Part 18: Johto gym number 6

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After winning my 5th Johto badge at the Cianwood City gym and meeting back up with Misty who gave Jasmine the medicine for the ampharos in charge of the light in the lighthouse, I went to the Olivine City gym to challenge Jasmine to a gym battle. I beat the trainers before coming up to Jasmine who said, "Thanks for helping the lighthouse ampharos yesterday." "No problem." I replied, "Can I have my gym battle now?" I asked. Jasmine replied, "Sure, I accept your challenge." Then we got into position for the battle and I set out Bugger while Jasmine sent out magnemite. Then I said, "Bugger, use brick break." Bugger hit magnemite hard but it just held on. "Magnemite, use flash cannon." Said Jasmine. Magnemite fired a beam of energy at Bugger doing modest damage but he held on quite easily. "Bugger, use brick break again. Because brick break did so much damage before, as a result the second one did enough to take it out. "Magnemite is unable to battle, heracross wins." Said the referee. "Go magneton." Said Jasmine. "Bugger, use brick break again." I called. Bugger hit magneton very hard but it held on quite comfortably. "Magneton, use tri attack." Said Jasmine. Tri attack hit Bugger pretty hard and it resulted in Bugger getting burned. Thankfully Bugger had the ability guts which boosted his attack power. "Bugger, use brick break one more time." Bugger hit magneton harder than ever before and knocked it out. "Magneton is unable to battle, heracross wins again." Said the referee. Suddenly, Bugger revealed that he had just learned close combat as a result of beating magneton. Then Jasmine said to me, "Jason, your heracross is very strong, but this is my toughest pokemon of all, steelix go." "Bugger, use close combat." I called out. Bugger hit steelix really hard but it held on barely. "Steelix, use iron tail." Jasmine called. Steelix used it's tail to land a very hard hit against Bugger hard scoring the knockout with one attack. "Heracross is unable to battle, steelix wins." Said the referee. Surprised by how strong steelix was, I yelled, "Oh no, Bugger." After calling Bugger back to his pokeball and thanking him for his efforts, I sent out Hydrofang. "Steelix, use flash cannon." Said Jasmine. "Dodge and use surf." I called. Flash cannon just barely scraped the edge of Hydrofang's tail but didn't do too much damage at all, then Hydrofang caused a big wave to come over steelix knocking it out. "Steelix is unable to battle, feraligatr wins, so victory to Jason." Announced the referee. After calling Hydrofang back to his pokeball and thanking him for his efforts, Jasmine came over to me and said, "Congratulations Jason, as proof of your victory at the Olivine City gym, I award you the mineral badge." "Thanks Jasmine." I replied. After taking my mineral badge, Misty and I walked over to each other and hugged each other tight for a minute and then Jasmine said, "For your next gym battle, you should go to Mahogany Town." "Thanks again Jasmine." I replied. After leaving the gym Misty suggested that to celebrate my gym win, we go to the beach for a swim and to relax. After a few hours on the beach, Misty and I went to the pokemon center after noticing that it was getting late and had some dinner and went to bed for the night, then in the morning we had breakfast and set out for Mahogany Town.

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