Part 75: The Alola league

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After winning my final grand trial against the kahuna of Poni Island Hapu, Lillie and I went off to train for the Alola league. When we finished our training, we got on a boat that took us to Manalo Island and we registered for the tournament. After finishing our registrations, we saw Gladion and Hau arrive on another boat and we said hello to them. After Gladion and Hau finished their registrations, Gladion wanted to have a practice battle with me and Gladion won rather comfortably. Then we explored the island for about an hour and saw that there were 2 stadiums, one that was enormous and another that was much smaller and had a sign that said that it was for the main tournament, then we went to the hotel to relax until that evening when we had the opening ceremony at the giant stadium during which Professor Kukui explained the format for the Alola League. For this tournament, there were 500 trainers competing and the preliminary round was a giant battle royal between everyone. After the opening ceremony was finished, Lillie and I said goodbye to Hau and Gladion and went back to our room in the hotel for dinner and before going to bed, I asked Lillie, "How many pokemon do you have?" Lillie replied, "I have 4 pokemon. I have Snowy my ninetales, the pinsir I caught on exeggutor island which can mega evolve, a ribombee and a comfey." Then Lillie noticed my face and asked, "Are you alright, sweetie?" I took a deep breath and said, "I guess I'm just a bit nervous after finding out that I'm battling against 500 other trainers tomorrow which is a bit overwhelming." Then Lillie kissed me on the cheek and said, "As long as we work together, we'll be ok." We then went to bed and in the morning we had breakfast and started to head to the huge stadium where we met up with Gladion and Hau and we agreed that for the battle royal round, we should work together to increase our chances of making our way through to the main tournament. As we were about to start the battle royal round, we saw a screen that had the number 500 on it indicating the number of trainers competing and the announcer said that the round would be over when the number of remaining trainers left was 64. Then a 60 second timer started during which everyone sent out their pokemon. The pokemon that I had decided to use for this round was Jet, Lillie used snowy, Gladion used his silvally and Hau used decidueye. When the timer hit zero, the preliminary battle royal started. Since Lillie and I were working together with Hau and Gladion, Lillie had Snowy to use aurora veil which was only possible thanks to Snowy's mere presence summoning a hailstorm. With the aurora veil up, our opponents would have a hard time doing damage to our pokemon. Then I mega evolved Jet and he singlehandedly defeated 100 opponents but I made sure to keep Jet in stable condition because this round wasn't only about defeating other pokemon, but survival as well. Whenever It looked like Jet was getting into a battle he couldn't win, either Lillie, Gladion or Hau stepped in to help me and vice versa. Eventually the number of remaining trainers left was 100 meaning that when 36 trainers were eliminated, the round would be over. Somehow one of the trainers that got to the top 100 was using a magikarp, so I took notice of him and had Jet beat it to put him in his place. Eventually there were 65 trainers left and the final trainer to get defeated was using a salazzle who used dragon pulse on Jet who just barely withstood the attack and defeated her with earthquake. With 64 trainers left, the preliminary battle royal came to an end. Knowing that we had made it through to the main tournament of the Alola league, Lillie and I hugged each other in relief and we went to the pokemon center to find out who was battling who in the first round then we went to the hotel for the night. The next morning we went to the much smaller main stadium for the first round in which we could only use one pokemon each. Hau and Gladion both won their matches with no problem and the match just before mine was Lillie's and she struggled in the beginning but she still managed to win the battle. In my first round match, I used Ashie and my opponent used a claydol who used earth power which Ashie withstood quite comfortably before I had Ashie use malicious moonsault to beat it in one attack. I then went back to the audience to watch the rest of round one  and I went to sit with Lillie who pulled me in for a hug and when round one was finished, we went back to our hotel room for the night. The next morning, we went back to the main stadium for the 2nd round in which we could now use two pokemon. After thinking about what pokemon I wanted to use in round two, I decided to use Gemstar and Ferno who I wanted to mega evolve since I wanted to use some of the pokemon I had used in previous regions. Surprisingly, the first match of round two was my match and I decided to send out Gemstar first but unfortunately, my opponent had a shiftry who took an ice beam from Gemstar and beat it in one hit. Then I sent out Ferno who I mega evolved and he took both his shiftry and mega scizor out with no problem. Once I had finished my match, I went back to the audience to watch Lillie in her 2nd match which she won without losing a single pokemon. When she joined me in the audience, we hugged during which I kissed her on the cheek and watched the rest of round two and just like round one, Hau and Gladion won both their matches with no problem. In round 3, the number of pokemon we could use increased to 3 and I decided to use Sandy, Gex, my sceptile from Hoenn and Icebreaker, my mamoswine from Johto. Something that was a big surprise for me was that Lillie's opponent in round 3 was Hau and that it was the first match of the day. The battle itself was unbelievably close but in the end, to my surprise and utter delight, Lillie ended up the winner. When Lillie got back to the audience, I kissed her and then we sat down to watch Gladion in his match which he won without losing a single pokemon. A couple of matches later, it was my match and I sent Sandy out first who battled a tyranitar to a draw. Then I used Icebreaker who easily beat a flygon before getting beaten in a close battle against an alolan sandslash. I then sent out Gex and mega evolved him and defeated sandslash with focus blast. I then went back to the audience to watch the final round 3 battle before going back to the hotel for the night after Hau decided to go home and we said goodbye. The next morning, we found out that the quarter finals were next and we could use 4 pokemon, so I decided to use Mimi, Nessie, Bolt, my manectric from Hoenn, who's mega stone I got during my training and Grilla, my darmanitan from Unova. We then went to the stadium and I found out that my match was the first match of the day and I won the match much easier than my previous rounds because only one of my pokemon got defeated being Grilla. After my match, I went back to the audience to watch the next two matches with Lillie and Gladion won his match, though his opponent did beat one of his pokemon before losing. Then I wished Lillie luck for her match which was the last match of the day and she did very well, but in the end she lost one of the closest battles I had ever seen. After Lillie's match, she met up with me and Gladion and she broke down crying, so we hugged her and said that she did amazingly and that we were super proud of her. We then went back to the hotel where we had dinner and went to bed for the night. In the morning, we found out that the semifinals round were next and I would be able to use 5 pokemon, so I decided to use Cybershock, Duckface, my ludicolo from Hoenn, Venom, my nidoking from Kanto, Draco, my dragonite from Johto and Psycho, my Gallade from Sinnoh. We then went to the stadium where Lillie and I went to the audience to watch the first semifinal match because my match was the second match of the day and the first match was Gladion's. During the battle, Gladion won pretty easily, but he did lose two pokemon. Then I went down for my match and I ended up winning without losing a single pokemon because Psycho mega evolved and won against every one of my opponent's pokemon, meaning that I would be battling against Gladion in the final. After the semifinals was over, Lillie and I saw Gladion who said that he was looking forward to battling me in the final, then he went off to rest for the next day. After going back to the hotel, Lillie and I had dinner and just before going to bed, I remembered that I lost a battle with Gladion before the tournament even started and I got nervous, so Lillie took my hand and said, "I know that my brother is super strong, but so are you. Gladion did easily win his semifinal battle, but he lost two pokemon while you didn't lose any." Then I hugged Lillie while she kissed me on the cheek and I said, "Thanks Lillie." Then just before we went to bed, I asked Lillie, "Who will you be cheering for tomorrow?" Then Lillie looked a bit conflicted and said, "My boyfriend battling my brother, I'm not sure." We then got into bed and in the morning we had breakfast and I found out that the final match was a full 6v6 battle, so I really had to think about which pokemon I wanted to use. After thinking about it for about a minute, I decided to use Jet who I was going to mega evolve, Metal Face, my metagross from Hoenn, Scorchimp, my infernape from Sinnoh, Jawbreaker, my garchomp from Sinnoh, Croaker, my greninja from Kalos and Venus, my venusaur from Kalos. As we were walking to the stadium for the final, Lillie was holding my hand since I was nervous and hugged me before saying that she decided to cheer for me during the battle, then she went into the audience to watch the match. I then took a deep breath and walked onto the battlefield, then I saw Gladion come out onto the battlefield as well. Then Professor Kukui, who was the referee, told us to bring out our first pokemon, so I sent out Venus while Gladion sent out silvally. The battle that ensued was without question, the most fun, most exciting and nailbitingly close battle I had ever experienced. Gladion used silvally, crobat, midnight lycanroc, weavile, zoroark and umbreon. After our second-to-last pokemon, Jason-greninja transformed Croaker on my side and zoroark on Gladion's side knocked each other out, I sent out my final pokemon Scorchimp while Gladion sent out his final pokemon umbreon. Then I said, Scorchimp, use close combat." Scorchimp thrashed umbreon super hard but it just barely held on and Gladion said, "Umbreon, use psychic." Umbreon's psychic attack hit Scorchimp surprisingly hard doing huge damage but somehow, Scorchimp just barely withstood the attack himself and then I said, "Scorchimp use mach punch." Just as soon as I had finished my sentence, Scorchimp had already punched umbreon super hard finally taking it down, winning me the Alola league. "Umbreon is unable to battle, infernape wins, so the winner of the Alola league is Jason." Said Professor Kukui.  Suddenly, Lillie ran out onto the battlefield and we kissed for a couple of minutes before I took Lillie's hand and we went over to Gladion and I shook his hand and said, "That was the most amazing battle I've ever had." "Same here." Said Gladion. After the battle, we went back to the hotel and that evening, we had the closing ceremony during which I received a trophy for winning the Alola league. After the closing ceremony was over, Lillie and I went back to the hotel for the night and in the morning, we got on the boat that took us to Melemele Island where we stayed at the Professor Kukui's house for the rest of the day.

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