Part 44: Unova gym number 2

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After winning my 1st Unova badge at the Striaton City gym, Dawn and I were about to leave when we heard that Team Plasma were in the dreamyard so we went to investigate and found them kicking a munna trying to release something called dream mist to project themselves to the rest of Unova to tell them to release their pokemon. Shocked at the fact that they were treating a pokemon so cruelly, we intervened and battled them winning easily. We then set out for Nacrene City and along the way we battled some trainers until we came up to a pokemon school where the kids were playing with their pokemon and some of them battled with me as well. Since I had more experience I obviously won, but one of them actually gave me a little bit of trouble before I got the win. We then left and I found a blitzle along the way which I caught and named Zeb Zap. Eventually we came across a cave where we met a guy called Cheren who were on the tail of some members of Team Plasma and we joined forces with him to defeat them. We then continued on to Nacrene City battling some trainers along the way during which Zeb Zap learned spark. Eventually we arrived in Nacrene City and went to the pokemon center for a rest and some lunch then we went into a museum where a man called Hawes said that he was the husband of the gym leader and that the gym was in the next room upstairs where we found what looked like a library where I battled some trainers and solved a puzzle with some books and eventually I came up to the gym leader Lenora and said, "Hi my name is Jason and I challenge you to a gym battle." "Very well Jason, I accept your challenge." She replied. We then got into our positions and I sent out Zeb Zap while Lenora sent out herdier. Then I said, "Zeb Zap, use spark." Zeb Zap stored electricity up in his body and charged at herdier doing big damage. "Herdier, use take down." Said Lenora. Herdier charged at Zeb Zap doing huge damage but he just barely held on. "Zeb Zap, use spark again." I called out. Zeb Zap's next spark attack hit herdier doing big damage again knocking it out. "Herdier is unable to battle, blitzle wins." Said Hawes who was the referee. After calling herdier back to it's pokeball, Lenora sent out watchog. "Zeb Zap, use spark once again." I called out again. Zeb Zap's spark attack hit watchog hard doing big damage but it held on quite comfortably. "Watchog, use retaliate." Said Lenora. Watchog smacked Zeb Zap hard in the face taking him out. "Blitzle is unable to battle, watchog wins" Said Hawes. After calling Zeb Zap back to his pokeball and thanking him for his efforts, I sent out Sappy and said, "Sappy, use leaf tornado." Sappy's leaf tornado attack hit watchog very hard knocking it out. Then Hawes said, "Watchog is unable to battle, servine wins, so victory to Jason." I then called Sappy back to his pokeball and thanked him for winning me the battle before dropping to the ground in relief. Then Dawn came over and hugged me for about a minute and then I got up after regaining my energy and went over to Lenora who said, "Congratulations Jason, as proof of your victory at the Nacrene City gym, I award you the basic badge." I took my newly won basic badge and then Lenora said, "For your next gym battle, I suggest you go to Castelia City." After leaving the gym, we went back to the pokemon center after noticing that it was getting late so we had some dinner and went to bed for the night and in the morning we had breakfast and started to get ready to head out to Castelia City.

Jason's Pokemon adventure Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang