Part 90: Heading home

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After completing our honeymoon cruise back to Vermilion City in Kanto, Lillie and I received a call from Professor Oak saying that he wanted us to come to his lab so he could talk about something. Lillie then took my hand and we started to make our way to Professor Oak's lab and along the way, Lillie asked me if I had a highlight of my pokemon journey to which I replied, "Well aside from us getting married, I'd probably say that it would probably be the Alola league because I'd say it had the most interesting format of any of the pokemon leagues I competed in and especially beating Leon. What about yours from when we started dating?" Lillie replied, "Well getting married obviously but aside from that, probably when you beat Leon since that was on the day we got engaged." "Yeah that was probably the best day of my life followed very closely by our wedding day." I replied. Eventually we arrived in Viridian City by the time it started getting late so we went to the pokemon center for dinner and went to bed for the night and in the morning we had breakfast and headed to Pallet Town to speak with Professor Oak. After the professor said hello to me, I said, "Hi Professor Oak, I'd like you to meet my new wife, Lillie." Professor Oak then said hello to Lillie and then said to me, "Now that you have beaten the Galar league you have beaten the pokemon league of every region discovered so far and now you've earned this switch that will allow you to go back to your world." I then asked in reply, "Will Lillie be able to come with me?" "I'm fairly sure she can, and when a new region is discovered, you can use that switch to come back into the pokemon world at will whenever you want. Be warned though, if you come back the portal will deactivate until you complete a certain task that will be revealed at the time" Said Professor Oak. In a huge relief, I hugged Lillie since I was worried about her not being able to bring her to my own world. Then I said to Professor Oak, "Bye Professor Oak, maybe I'll see you again one day." "Bye Jason, I enjoyed getting to know you. Also Lillie, if you wouldn't mind, I can take your pokemon and send them to your mother and if you ever come back to the pokemon world, I can call her to send them to you if necessary." Said Professor Oak. Then Lillie said, "That would be great, Professor Oak. It was nice meeting you." After saying our final goodbyes to Professor Oak, I pressed the switch that opened up a portal to my own world. Lillie then grabbed my hand and we went through the portal and on the other side, we found ourselves in the park that I had been walking in when I first got sent to the pokemon world and I showed her the way to my house. When we arrived back at my house, I knocked on the door and my dad answered it. He then called my mother to the door and she excitedly gave me a hug and said that I was missing for 5 months and I told her that I got sucked through a portal to the pokemon universe. I then said to them, "You might find this hard to believe, but this is my wife, Lillie. I met her in Alola and we got married after beating Leon in the Galar region." My parents quickly welcomed Lillie into our home and allowed us to stay until we could get jobs and were able to afford a house of our own. A few weeks later, we both managed to get jobs and moved into the house next door since my neighbor had moved a few days earlier. When we had settled in, we decided to start talking about our future together and said that whatever happened, we would deal with it together.

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