Part 52: Goodbye Dawn and Iris, hello Kalos

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After defeating Alder at the Unova pokemon league, Dawn, Iris and I started to make our way to Opelucid City to say goodbye to Iris where we hugged her goodbye one last time then we went back to Nuvema Town where I gave Professor Juniper my pokemon to give to Professor Oak and Professor Juniper then told me that the next destination on my journey was the Kalos region, so she drove me and Dawn to the airport so Dawn could go back to Sinnoh and I could go to Kalos. Before Dawn and I went our separate ways, we tearfully hugged each other goodbye one last time for longer than ever before and we went to our separate plane terminals and I took the plane to Kalos and when I got there I made my way to Vaniville Town where I met a woman named Grace who let me stay the night with her and her daughter Serena in exchange for me telling them why I came to Kalos. We had a delicious dinner and Serena and I started to really get to know each other before we went to bed for the night.

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