Part 40: Sinnoh gym number 8

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After winning my 7th Sinnoh badge at the Snowpoint City gym, Dawn and I left Snowpoint City and went to Lake Acuity where we saw that Galactic Commander Jupiter had just finished capturing uxie was leaving the lake. We then found out that Team Galactic were heading to their base at Veilstone City so we headed back through the snowy field and when we got back into the cave through Mt Coronet, we took off our snow clothes since our regular clothes were underneath and we didn't need our snow clothes anymore, then we headed back to Veilstone City where we saw that we would need a special key to get into Team Galactic's main base, so we went to the building next to the main Galactic building and battled some Team Galactic members until we found a key that one of them dropped and used it to infiltrate the base until we found Cyrus doing a big meeting with the rest of Team Galactic about how they were going to use the legendary pokemon dialga and palkia to destroy and recreate the universe. After the meeting, a man disguised as a member of Team Galactic whose name was Looker was pretending to be one to find out information about their plans told us that Team Galactic were holding pokemon from the lake, uxie, mesprit and azelf were being held captive. He also told us that he was a member of the international police and that he was grateful for our help. We then continued onwards and battled more members of Team Galactic before finding Cyrus who, seeing as as a threat to our plans, battled me and just like last time, it eventually came down to Buzz Buzz and his golbat. This time, Buzz Buzz was not as beaten up but I still thought that golbat was a bit too fast for a little while. Then, coming up with a brilliant idea, I said, "Buzz Buzz, use thunder punch on yourself." Using thunder punch on himself activated his motor drive ability making him much faster and then I was able to take out his golbat and win the battle. Cyrus then allowed us to free the lake pokemon since he didn't need them any longer and said that he was going to Spear Pillar and left. Tears of relief then started to flow down my face as Dawn hugged me and said that she told me I'd be able to beat him. We then noticed that he had left a couple of master balls behind and we took one each. We then continued to the room that the lake pokemon were in and saw that Galactic Commander Saturn was there and I battled him and won then we freed uxie, mesprit and azelf and they went back to their own lakes. We then went to the pokemon center for a rest and some lunch then we we worked out that the best way to get to Spear Pillar was via the cave just north of Oreburgh City and so we backtracked to that cave and continued on our way up and eventually we found some members of Team Galactic who we battled and eventually we got to the top of Spear Pillar and found Cyrus and Team Galactic there and we had to battle Galactic Commanders Mars and Jupiter which was a very time consuming but in the end, we won just fine. When we came up to Cyrus, who summoned dialga and palkia and said that if he wanted to save the universe, I would have to beat him in another rematch battle. This time, I had a much easier time battling him since I understood his pokemon and strategies, though his crobat caused me some problems but eventually I beat it and defeated Cyrus once and for all. Since dialga and palkia were in a rage at everything that had just happened, we had to use our master balls to catch them when suddenly Cynthia showed up and thanked us for saving Sinnoh. She then decided to take our master balls for safe keeping. With the problem of Team Galactic behind us, we started to make our way to Sunyshore City so I could have my final gym battle and along the way, Jawbreaker evolved into garchomp. We finally got to Sunyshore City and we went to the gym where I battled the trainers before coming up to the gym leader Volkner and said, "Hi, my name is Jason and I challenge you to a gym battle." "Alright, I accept your challenge Jason." He replied. We then got into our positions and Volkner sent out jolteon while I sent out Jawbreaker. "Jolteon, use shadow ball." Said Volkner. Jolteon's shadow ball hit Jawbreaker pretty hard doing decent damage. Then I said, "Jawbreaker, use earthquake." My newly evolved garchomp shook the ground hard doing huge damage taking jolteon out in one hit. "Jolteon is unable to battle, garchomp wins." Said the referee. Since Volkner hadn't been in a battling mood for a while, he suddenly started to feel more energetic but unfortunately for him Jawbreaker then proceeded to easily destroy his luxray, raichu and electivire in what was easily the best win I ever had in a gym battle. After calling Jawbreaker back to his pokeball and thanking him for winning me the battle so easily, Dawn and I ran over to each other and hugged each other tight for what was probably about a minute and she said that was the best battling she had ever seen me do. Then Volkner came over to me and said, "Congratulations Jason, as proof of your landslide victory at the Sunyshore City gym, I award you the beacon badge." After I had taken my newly won beacon badge, Volkner said, "I had been feeling kind of out of it for a few weeks now since winning battles so easily every day that it just became boring, but you beating me so effortlessly reignited my passion for battling. Also, now that you have 8 gym badges that means that you can enter the Sinnoh league." "Thanks Volkner." I replied. After leaving the gym, Dawn and I headed back to Sandgem Town at Professor Rowan's request after resting my pokemon at the pokemon center so that he could tell me more about the Sinnoh league.

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