Part 64: Alola grand trial number 1

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After beating the first totem trial in the Verdant Cavern and getting a Normalium-Z, my new girlfriend Lillie and I started to make our way back to Iki Town so I could have my 1st grand trial against Hala. We headed up past a gate that had been opened up to us as a result of me beating the totem trial and we battled some trainers before coming up to a cave that had a beautiful field which Nebby couldn't resist coming out of Lillie's bag to check out, so we went through the field and Lillie put Nebby back in her bag and we battled some more trainers on our way out. When we came out of the cave, we met a guy called Hau who challenged me to a battle. After I won a very exciting battle, Hau told me that he was Hala's grandson and that he was doing the island challenge as well and that he had just beaten the same totem trial as me. Then Lillie and I said goodbye to Hau and headed back down to Iki Town battling some trainers along the way during which Jet learned headbutt and I saw Hala talking to Professor Kukui who saw us and asked how we were going and I told him that Lillie and I had just started dating. "Good for you two." He replied. Professor Kukui then headed home while Hala let us stay at his house for the night since it was getting late. In the morning, Lillie woke me up and said, "Jason, it's my birthday today." Then I excitedly said, "Happy birthday Lillie. How old are you now?" "I'm 20 today." She replied. Super happy at this news, I pulled Lillie in for a kiss and then I said, "My birthday was a few months ago and I'm 22." We then went out for breakfast and I told Hala that it was Lillie's birthday. After breakfast, Hala said that he was ready to battle me for my grand trial. Then I said to Lillie, "I guess for a birthday present, you can watch me win my 1st grand trial." "Sounds good." She replied. Before the grand trial started, I decided to use my Normalium-Z to go with Jet's headbutt attack. We then went outside and Hala and I got up onto the platform to start our grand trial battle. To start out the battle, I sent out Ashie while Hala sent out machop. Then I said, "Ashie, use fire fang." Ashie bit down hard against machop and did big damage but it just barely held on. "Machop, use karate chop." Machop's karate chop attack hit Ashie hard doing decent damage but he held on quite comfortably. "Ashie, use fire fang again." I called out. Ashie's next fire fang attack hit machop harder than before and took machop out. "Machop is unable to battle, torracat wins." Said Professor Kukui, who came to Iki Town to be the referee for our battle. Hala then called machop back to it's pokeball and sent out makuhita, then he said, "Makuhita, use fake out." Makuhita hit Ashie surprisingly hard with it's fake out attack causing him to flinch. Then I said, "Ashie, use fire fang again." "Makuhita, use arm thrust." Said Hala in reply. Ashie and makuhita's attacks hit each other at the same time, causing a big explosion which knocked both pokemon out at once. "Both torracat and makuhita are unable to battle." Said Professor Kukui. After calling both pokemon back to their pokeballs, I sent out out Cybershock while Hala sent out crabrawler. Hala then used the fighting type Z-move All Out Pummeling which hit Cybershock extremely hard but somehow it just barely held on and then I said, "Cybershock, use thunder wave." Cybershock fired a weak jolt of electricity which paralysed crabrawler. Then I followed up by saying, "Cybershock, use thundershock." Cybershock's thundershock attack hit crabrawler decently hard doing modest damage. "Crabrawler, use power up punch." Said Hala. Crabrawler punched Cybershock hard and since it had taken huge damage from the Z-move, Cybershock went down. "Magnemite is unable to battle, crabrawler wins." Said Professor Kukui. After calling Cybershock back to it's pokeball and thanking it for doing what I wanted it to do, I sent out Jet. Then I decided to use breakneck blitz against crabrawler and Jet took it out. "Crabrawler is unable to battle, bagon wins, so victory to Jason." Said Professor Kukui. After calling Jet back to his pokeball and thanking him for winning me my first grand trial, Lillie came over and kissed me on the lips and then we continued to hug for about a minute, then I went over to to Hala who awarded me a fightinium-z and said that now that I won my grand trial on Melemele Island, my next destination was Akala Island. We then stayed in Iki Town for the rest of the day since I was tired after such an intense battle, although Hala got me to master the pose for the fightinium-z before I went back to having a rest and the next morning after breakfast, Hala gave me a ride pager which would allow me to call a tauros to charge through rocks that blocked our path, then we set out to make our way to Akala Island.

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