Part 73: Alola totem trial number 8

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After beating my first totem trial on Poni Island against the totem kommo'o and getting a dragonium-z, Lillie and I went up a huge staircase to the Altar of the Sunne and we played the sun and moon flutes and the altar started glowing. Then Lillie's bag started to shake and flew of her back into the middle of the altar and Nebby who was inside evolved into the legendary pokemon solgaleo. Suddenly, an ultra wormhole opened and a visibly upset Lusamine and Guzma came out of the wormhole and said that they searched everywhere in ultra space for Mohn, but couldn't find him anywhere. Lillie then started to cry and so I hugged her in an attempt to comfort her when suddenly, a ultra beast called nihilego grabbed Lusamine and pulled into ultra space. We then asked Nebby if it could help us and Guzma begged us to bring Lusamine back safely. We got onto Nebby's back and it got through the ultra wormhole just before it closed and we found Lusamine fused with nihilego which had brainwashed her. Since the nihilego had caused Lusamine to go crazy, I had to have a pokemon battle with her. The battle that ensued was much harder than last time but eventually, my final pokemon Ashie managed to beat her final pokemon lilligant and learn flare blitz in the process. Then Nebby used sunsteel strike to break Lusamine out of nihilego's grip and she fell unconscious, so we put her on Nebby's back, then Nebby opened the ultra wormhole and took us back to the Altar of the Sunne. We then got off Nebby's back and waited for Lusamine to wake up and when she did, Lillie broke down in tears and hugged her mother. Lusamine then told me that she wanted me to join the hug to so I hugged both of them and when we broke the hug, Lusamine said that Mohn probably must have somehow, at some stage, managed to escape ultra space and was somewhere in Alola, so she told us that she was going to go on a journey to find him and that she would give us a call if she found him. We then said goodbye to Lusamine before a woman named Mina came and told us that she was a trial captain and if I wanted, she could take us back to Seafolk Village because the trial site was her house. We then went back to Seafolk Village and went to the pokemon center for lunch and to rest my pokemon and when they were better, we went to Mina's house where she said that the first part of my trial was a battle with her. While I ended up winning the battle pretty easily, Mina did end up beating Ashie before Sandy took out the rest of her team, learning sludge bomb in the process. She then told me that I had to go to every other island in Alola to collect petals for something she called the rainbow flower and gave me a pink petal before suggesting that the first petal I go to collect should be on Melemele Island, so I decided that the fastest way to use a charizard from the ride pager and when I had called a charizard, I realized that it was Ferno, my charizard from my journey through Kanto. Ferno then flew us to Hau'oli City where we decided to explore a bit since Lillie wanted to look around for a while. During our exploration of Melemele Island, we saw a cave that Lillie always wanted to explore, but was never able to. When we got through the cave, we found ourselves in a beautiful field which had a z-crystal pedestal that had a flyinium-z and we saw a illustration on the pedestal that showed me the pose for supersonic skystrike. We then made our way back to Hau'oli City and past it to the graveyard where we saw Ilima who gave me an orange petal after I beat him in a battle. He then took us to the Lush Forest on Akala Island where we saw Mallow and Lana who both battled me before Lana gave me the blue petal and Mallow gave me the green petal. Mallow then took us to Wela Volcano and I saw Kiawe who battled me and after I beat him, he gave me the red petal and took us to Ula'ula Island and helped us get to the top of Mount Hokulani where we saw Sophocles. After winning a battle against him, Sophocles gave me the yellow petal and helped us get to the aether house where we saw Nanu who had another battle with me and after I won, he gave me the purple petal. We then called Ferno from the ride pager and flew back to Seafolk Village and went back to Mina's house where we gave her the petals and she assembled them into the rainbow flower. Suddenly a giant ribombee came into the house and challenged me to a battle. To start the battle, I sent out Jet and gave supersonic skystrike a try and it did huge damage but it barely held on and took Jet out in one attack with dazzling gleam. I then sent out Ashie and ribombee called down a blissey before getting defeated by flare blitz from Ashie. Then I had Ashie use darkest lariat on blissey until she finally went down, winning me the totem trial. Mina then gave me a fairium-z and showed me the pose for twinkle tackle. We then left Mina's house after mastering the pose and saw Hapu who said that she was ready to have a grand trial battle with me in the morning, so Lillie took my hand and we went to the pokemon center for dinner and went to bed for the night and in the morning we had breakfast and started to get ready for my grand trial against Hapu.

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