers and eventually we found, to our surprise, some members of Team Galactic, so we battled them and won, then Riley thanked us for helping him and we went back to Canalave City. By this point I felt as though I was ready so we went into the gym and battled the trainers inside before coming up to the gym leader Byron. "Welcome challenger, what's your name." He asked. "Hi, my name is Jason." I replied. We then got into our positions and Byron sent out magneton while I sent out Scorchimp. "Magneton, use flash cannon." Said Byron. Magneton shot a beam of energy at Scorchimp doing not much damage. Then I said, "Scorchimp, use close combat." Scorchimp thrashed magneton super hard knocking it out in one attack. "Magneton is unable to battle, infernape wins. Byron then called magneton back to it's pokeball and sent out steelix. Then I said, "Scorchimp, use flamethrower." Scorchimp shot out a stream of fire at steelix doing big damage but it just barely held on. "Steelix, use earthquake." Steelix shook the ground hard doing huge damage to Scorchimp but he held on quite comfortably. "Scorchimp, use mach punch." I called out. Scorchimp bolted at steelix and punched him hard, taking it out. "Steelix is unable to battle, infernape wins again." Said the referee. After calling steelix back to it's pokeball, Byron sent out bastiodon. Then I said, "Scorchimp, use close combat." Scorchimp thrashed bastiodon very hard doing huge damage but it just barely held on. "Bastiodon, use metal burst." Bastiodon let loose many beams of light at Scorchimp taking him out in one hit. "Infernape is unable to battle, bastiodon wins." Said the referee. After calling Scorchimp back to his pokeball and thanking him for battling so well, I sent out Jawbreaker. "Jawbreaker, use earthquake." I called out. Jawbreaker shook the ground hitting bastiodon hard finally taking it out. "Bastiodon is unable to battle, gabite wins, so victory to Jason." Announced the referee. After calling Jawbreaker back to his pokeball, I thanked him for finishing off what was probably one of my easiest gym wins ever. Dawn then ran over to me and hugged me in congratulations for winning the battle so amazingly. "You were incredible Jason." She said. "Thanks Dawn." I replied, hugging her back. Then I went over to Byron who said, "Congratulations Jason, as proof of your victory at the Canalave City gym, I award you the mine badge." As I was putting my mine badge away, Byron saw my coal badge and said, "I see you beat my son Roark." "Yes, he was the first gym leader I battled in Sinnoh." I replied. Then Byron said, "I think that for your next gym battle, you should go to Snowpoint City." "Thanks Byron." I replied. After leaving the gym, Dawn and I noticed that it was getting late so we went to the pokemon center for dinner and went to bed for the night and in the morning we had breakfast and started to head out on our way to Snowpoint City.

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