Part 78: Galar gym number 2

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After winning my 1st Galar badge at the Turffield gym, Lillie and I started to make our way to Hulbury. Along the way, we came up to a bridge where we saw some members of Team Yell trying to steal a tandem bike from the man who made it, so we battled them and won easily. The man then told us that it was a rotom bike that would sometimes allow us to press a button to make it have a burst of speed thanks to rotom's electricity. He also told us that it could fold up and when we tried, it was small enough to fit in Lillie's bag. We decided to give it a try and Lillie rode in the front while I rode in the back and eventually we made it to Hulbury. We were feeling a bit tired so we went to the pokemon center for a rest and some lunch then we went to explore around Hulbury for a while and eventually we found the gym leader Nessa and I told her that I wanted to have a gym battle with her to which she said yes. We then went to the gym and Lillie went to be in the audience while I changed into my uniform and went through to the mission chamber of the gym where I had to flip switches while battling some trainers along the way during which Sparky evolved into boltund and eventually I got through and made my way out to the battlefield where Nessa was waiting and we got into our positions where I sent out sparky while Nessa sent out goldeen. Then I said, "Sparky, use spark." Sparky covered himself with electricity and hit goldeen very hard taking it out in one hit. "Goldeen is unable to battle, boltund wins." Said the referee. After calling goldeen back to it's pokeball, Nessa sent out arrokuda and said, "Arrokuda, use aqua jet." Arrokuda's aqua jet attack hit Sparky surprisingly hard doing big damage but he held on quite comfortably before I said, "Sparky, use spark again." Sparky's spark attack hit arrokuda very hard doing big damage but it just barely held on. "Arrokuda, use aqua jet again." Arrokuda's aqua jet attack hit a bit harder than last time with Sparky just barely holding on before taking it out with another spark attack. "Arrokuda is unable to battle, boltund wins." Said the referee. Then Nessa returned arrokuda back to it's pokeball and sent out drednaw which she dynamaxed. Since Sparky had taken a lot of damage, I thought to myself that dynamaxing him would be a waste, so I told him to use spark which did decent damage before drednaw defeated him with max geyser. "Boltund is unable to battle, drednaw wins." Said the referee. After calling Sparky back to it's pokeball and thanking him for battling so well, I sent out Asher and dynamaxed him and then I said, "Asher, use max lighting." Asher's max lighting attack, coming off wild charge, did huge damage drednaw taking it down at last. "Drednaw is unable to battle, arcanine wins, so victory to Jason." Said the referee. After calling Asher back to his pokeball and thanking him for winning me the battle, I went over to Nessa shook her hand and she gave me the water badge. Then I left the battlefield and met back up with Lillie in the lobby where we hugged during which she kissed me on the cheek. We then saw Nessa who said that my next gym battle was back in Motostoke. We then went to the pokemon center after seeing that it was getting late and we had dinner and went to bed for the night and in the morning we had breakfast and started to head out to Motostoke.

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